Relative new jack requesting knowledge to be dropped (origin of a SS graemlin-r)
(@_@) 1,654 Posts
This one...what's the story behind this one? I've always seen it and thought there has to be a story behind the dude and possibly a story behind the reason for it's creation.
Seems like an interesting bit of Strut knowledge that I'd be honored to have dropped on me.
If there is some type of initiation process for me to earn the right to have the story PM'd to me....I'm fuckin down.
This one...what's the story behind this one? I've always seen it and thought there has to be a story behind the dude and possibly a story behind the reason for it's creation.
Seems like an interesting bit of Strut knowledge that I'd be honored to have dropped on me.
If there is some type of initiation process for me to earn the right to have the story PM'd to me....I'm fuckin down.
This picture is amazing. I can't believe I've never seen it before. OPEN YOUR EYES, SHEEPLE!!!!