"You didn't build that."



  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    BearClaw said:
    Rockadelic said:
    LaserWolf said:

    We don't want any diverse opinions or differing view points here, so all you fur-in-ers fuck off.

    I think you meant to post this to the Bear Claw dude.

    Yeah, if I was a super villain I would turn everybody into clones and take anyway the seasons.

    What you have to understand about this place is that they will tolerate any opinion as long as it isn't different than theirs.

    that's ridiculous, we tolerate your opinion

    dude is trolling st8 up.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Rockadelic said:
    BearClaw said:
    Rockadelic said:
    LaserWolf said:

    We don't want any diverse opinions or differing view points here, so all you fur-in-ers fuck off.

    I think you meant to post this to the Bear Claw dude.

    Yeah, if I was a super villain I would turn everybody into clones and take anyway the seasons.

    What you have to understand about this place is that they will tolerate any opinion as long as it isn't different than theirs.

    that's ridiculous, we tolerate your opinion

    dude is trolling st8 up.

    JP....It took me years to convince people here I wasn't an evil Republican with Conservative views.

    We have a dude here who claims to be a Socialist and half his political posts read like he's fresh off a lobotomy and no one says a word.

    About half our country thinks like this dude and from my view no one here tolerates it with any level of respect.

    (We're not attacking his views, we're attacking his stupidity...but of course anyone with those views has to be stupid.)

    If you can't admit that you're either naive or intellectually dishonest.

    And the term "trolling" is used here to describe anyone who dares to convey a Republican or Conservative view.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    thanks for ruining my thread with your partisan bickering bros.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Duderonomy said:
    I shall stay out of this before Rock tells me off for bumping my gums & knowing nothing.

    I watched a documentary this weekend about Tommy Robinson and the EDL. I would never come here and spout off about how the UK is filled with Islamaphobic bigots because it would be like the pot calling the kettle dark earl grey.

    It's like talking bad about your own family....you can do it, but if someone else calls your brother a wanker he's in for a back passage beating.

    America has enough critics stateside....we don't need some misog who is mad keen on piling on from across the pond......mate.

    The difference is America has way more influence in other countries... It's not the other way around. US policies even have the ability to push other countries into war, where probably the majority of the citizens of those countries don't want to be in. The idea that someone in the UK shouldn't get to voice their opinion, when there is the possibly that what goes on could effect them seems misguided.

    Unless you are of the belief that who the president is, doesn't effect anyone else in the world...

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    We have over 150 dead in Afghanistan since 2002.

    But I'm not sure what that has to do with anything... /s

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    I guess it depends on how far down the rabbit hole you want to go. Did you build that building? Or was there a contractor? A subcontractor? A hand of locals? A supplier? The local hardware store? Home Depot? You know those big boxes get some big tax breaks to locate there. And why did they pick that spot? Was there a community planner involved? I will say one thing for damn sure if that we can't count on business to design an actual town center, we need teh government for that! The suburb where my parents live has this like mile-long stretch of abandoned and closed car dealerships that is just a terrible blight -- the location was OK but in a slow-growing economy it doesn't take that much brains to see why they failed in the spot.

    Point being: It's a stupid soundbyte on Obama's part and I bet whomever the junior speechwriter who wrote that shit was been reprimanded. I say, Let's have that discussion. Let's have the most droll basic talk on, What Role Does Government Play In Our Life? I think it's one the Democrats are going to win. Who is more about the community's well being, the corporation or the government?

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    BearClaw said:
    1. Romney went to Yale for post grad. I don't know where he went for undergrad.

    2. He did volunteer work abroad.

    3. He helped start up Sports Authority and Staples.

    4. He worked on the winter Olympics when they were in a financial bind and did a good job.

    5. He's Morman (there is nothing wrong with that) married and has a family.

    These are reasons I think he is fit for the White House.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    white_tea said:
    Point being: It's a stupid soundbyte on Obama's part and I bet whomever the junior speechwriter who wrote that shit was been reprimanded. I say, Let's have that discussion. Let's have the most droll basic talk on, What Role Does Government Play In Our Life? I think it's one the Democrats are going to win. Who is more about the community's well being, the corporation or the government?

