Stone Coal White
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This shit is sick.
That is all.
That is all.
You're kidding, right? :walk_away_son:
About the group shot yes. But if I came across that in a bin somewhere, I wouldn't bat an eye.
I wasn't holding ROB up as something ideal. I prefer the OG cover. I just heard an overwhelming amount of negative criticism of it but haven't heard much about Stone Coal. Obviously you are enamored of it.
In this case the music speaks for itself.
Me too. It's an album from a dead band!
The big difference is that the Stone Coal White cover wasn't used in place of an awesome OG design.
I wrote on Waxidermy that this is "first Funkadelic good", which is a slight bit of hyperbole, but not much. This a major find for those of us who treasure wasted soul, which there is not enough of, imo.
Plus, at least they went through the trouble and had a real tombstone made.
I might have gone for a creepy cemetery shot, though.
And the music is harder than the Wisconsin State Fair! coal white
Cheapest with the latter, just placed my order.
Yes, enamored... obviously. Actually I'm pretty content with the cover art on mine...
I'm enamored of that as well. Touche'.