RIP civility on soulstrut



  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    Worst thread ever. Guy is asshurt and playing innocent about it.

    And here's an underrated Roy Ayers track that I like chillin out to

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    motown67 said:
    Worst thread ever. Guy is asshurt and playing innocent about it.


  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    what do i have to be asshurt about? i've been called and called others worse here. i think you're missing the point of this

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    what do i have to be asshurt about?

    Nothing. So shut up.

    i've been called and called others worse here.

    Pointless thread then.

    i think you're missing the point of this

    Some one is.

  • JimsterJimster 6,989 Posts
    The clue's in the name.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    kala said:
    after dizzybull poasted that i had been ass raped by my father as a child in one of our discussions and was not banned or reprimanded it was clear that anything goes here.

    this was in 04 i believe.

    I'd like to apologize for that, if it is not too late.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    This is brian from Hawaii? I'm with Kala... this does not jive.... account hijakced? Bi-polar? Strange.

  • SunfadeSunfade 799 Posts
    motown67 said:

    Yeah. I was always partial to "Baby, You've Changed"s underratedness.

    Is that the title? The first line is "Walked In The Party...Looked All A Aroouuunndd..."

  • SunfadeSunfade 799 Posts
    I'm adding the term "asshurt" to the things that annoy me thread.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts

    feel free to take this to DM's if it's not appropriate, but when exactly did you start becoming so outspoken for many of these right-leaning/conservative/capitalistic positions?

    I assume you are the same B from Hawaii? The one that moved up to NYC a few years back for a good job? (Yup, just checked pms, its you) I must have been drunk during this entire time, but it would seem that there has been a metamorphosis of your on-line demeanor over the years.

    From being remembered as the dude talkin bout the appropriation of southern rapstyles in Dip Set songs to now being known more in context of a Milton Friedman disciple. What did I miss here? Was this always your demeanor and you had previously just kept it close to your chest, or did you have some "enlightenment"?

    not trying to talk schitt....just seems like there has been a sea-change in how your persona is reflected on this board now and I'd be curious to know what happened.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    Gary said:
    This is brian from Hawaii? I'm with Kala... this does not jive.... account hijakced? Bi-polar? Strange.

    yeah...basically this.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    after dizzybull poasted that i had been ass raped by my father as a child in one of our discussions and was not banned or reprimanded it was clear that anything goes here.

    this was in 04 i believe.

    I'd like to apologize for that, if it is not too late.

    it's never too late
    apology accepted and i apologize for all the fucked up shit i said about your wife

  • kala said:
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    after dizzybull poasted that i had been ass raped by my father as a child in one of our discussions and was not banned or reprimanded it was clear that anything goes here.

    this was in 04 i believe.

    I'd like to apologize for that, if it is not too late.

    it's never too late
    apology accepted and i apologize for all the fucked up shit i said about your wife

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    kala said:
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    after dizzybull poasted that i had been ass raped by my father as a child in one of our discussions and was not banned or reprimanded it was clear that anything goes here.

    this was in 04 i believe.

    I'd like to apologize for that, if it is not too late.

    it's never too late
    apology accepted and i apologize for all the fucked up shit i said about your wife

    I don't recall you saying anything about my wife, but I accept your apology nonetheless.


  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    after dizzybull poasted that i had been ass raped by my father as a child in one of our discussions and was not banned or reprimanded it was clear that anything goes here.

    this was in 04 i believe.

    I'd like to apologize for that, if it is not too late.

    it's never too late
    apology accepted and i apologize for all the fucked up shit i said about your wife

    I don't recall you saying anything about my wife, but I accept your apology nonetheless.


    Soulstrut civility is back!

    Viva Civilty!

  • thus marking the end of the civility war.

    [c. april 09, 2013 - apr. 12, 2013]

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    after dizzybull poasted that i had been ass raped by my father as a child in one of our discussions and was not banned or reprimanded it was clear that anything goes here.

    this was in 04 i believe.

    I'd like to apologize for that, if it is not too late.

    it's never too late
    apology accepted and i apologize for all the fucked up shit i said about your wife

    I don't recall you saying anything about my wife, but I accept your apology nonetheless.


    If this can happen. Surely peace in the middle east is possible.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    after dizzybull poasted that i had been ass raped by my father as a child in one of our discussions and was not banned or reprimanded it was clear that anything goes here.

    this was in 04 i believe.

    I'd like to apologize for that, if it is not too late.

    it's never too late
    apology accepted and i apologize for all the fucked up shit i said about your wife

    I don't recall you saying anything about my wife, but I accept your apology nonetheless.


    This brought a tear to my eye.

    :why must I cry:

    :I suck at embedding graemlins:

  • kala said:
    this was in 04 i believe.

    PatrickCrazy said: the 7 years (wow) since then

    a war that saw even basic arithmetic bloodied and bruised.

  • This whole thread is making my vagina sore

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    kala said:
    this was in 04 i believe.

    PatrickCrazy said: the 7 years (wow) since then

    a war that saw even basic arithmetic bloodied and bruised.


  • leonleon 883 Posts
    skullsnaps said:
    This whole thread is making my vagina sore

    Civility IS back! as from today, we're calling 'cunts' 'vaginas' again!

    Tears welling up. Don't know why. Love you guys.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    i got swore at and insulted more yesterday than i have for my total soulstrut existence. can't we have discussions here without resorting to such behavior? is this really what it's come to?

    Are you kidding? Its the undercurrent that keeps this ship moving on the high internets seas. You've been on here long enough to know that.

    What you need is a musical angle. If she was musically talented, perhaps funk or jazz, you would be straight. There have been many a RIP thread loaded with teary eyed Strutters for people who were otherwise fantastic pieces of shit BUT were musically talented (feel free to pull the James Brown or Rick James RIP threads for comparison)

    Clearly the issue here is that Thatcher didn't produce an obscure northern soul 45.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    Gary said:
    kala said:
    after dizzybull poasted that i had been ass raped by my father as a child in one of our discussions and was not banned or reprimanded it was clear that anything goes here.

    this was in 04 i believe.

    I'd like to apologize for that, if it is not too late.

    it's never too late
    apology accepted and i apologize for all the fucked up shit i said about your wife

    I don't recall you saying anything about my wife, but I accept your apology nonetheless.


    This went from being one of the worse threads ever to a heartwarming tear jerker.

    I like to think that whatever Gary said was funny, because it was Gary and whatever Kala said was funny because it was so outrageously over the top.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    thus marking the end of the civility war.

    [c. april 09, 2013 - apr. 12, 2013]

    Quality post. I am going to start posting more Bible versus.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    grafwritah posts, no one bats an eye. now that's uncivilized.

  • Guzzo said:
    Why the fuck are you guys not talking about Oliver Cheatham?
    Guzzo said:
    Why the fuck are you guys not talking about Oliver Cheatham?
    Guzzo said:
    Why the fuck are you guys not talking about Oliver Cheatham?
    Guzzo said:
    Why the fuck are you guys not talking about Oliver Cheatham?
    Guzzo said:
    Why the fuck are you guys not talking about Oliver Cheatham?
    Guzzo said:
    Why the fuck are you guys not talking about Oliver Cheatham?
    Guzzo said:
    Why the fuck are you guys not talking about Oliver Cheatham?
    Guzzo said:
    Why the fuck are you guys not talking about Oliver Cheatham?
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