    There's nothing stupid about what Obama said. What he said is traditional progressive American morality. Abraham Lincoln wouldn't have had a problem with it. JFK's most famous quote states basically the same ethic. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." It's about recognizing your country and those who came before you and the part they played in making your success possible.

    Romney supporters have a different ethic, which can be summed up with, "Fuck you, Jack. I've got mine. Now I want more, and if that means you end up with nothing, I don't give a damn." So the GOP isn't just the party that's most friendly to racists, gay-bashers and anti-intellectuals. It's also the party that's most friendly to assholes who want to eliminate all social safety nets and return to the 90s.

    The 1890s.

    I guess I didn't mean that it was stupid, just that in this point in time, you can't even have a :pasue: in there. Messing up the cadence of a well crafted bit of whatever can turn something into a soundbyte for the wrong reason and that's the just the reality of having cameras rolling nonstop and campaigns being able to turn that around into a commercial in no time. Think Mitt Romney isn't regretting giving "America the Beautiful" the old college try? Maybe it sounded alright at the event -- I doubt it -- but it's not sounding right in Obama's new ad.

  • white_tea said:
    Who is more about the community's well being, the corporation or the government?

    This depends on whether you're talking about intentions or actual results.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Hey, Thyme/LMJ,

    Please expand on your vast knowledge of private equity that leads you to believe that all it does is exploit communities. ty ty ty.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Romney badger!

    The most amazing thing about this clip is that there's a Charles Nelson Reilly Jr.

    I would have bet against that.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    What about the Fox interview with the little girls asking them if they had any help from the government to start their Lemonade stand? Sheer stupidity. Also, it proves Obama's point....the citrus farm that the Lemons were grown on recieved subsidies to make the Lemons affordable, the water they used was cleaned and kept safe by a city government, and the sugar processing plant is subject to govt regulation to ensure the sugar is inot contaminated...such a horseshit piece.

  • Thymebomb13 said:
    SmallAxeRick said:
    white_tea said:
    Who is more about the community's well being, the corporation or the government?

    This depends on whether you're talking about intentions or actual results.

    This makes no sense at all.

    Corporations, as I've been told time and time again, are only supposed to care about their shareholders, not "the community."

    This explains why Bain, which was 100% owned by Willard Romney until 2002-2003, did not give a single goddamn about any community, anywhere, beyond caring about how it could exploit them.

    Meanwhile I (or anyone with any real knowledge of reality) could list all sorts of government programs that added to the well being of communities across the nation.

    So what it actually depends upon is the nature of the corporation and the bent of the government at any particular time.

    Either way the question is much more complicated than you seem to be willing to acknowledge,

    good lord!! moelarryandjesus, frankiemeltzer, pelvimust, nomoregarcia etc. etc. has returned (again).

    should we start a pool on how long it takes for him to get banned this time?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I don't think it is him.
    Thyme registered in May, has posted 41 times.

    Besides, he is a liberal and we only ban conservatives.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    good lord!! moelarryandjesus, frankiemeltzer, pelvimust, nomoregarcia etc. etc. has returned (again).

    should we start a pool on how long it takes for him to get banned this time?

    Even if it is him, which I don't think it is, are you unable to comment on the substance of his statement?

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    Rockadelic said:

    What you have to understand about this place is that they will tolerate any opinion as long as it isn't different than theirs.

    You know, this has sort of stuck with me, and I want to address it...

    Right now, I will not tolerate the opinion of the current Republican Party, or any of its members. Maybe some fringe types like Ron Paul/Rand Paul, who I think actually believe what they say and are willing to go against the party line (and, for my wiseass comment above, I believe Harvey is genuine in his beliefs and his rolling with Paul).

    But, seriously, the current Republican party is built on a divisive, classist, racist, and sexist platform, and they do little to hide that fact. They allow zero room for independent thought, and are all about an ideologically pure party-line. They are beholden to the NRA and Grover Norquist (seriously, THAT fucking guy?) to an absurd degree, laugh at the idea of compromise, think nothing of taking away social and educational safety nets to force upper-class tax cuts on the country, love the idea of voter suppression while cloaking themselves in the Constitution and talk of "Freedom," and are generally the most loathsome group of politicians I have ever encountered. I think they have ZERO principals outside of their rigid party-line and winning elections, and as a friend put it, "are the ideological step-children of the confederacy."

