Jesus H. Tittys I wonder how those things look now. I bet she is like 20 in that picture thinking "oh man my tits are badass" and now she is like in her mid 60s and each titty probably weighs ten pounds. they probably hang down to her belly button and that beaver probably has grown up to her belly button so they meet each other. beaver probably scratches the back of her tits but she doesnt even care because, well lets face it, she's probably divorced, right? Somebody probably married her for her tits, and and soon as those things went south so did the marriage. He left her, and she became an alcoholic, and stopped caring. but not enough to end it all, because deep down iside is a sweet, insecure girl who just wants to be loved, and there is always a chance, you know. probably drives to fast down the country roads just hoping to get pulled over by an older gentleman, a sheriff no doubt, with a gruff exterior but a heart of gold, who is also a bit of an old time music lover, and she'll roll down the windown, a few buttons undone on her blouse, and he'll lean down and say 'uh ma'am do you know how fast you were going?" and next thing you know they are riding white stallions through be-daisied meadows.
Jesus H. Tittys I wonder how those things look now. I bet she is like 20 in that picture thinking "oh man my tits are badass" and now she is like in her mid 60s and each titty probably weighs ten pounds. they probably hang down to her belly button and that beaver probably has grown up to her belly button so they meet each other. beaver probably scratches the back of her tits but she doesnt even care because, well lets face it, she's probably divorced, right? Somebody probably married her for her tits, and and soon as those things went south so did the marriage. He left her, and she became an alcoholic, and stopped caring. but not enough to end it all, because deep down iside is a sweet, insecure girl who just wants to be loved, and there is always a chance, you know. probably drives to fast down the country roads just hoping to get pulled over by an older gentleman, a sheriff no doubt, with a gruff exterior but a heart of gold, who is also a bit of an old time music lover, and she'll roll down the windown, a few buttons undone on her blouse, and he'll lean down and say 'uh ma'am do you know how fast you were going?" and next thing you know they are riding white stallions through be-daisied meadows.
Jesus H. Tittys I wonder how those things look now. I bet she is like 20 in that picture thinking "oh man my tits are badass" and now she is like in her mid 60s and each titty probably weighs ten pounds. they probably hang down to her belly button and that beaver probably has grown up to her belly button so they meet each other. beaver probably scratches the back of her tits but she doesnt even care because, well lets face it, she's probably divorced, right? Somebody probably married her for her tits, and and soon as those things went south so did the marriage. He left her, and she became an alcoholic, and stopped caring. but not enough to end it all, because deep down iside is a sweet, insecure girl who just wants to be loved, and there is always a chance, you know. probably drives to fast down the country roads just hoping to get pulled over by an older gentleman, a sheriff no doubt, with a gruff exterior but a heart of gold, who is also a bit of an old time music lover, and she'll roll down the windown, a few buttons undone on her blouse, and he'll lean down and say 'uh ma'am do you know how fast you were going?" and next thing you know they are riding white stallions through be-daisied meadows.
Thanks! So much catching up to do!
Long time reader, short time poster.
Running a record store for the past 3 years has
kept my internetting to a minimum.
There may have been a pic of me on here at one time. You weirdos.
Trying to accomplish some sexy-grown-up stuff aka real world moves.
I miss you, SoulStrut.
Yeah yeah yeah...go bake a cake or something.
I don't
:face_melt: :comedy_gold:
It looks like she's finally bored of blogging on records tho. No post in 3 months. Real world moves perhaps!
I've met Raj. I can confirm this is what he looks like. Lovely man.
She looks like she has a pituitary disorder Y'ALL
I've met Raj. I can confirm this is what he looks like. Lovely man.
Raj is a guest blogger on Waxpoetics too!
I didn't know, has this been discussed before?
Welcome back btw.
Long time reader, short time poster.
Running a record store for the past 3 years has
kept my internetting to a minimum.