Face Palm



  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts
    ubupopland said:
    ubupopland said:
    ZomB said:

    Is that you?

    nope! hehe... but continue to look after me, i love it!

    ...this is Fabrice , my man!! a real one! The founder of Ubupopland! I work with him since 10 years, do you know him too?

    Mix by Fabrice Defeo - i know with this one some people will not like it at all, but some other who are to tired to dance and too mind busy to sleep will probably appreciate. 46mn of free form sound done from albums mostly..

  • Dear Frabrice,
    in regards to your mention of poor sales, let me add my opinion if I may. As someone who has ordered about a half dozen records from you over the last 5 years or so, I must tell you, your prices are really high. You recently had one of my most wanted records. I couldn't convince myself to buy it even though it never turns up and I realized it might be my only chance to buy it for a very long time. It was more than twice of any price on popsike. Most of your records are twice the going rate. Last year I saw a record on your site I absolutley loved. After currency conversion and shipping, the single would have cost me about 100USD. A quick google search informed me the a-side was a huge hit in Italy, and I found the record on gemm for 10 Euro. You have amazing records for sale, but your prices are insane. I do buy your records from time to time, but only when I cannot find them elsewhere. But more often than not, I can find them for much much cheaper.

  • DanteDante 371 Posts
    ZomB said:
    Fabrice seems like a real man's man...the kind of euroman that makes soultrust feel threatened. I wish i knew him!

  • The_Hook_Up said:
    Dear Frabrice,
    in regards to your mention of poor sales, let me add my opinion if I may. As someone who has ordered about a half dozen records from you over the last 5 years or so, I must tell you, your prices are really high. You recently had one of my most wanted records. I couldn't convince myself to buy it even though it never turns up and I realized it might be my only chance to buy it for a very long time. It was more than twice of any price on popsike. Most of your records are twice the going rate. Last year I saw a record on your site I absolutley loved. After currency conversion and shipping, the single would have cost me about 100USD. A quick google search informed me the a-side was a huge hit in Italy, and I found the record on gemm for 10 Euro. You have amazing records for sale, but your prices are insane. I do buy your records from time to time, but only when I cannot find them elsewhere. But more often than not, I can find them for much much cheaper.

    Hi there, its Fabrice here, didn't have much time, but i have to answer about what you're telling.

    Firstable im not complaining about my sales, it was probably a misunderstanding, my wife Mateata was complaining about the service of this forum as "a customer", she didn't feel fine with that paying service, the webmaster took it personally & just rushed on her really unfairly. After paying 8 months, we just notice nobody are visting the site from that link, so it was like giving money for nothing, no need to be pimped.

    You said you bought some records to us in the past, i really hope you have a different feeling about our business and our after sale service, cz we try our best to satisfy our customers, and if problem we can't just tell them "go fuckk yourself"

    A sale is a compromise between seller & customer, mean if one don't agree bout anything, then nothing happen, and after the sale, we 're still open and pay attention if complains.
    (we don't give ubupopland T-shirts, we know our customers have much more style).

    You are complaining with our prices? just want to point my finger on the fact that most of our records not gone are monthly discounted (like some charity shops in london), so be patient and wait for the price that you expect.
    Of course since i'm a music lover and collector aswell, some of them that i don't have myself will not go very down, since im waiting myslef too.
    Trading is also an option when you don't have the money, we are more than happy when we have something new to discover, but more and more poeple don't want to give away a loved one for another. As everybody, we want to keep them all, that's why money exist.

    You said i propose expensive records that you can find cheaper elsewhere? that's good for you, but think that if i didn't put a big price and proposed it without mp3s, may be people would never look after it. I just wonder : if i was proposing it for 5euros, will you love it that much...???
    High prices sometimes help people to pay more attention, and that's what im trying to do when i propose unknown records.