    If you say you're an independent but conservative, let's talk. I can understand conservativism.

    But, if you throw your hat in the ring with the bunch of arrogant and proudly ignorant bunch that call themselves the modern Republican party, then you can fuck right off and I have no interest in your stance on things. None. And, frankly, I will probably think less of you for who you associate with.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    gareth said:

    But, seriously, the current Republican party is built on a divisive, classist, racist, and sexist platform, and they do little to hide that fact.

    I don't actually think that about much of the republican party. It's the likes of the tea party which has hijacked a portion of the party. Many in the party know it. The question is, does it get any worse or do fiscal and moderates take the party back.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    DOR said:
    gareth said:

    But, seriously, the current Republican party is built on a divisive, classist, racist, and sexist platform, and they do little to hide that fact.

    I don't actually think that about much of the republican party. It's the likes of the tea party which has hijacked a portion of the party. Many in the party know it. The question is, does it get any worse or do fiscal and moderates take the party back.

    While you may be right, and I think you are, the most disgusting thing is that the party will tolerate, or even promote those qualities, in order to win elections, or to raise money. Look at the stooge they have running for president... He will cater to all of those lowest-common denominator qualities to win. To me, that is almost more damning then actually being racist or sexist or suppressing voters.

    Edit to add: I think there was a time when politicians like McCain held sway within the party, and I honestly admire the work he did on bills like McCain-Feingold. But, I feel like the Boehners/McConnells/Cantors have obliterated that, and until they're gone, the GOP is dead to me. And to be fair, the took McCain with them...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Speaking of McCain. The recent events involving him, Bachmann, Abedin, Gohmert and Wes Harris are a perfect example of the bullshit. Very few will in the party will stand up to them. And seeing McCain get attacked, I can see why.

    I have no doubt in my mind the opinions people express on the topic about, if Reagan was to try and run today he would get creamed by the tea party who uses his name like a savior.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    gareth said:
    DOR said:
    gareth said:

    But, seriously, the current Republican party is built on a divisive, classist, racist, and sexist platform, and they do little to hide that fact.

    I don't actually think that about much of the republican party. It's the likes of the tea party which has hijacked a portion of the party. Many in the party know it. The question is, does it get any worse or do fiscal and moderates take the party back.

    While you may be right, and I think you are, the most disgusting thing is that the party will tolerate, or even promote those qualities, in order to win elections, or to raise money. Look at the stooge they have running for president... He will cater to all of those lowest-common denominator qualities to win. To me, that is almost more damning then actually being racist or sexist or suppressing voters.

    Edit to add: I think there was a time when politicians like McCain held sway within the party, and I honestly admire the work he did on bills like McCain-Feingold. But, I feel like the Boehners/McConnells/Cantors have obliterated that, and until they're gone, the GOP is dead to me. And to be fair, the took McCain with them...

    I feel you.
    "Look at the stooge they have running for president... He will cater to all of those lowest-common denominator qualities to win. To me, that is almost more damning then actually being racist or sexist or suppressing voters."

    To Romney's credit he has managed, so far, to keep racism out of his ads and statements.
    On the other hand he is happy to share the stage with Donald Trump.
    It could be (and no doubt later will be) worse.

    Last I heard, Palin and Paul had not received invites to the convention.
    They are trying to move their image to the center. (For the presidential race.)

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    They're not really moving to the center that much, though. The thing is, no matter how this election turns out, the GOP is peakin' hard right now and they can't keep trying to appeal only to older, white well-off people, strictly from a population perspective -- that won't win too many more races from a strictly numbers perspective. Right now, they certainly aren't ingratiating themselves to blacks, Latinos, women, LGBTs -- only white dudes and their wives. Did anyone else read Frank Rich's column this week, about Mayberry? Had a nice kicker at the end.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    good lord!! moelarryandjesus, frankiemeltzer, pelvimust, nomoregarcia etc. etc. has returned (again).

    should we start a pool on how long it takes for him to get banned this time?

    Even if it is him, which I don't think it is,

    It's definitely him.
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