Let me stop you right there
Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
Male co-worker the other day: "Have you ever seen that episode of Sex in the City where???"
Me: "Let me stop you right there. No. I can guarantee you that I have not."
Please to add on.
Me: "Let me stop you right there. No. I can guarantee you that I have not."
Please to add on.
"when you've spent the weekend at a bath house...."
(the look on his face when i explained to him what activities take place in the bath houses here was on par with the crying indian in that anti-litter commercial)
Me "Let me stop you right there, no."
I think I know why!
For me, it's:
"Hey, I have a new club night. It's Tuesdays and we spin--"
No, I don't.
And if I did, I would never admit it.
Jesus. Fuck. No.
Just a second, there, professor....
I can sympatize with that one.
"Let me stop you righ there and ask you if you are insinuating that i LOOK like someone who woudl play golf?"
Right. It's not like I even own pink pants.
Then what the hell do you wear to Anti-Death Penalty Rallies??
It's a joke for all you hyper-sensitive types.
"GARDEN STATE is my favorite movie."
Anyone who puts headphones on my ears and says "This band will change your life"
"Yeah, were just gigging around locally, but were gonna start touring soon. I think youd dig us. Our name is Funk..."
"LMSTYRT. I will not like your band if you have the work "Funk" in your name"
I can relate.
"Surely you would not say this things to me - "
"I know it's Friday and you're finishing in 5 minutes, but....."
L M S Y R T!
"You know that episode of Family Guy where the baby.."
L M S Y R T!
OKAAAAAAAAY. I live near a "town square" that does summer concerts. Guess who was playing last night? Funk Stop.
gross. that movie was/is a litmus test for me determining if i am going to like you.
.....LMSYRT yeah, i don't go into the city on the weekends.
i'm the reverse B&T trying to go further away when the weekend comes around.
Haha... this one kills me!
These are great... somebody with spare time and web skills should make this a user generated blog. Wait, did I just say user generated blog? Let me stop me right there...
I'm thinking aboput getting a tattoo...
NZ? I've been to Australia...
Ha! See also:
"You wanna know the worst tattoo I've ever seen?"
LMSYRT. I'm not preaching, no need to get defensive.
Other side of that coin:
"What's that, chicken? You know what they do to those chick???"
"Let me stop you right there. Yes. Yes, I do. And it's delicious."
Touche. I don't discuss my dietary ideology unless prompted, though.
LMSYRT I am getting ready to go on a bike ride.
Not directed at you, though. I have a friend who gets a couple pops in him sometimes and decides it's time to revisit the "meat is murder" argument. Not trying to have that conversation yet again.