IS there a cheap way to ship 20+ records?
8,611 Posts
I'm trying to ship a good amount of LP's to someone and the only method I know is to pack 3-4 per record mailer. seems like there's got to a be a better economical method than this, anyone had to ship a large stack to someone before? Whats the best way to do it?
Global Express or something. You can see it all on the web site.
Find a box and some styrofoam padding, or else pay another $15-20 for that shit. If you use different padding, you'll pay more in postage.
It holds about 150 when totally filled.
> Outer mailer top: two cardboard inserts at top plus 7 records underneath
> Middle mailer #1: 9 LPs
> Middle mailer #2: 9 LPs
> Outer mailer bottom: 7 records + two inserts at bottom.
^ That's32 LPs right there. Add more middle mailers as needed.
Sorry for the grueling / boring-ass post, but I've shipped up to 50 records at once using this method, usually only having to pay no more than $12-15 plus cost of mailers. Also, it seems far more sturdy that just shipping all in the same box. Any more than 50, and I'd just double box the LPs inside two 13 x 13 x 13" double-ply's.
Finally figured this out a few monthes ago after years of shipping 10-20 records at a time overseas. Makes the most sense and saves the most $, expecially if you only have record mailers available as mailing material.