2012 NFL Thread

RisingsonRisingson 696 Posts
edited March 2012 in Strut Central
Ok so this can't be ignored anymore.

Manning - Cards, Phins, Titans, Broncos - that was it, today it was down to the Broncos & Titans, ESPN & NFL.com now reporting that the 49ers are in the mix!! Manning to Moss next season?

How about some of the other FA pickups? Mario Williams 50mil guaranteed! I feel sorry for Bills fans, good player but what a reach.....hasn't finished 16 games the last two seasons


  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Sanchez contract extension made no wall in my apt safe from punching.
    I don't think Peyton can properly come back from his injury.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    This is one of the more entertaining free agency years in memory.

    LOL @ Tebowmania over in Denver (or in general for that matter).

  • EIGHTYEIGHTY 224 Posts
    My Bears ended up getting Brandon Marshall so Cutler can have that "chemistry" with someone. It will be a matter of time before he gets his ass in trouble again, but Cutler says that he won't be a problem. He should watch out though, Marshall don't do good with relationships. He might end up getting choked out or punched in the face in the locker room if he pisses dude off. Lol

  • RisingsonRisingson 696 Posts
    Wow! So Manning is a Bronco & Tebow is out the door. Who saw that coming two months ago?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Risingson said:
    Wow! So Manning is a Bronco & Tebow is out the door. Who saw that coming two months ago?

    This was really the ONLY scenario.

    Elway wants Tebow out and there was only one way to do it without pissing off the fan base.

    No one can complain about Manning over Tebow.....you can bet that part of the deal was part ownership and a job for life.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Elway is an idiot IMO. How are you going to so immediately shit on the only qb to take your team anywhere in quite some time? And how are you going to throw away all that Tebow mania money for your franchise as well?

    Just because you insist on having a qb who plays in the same style as you? Who is injured and almost as old as you? Dolt of the year award right there!

  • cookbookcookbook 783 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Risingson said:
    Wow! So Manning is a Bronco & Tebow is out the door. Who saw that coming two months ago?

    This was really the ONLY scenario.

    Elway wants Tebow out and there was only one way to do it without pissing off the fan base.

    No one can complain about Manning over Tebow.....you can bet that part of the deal was part ownership and a job for life.

    agreed. this was the only scenario, manning was not going to one of these bare-bones franchises, denver is a fairly established team with some loose ends that peyton can hopefully fix.

    it is the most boring move, but i am just happy the situation is (basically) over with.

    as a colts fan, i am ready for this new indy team... LUCK 4 LYFE

  • RisingsonRisingson 696 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:

    Just because you insist on having a qb who plays in the same style as you? Who is injured and almost as old as you? Dolt of the year award right there!

    the 49ers & Titans watched him throw aswell & obviously felt the injury isn't affecting his throws anymore. Even a 85-90% Manning is a vast improvement on a 100% Tebow. The Tebow thing was great to watch last season but it was a flash in the pan, the Chiefs & Pats had him sussed late last year and with a whole off season to dissect him no doubt the rest of the league will have him sussed to. Like I said it was great for a few games but no way that shit is a viable long term option. Manning obviously is not a long term fix either but should be good for 3-4 years, hopefully the Broncos can draft a QB somewhere in the next draft or two to sit behind Manning & eventually take over from him once he does retire.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    One good hit and Manning is done forever.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    One good hit and Manning is done forever.

    This. Sterling Sharpe had this exact same injury and was told to not play again. He was an AMAZING tough player. I wouldn't call Manning "tough." I wish him the best, but as a fan, I'm pretty concerned for his well being. Additionally, he can't move like Tebow, so, they either have to be gang tight on the line (I don't think they are) and make that so pfq.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    One good hit and Manning is done forever.


  • cookbookcookbook 783 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    One good hit and Manning is done forever.

    THE 2012 bounty

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    The_Non said:
    I wouldn't call Manning "tough."

    208 consecutive starts isn't tough? It's second all-time for QBs.

    That said, I wouldn't sign him at this point.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    One good hit and Manning is done forever.

    Same with any other player in the league. What's your point?

    Also, the fact that you think Manning isn't in upgrade not only at the position, but also for the fanbase shows is a bit odd. All those Tebow jerseys will become brand spanking new Manning jerseys. Manning is one of the few elite players with a Q rating through the roof. Cha-ching!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    One good hit and Manning is done forever.