    Proposing records from samplers already known by everyone is something totally different, when i discover something most of the time, i have to buy tones of rubbish before discovering the good ones, picking up something you saw on our site after listing is something easy, if you have lot of time it's just natural that you will try your best to look for the cheapest copy available, that's a part of the game man. I just don't need to be patronized about it.

    About that very expensive single you talk about, and you will probably not find it before ages (according to you), i bet it's "Les Gypsys", and on that case, you're right; im fare higher than the price you will see on popsike, but according to my 15 years experience of searching /selling, the last copy i had for sale was 12years ago, and at that time i took my bike and run like a mad to give 100 euros for it. The only guy who was interested to buy it to me was a well known Dutch garage records seller, but now things have changed, French people start to notice about it, and the story is over.
    Like the "Bruno Leys 45", few years ago the only copy that you could see on popsike was for 50euros, what a joke?!? now after few compilations and few spin of Rob Bailey, the price went between 400 et 550, so what do you think about it?

    OK Im not Rob, but "Proletaire" is a track from my DJlist since ever and i can't find something similar or same level to quit spinning it in club. I don't understand why but i'm the only one to play it, so why should i bullshit myself and propose it to an affordable price? Better that someone trade me another one that i can play too.

    French records are very underestimated if you compare to the British music, by the way i just find a copy of Paper blitz tissu, UK sellers propose that one for 500/600pounds, do you think it is surrealistic ? I think it is...
    Soon we will do a cheapo section for less 10 euros each, i wonder how many of them you will be interested in...


  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    ubupopland said:
    no need to be pimped

    Words to live by.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    ubupopland said:
    UK sellers propose that one for 500/600pounds, do you think it is surrealistic ? I think it is...

    I hate surrealistic record proposals.

  • I traded with Fabrice & Mateata a while ago and I must say it was deal well done. The record I got from them was priced at 75 euros, which is a good price for that record. It's in great condition and it's a rare record. I saw it at a German dealer's stall in Utrecht at 150 euros, which is def overpriced. The record I sent to them is still up on their site and they ask 90 for it, which is a very reasonable price. A French dealer has it listed for 170 euros (crazy price).

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    when i can whore all by myself!

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    Gary said:
    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    no need to be pimped

    when i can whore all by myself!

    As soon as you get a few surrealistic proposals under yo belt.

  • Blast Kid said:
    I traded with Fabrice & Mateata a while ago and I must say it was deal well done. The record I got from them was priced at 75 euros, which is a good price for that record. It's in great condition and it's a rare record. I saw it at a German dealer's stall in Utrecht at 150 euros, which is def overpriced. The record I sent to them is still up on their site and they ask 90 for it, which is a very reasonable price. A French dealer has it listed for 170 euros (crazy price).
    Thank mate, i really appreciate your move, by the way i was very happy with your record aswell, great condition, i can't say that for all trades i did ...

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts

  • ubupopland said:
    we don't give ubupopland T-shirts, we know our customers have much more style

    ZomB said:

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    ubupopland said:

    I love this.

    Not mocking you Fabrice, I realise English is not your first language, but firstable is the greatest word i have heard all day.

    Thank you.

  • A little post to announce you that we put 143 rare singles for LOW starting price between 1 & 5pounds, no surrealistic proposals here :

    A good focus in Psych music like :

    Pretty things : Mr Evasion UK 67; Pink Floyd : See Emily play (German 67); Spencer Davis group Short changes ??? UK 68); Bella & me (Swedish female psych); Eire Apparent (UK psych); Doors Peace frog German pic); Honeybus : Tender are the Ashes (Yugo pic); 4 Seasons : Watch the flowers grow ??? Dutch pic) ??? but many more in other style like Garage ??? Soul ??? Groove ???..as usual with tones of MP3 ???.


    We listed on the UK & French Ebay.
    Pseudo : Papyvore

    1st part will end on Sunday and 2nd on Monday and last part on Tuesday.

    That???s it, next update on ubupopland.com is next week, (We just enclose a nice singles collection, so stay put to don???t miss anything).



  • you don't quite know how this works huh?
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