Subroc Be@rbrick MP3 player toy.

I am trying to get these Subroc beats to come out as a Medicom style toy with an MP3 inside with the tracks on it.
Basing it off the picture of Sub from the back of the 12" from 93.
This dude at Toytokyo in NYC is saying NO, everyone is saying NO.
The guys at DWG were really cool and wanted to put it out on vinyl. But i really am supporting the bearbrick idea.
Any help getting this done and I would love you. Its getting exhausting explaining to toy makers the idea.
Basing it off the picture of Sub from the back of the 12" from 93.
This dude at Toytokyo in NYC is saying NO, everyone is saying NO.
The guys at DWG were really cool and wanted to put it out on vinyl. But i really am supporting the bearbrick idea.
Any help getting this done and I would love you. Its getting exhausting explaining to toy makers the idea.