Fela Kuti "Expensive Shit" editions makossa pressing question

For the US editions makossa pressing, how many variations are there? What's the chronological order? Are there any pricing differences?

I have the last one, but always wondered what the deal was.

I have the last one, but always wondered what the deal was.
This is pressing I have also, and the label says 1979.
My completely uneducated guess would be the red-label one. Most of the of-era releases came out on it.
Not as good as Orig Afro pressings.
Same here!
Makossa company 12" sleeve.
I bought 'Kalakuta Show' on a Makossa pressing and it sounds TERRIBLE. Definitely like it was cut from a vinyl/cassette, and not from the original tapes. I don't want to be 'that audiophile guy', but it got me wondering (A lot of other Fela records I'm looking for only have an affordable 2nd press etc on Makossa).
However if they all sound like crap then I'll stop checking for them
Anyone care to chime in on their Fela experiences?