    Same with any other player in the league. What's your point?

    Change that to "Just about any hit that is still allowed with the NFL over-protective QB rules that are in place and Manning is done forever".

    The point is he's old, damaged goods and has a target on his back....not a good combination.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    If Manning does get injured there will be many photo shopped pics of Tebow doing his Tebow thing over his Manning ruined body. Did I mention I hate the Broncos?

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    One good hit and Manning is done forever.

    Same with any other player in the league. What's your point?

    Change that to "Just about any hit that is still allowed with the NFL over-protective QB rules that are in place and Manning is done forever".

    The point is he's old, damaged goods and has a target on his back....not a good combination.

    Nah. Every player: healthy/damaged, young/old, understands that their career can be done in an instant. Plus, the Broncos O-line is stout.

    I'm shocked he didn't go to the Niners. They are stacked on offense. Davis, Manningham, Moss, Gore!!! He must not have wanted to piss in Eli's sandbox.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    One good hit and Manning is done forever.

    Same with any other player in the league. What's your point?

    Change that to "Just about any hit that is still allowed with the NFL over-protective QB rules that are in place and Manning is done forever".

    The point is he's old, damaged goods and has a target on his back....not a good combination.

    Nah. Every player: healthy/damaged, young/old, understands that their career can be done in an instant. Plus, the Broncos O-line is stout.

    I'm shocked he didn't go to the Niners. They are stacked on offense. Davis, Manningham, Moss, Gore!!! He must not have wanted to piss in Eli's sandbox.

    I think the selling point is that the Broncos are going to let Peyton run the offense.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    This was an easy choice for Elway, he just wanted a way out of having to play Tebow. If Manning gets hurt I don't think Elway even cares that much, obviously it's a huge setback but so was having to waste a full season or two waiting for Tebow to prove that he is or isn't a full time starter in the NFL. If Peyton gets them some big national exposure, some playoff wins and sells a shitload of jerseys even better.

    I don't think Peyton was ever seriously considering San Francisco or any NFC team for that matter. Too many unfamiliar players and coaches to deal with over there. And he didn't want to go to Miami and have to go thru the Pats and Jets just tomake the playoffs. He knows he has a limited time frame to work with, going AFC West is the easier move for sure. Plus he probably avoids playing his brother this way.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    asstro said:
    This was an easy choice for Elway, he just wanted a way out of having to play Tebow. If Manning gets hurt I don't think Elway even cares that much, obviously it's a huge setback but so was having to waste a full season or two waiting for Tebow to prove that he is or isn't a full time starter in the NFL. If Peyton gets them some big national exposure, some playoff wins and sells a shitload of jerseys even better.

    Sorry, dude, but just about nothing you said in that paragraph makes any sense.

    Tebow just led a shitty Broncos team to the playoffs and even won a game there. He also brought as much national exposure than could ever be expected short of a Super Bowl and sold jerseys out the wazoo. Yeah, I know full well Elway doesn't like Tebow's style of play...but to replace him by paying even more to a dude that likely won't even last a single season due to age/injuries isn't even close to a smart solution IMO...especially on an offesne that has no other all-pro caliber weapons. This is going to go badly for the Broncos, mark my words.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    asstro said:
    This was an easy choice for Elway, he just wanted a way out of having to play Tebow. If Manning gets hurt I don't think Elway even cares that much, obviously it's a huge setback but so was having to waste a full season or two waiting for Tebow to prove that he is or isn't a full time starter in the NFL. If Peyton gets them some big national exposure, some playoff wins and sells a shitload of jerseys even better.

    Sorry, dude, but just about nothing you said in that paragraph makes any sense.

    Tebow just led a shitty Broncos team to the playoffs and even won a game there. He also brought as much national exposure than could ever be expected short of a Super Bowl and sold jerseys out the wazoo. Yeah, I know full well Elway doesn't like Tebow's style of play...but to replace him by paying even more to a dude that likely won't even last a single season due to age/injuries isn't even close to a smart solution IMO...especially on an offesne that has no other all-pro caliber weapons. This is going to go badly for the Broncos, mark my words.

