Sweatshop Union

How does the Strut collective feel about Sweatshop Union?
I used to remember thinking theses guys were wack dudes coming out the Canadian west coast BattleAxe scene...
Then I picked up this EP. Really dug the beats and sounds.

Video for Bill Murray - title track that uses Bill Murray as replacement slang for ill.

Thoughts?? I don't know if you've checked out these two projects, but if you had previously filed them under "do not check for" then you might be missing out.
I used to remember thinking theses guys were wack dudes coming out the Canadian west coast BattleAxe scene...
Then I picked up this EP. Really dug the beats and sounds.

Video for Bill Murray - title track that uses Bill Murray as replacement slang for ill.

Thoughts?? I don't know if you've checked out these two projects, but if you had previously filed them under "do not check for" then you might be missing out.
I think they may be private mindgarden music for me. I enjoy these two releases a lot and they have spent a lot of time in my day-to-day listening. But I have not had a lot of people echo my enthusiasm when I play it for them. There are two guys with a voice/flow that kinda annoy me, but I can overlook it. The big appeal for me is the production and beats.