    I agree with Harvey that Broncos will be worse off with Manning but for a different reason. In Indy, Manning had outstanding wide receiver talent in Reggie Wayne and Marvin Harrison.. In Denver, he'll have Eric Decker and Demaryius Thomas, who are average/sub-par. And my Chargers just picked up speedy Eddie Royal from the Broncos, leaving one less weapon for Manning.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    asstro said:
    This was an easy choice for Elway, he just wanted a way out of having to play Tebow. If Manning gets hurt I don't think Elway even cares that much, obviously it's a huge setback but so was having to waste a full season or two waiting for Tebow to prove that he is or isn't a full time starter in the NFL. If Peyton gets them some big national exposure, some playoff wins and sells a shitload of jerseys even better.

    Sorry, dude, but just about nothing you said in that paragraph makes any sense.

    Tebow just led a shitty Broncos team to the playoffs and even won a game there. He also brought as much national exposure than could ever be expected short of a Super Bowl and sold jerseys out the wazoo. Yeah, I know full well Elway doesn't like Tebow's style of play...but to replace him by paying even more to a dude that likely won't even last a single season due to age/injuries isn't even close to a smart solution IMO...especially on an offesne that has no other all-pro caliber weapons. This is going to go badly for the Broncos, mark my words.

    It's absolutely bizarre that you're rating Tebow's skills over Manning's. If an average (or if we want to keep it real, below average QB) like Timmy T can lead a "shitty Broncos team to the playoffs", then why wouldn't a future HOFer, and quite possibly the greatest QB to ever play be able to do better? Age? His 35, he's got at least quality 3 more years left in the tank. John Elway won 2 SBs at the ages of 37 and 38. Injuries? That's a question mark, granted. But, the Broncos and several other teams with their professional talent assesors felt Manning was a good investment knowing full well his neck sitch.

    But hey, I'm marking your words.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts

    I agree with Harvey that Broncos will be worse off with Manning but for a different reason. In Indy, Manning had outstanding wide receiver talent in Reggie Wayne and Marvin Harrison.. In Denver, he'll have Eric Decker and Demaryius Thomas, who are average/sub-par. And my Chargers just picked up speedy Eddie Royal from the Broncos, leaving one less weapon for Manning.

    You don't think it's possible that Manning is the reason why Wayne and Harrison put the up the numbers they have? Easy way to find out on Wayne: What were his numbers last year? For Harrison, all one has to do is look at his numbers when Jim Sorgi was in.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts


  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    RAJ said:



    --and throw a wounded duck for an interception.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    RAJ said:



    Maybe if he was lil more rapey, you would like him.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    RAJ said:



    Maybe if he was lil more rapey, you would like him.

    The Rape comeback is original... I have never heard that one before.

    Tim Tebow is not an NFL QB plain and simple. A bright future on the Christian College Lecture Circuit awaits.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    And capping on The South is original?

    Must really suck that your team lost to a sandlot qb. Shit, at least mine lost to Alex "Lumpy Pants" Smith.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    asstro said:
    This was an easy choice for Elway, he just wanted a way out of having to play Tebow. If Manning gets hurt I don't think Elway even cares that much, obviously it's a huge setback but so was having to waste a full season or two waiting for Tebow to prove that he is or isn't a full time starter in the NFL. If Peyton gets them some big national exposure, some playoff wins and sells a shitload of jerseys even better.

    Sorry, dude, but just about nothing you said in that paragraph makes any sense.

    Tebow just led a shitty Broncos team to the playoffs and even won a game there. He also brought as much national exposure than could ever be expected short of a Super Bowl and sold jerseys out the wazoo. Yeah, I know full well Elway doesn't like Tebow's style of play...but to replace him by paying even more to a dude that likely won't even last a single season due to age/injuries isn't even close to a smart solution IMO...especially on an offesne that has no other all-pro caliber weapons. This is going to go badly for the Broncos, mark my words.

    It may well end badly for Denver, but I think it's pretty well proven that Manning makes his receivers better, not the other way around. Other than Marvin Harrison, what great WR's was he throwing to in Indy? Garcon? Gonzalez? Collie? As was already pointed out, Reggie Wayne didn't exactly tear the league up last year either. Thomas, Decker, and whoever else are at wideout are going to look way better with Manning throwing to them at 75% effectiveness than they did with Tebow overthrowing and skipping the ball to them. They may only have one all-pro with Manning there, but they had zero with Tebow.

    I'm not even a Tebow hater, he's obviously a hard worker, a tough player, and he has intangibles that seem to get results. But he has a long way to go before he will even be a competent NFL QB.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    Chiefs will win the AFC west
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