Anyone else hopelessly behind the times???
8,729 Posts
Granted, I don't get out much - and I have not turned on a television in about 3-4 years - but seriously, I find I cannot have a normal convo with people my own age or slightly older about current happenings. When I think of "new music" two things come to mind - shoegaze indie pop from the early 90's, and those "new music" electronic records from the 60's that I have a ton of. This is not normal. Even I know that.What the hell is a "summer jam"? I honestly have no idea.It's getting very hard to pass myself of as a normal person anymore. This could be bad. People might start to suspect me of being an android made by some twisted freak who has not left their basement since Dick Van Dyke was a top rated show...............Oh yeah, if this post gets deleted, I have a car & I'm only 10 hours away from San Diego.
Hey, it's me again...So the OC fanatacism was all a lie?
no, that's right. I guess it's not been too long. But still, it in no way helped my social skillz.
As soon as I opened this thread your "blooze" song (from the "post some songs you wrote" thread) came on my shuffle. Uncanny.
You are a bonafide weirdo. Embrace that, and things will fall into place.
yeah, I need to learn spainish. I always have, even in OC. but my girlfriend says I can't buy Mexican horror movies untill I learn Spanish. She thinks I won't do it.
stop lyin'[/b]
Morton Subotnick
haha!!! Good lord! You still have that?
Don't get me wrong, I have weirdo pride. But, I see a day coming in which I can no longer function in society to the point where it will be difficult to buy groceries.
you are no help, my friend!
uncanny. almost to the point of scaring me.
no CD player - check
no cellphone - check
has no idea how to burn a CD - check
made first mixed CD (at someone else's house) less than two months ago - check
does not own a dig camera - check
does not know how to download pics form a dig camera - check
only understood how a fax machine works in the past year - check
owned a rotary phone up to three years ago - check
says Thank You when leaving a store even if nothing bought - check
smiles at people when eye contact is made - check
says hello to older folks - check
uses stairs instead of escalators - check
other than rap and the odd rock record, hasn't bought anything past 1983...well...since 1990 - check
thinks kids older than three should walk and not be pushed around in strollers/wagons/carts from the future (please see example below) - check
yes, I am hopelessly behind the times and I am OK with it.
What is "normal" convo about television these days, anyway? I haven't had a television for the last four years and the whole reality television phenomenon has completely escaped me.
I've never seen an episode of American Idol, either (and I think I'm a better person for it!).
The point here is that you should take a certain amount of pride in not succumbing to some of the more banal interests of the average American...
I'm with you on an awful lot of this list.
but what about poison oak?
hes about an hour or more north of mt tam...
real pretty there jeff... ive been up there
Why resist this stuff? It makes your life easier.
I was anti-cell for the longest time but now I don't know how I'd live with out it. It's also nice that I don't have to pay my cellphone bill. Long Live Expense Reports!
The Digi cam & CD thing are no-brainers to me.
The lack of social skills thing I'm not really following.
I'm not sure I'm actively resisting as much as not really needing any of it.
The fact that I don't feel like I need or want any of these items is what I think makes me behind the times, not that I don't own any of it.
I don't agree that any of these things make life easier - just different.
yeah, I agree. I only just got a CD player a couple years ago. and only so I could copy raers that I sell. I'm happy about that, and that I can make CDR's for my friends now. but, I usually forget I have it. I've only purchased like 20-30 cds.
most of the other stuff, like you said, I just can't see myself wanting much less needing.
LOL! against my will! Simon Says!
co-sign. Sure, I could have a cell phone or a computer at home. But my lifestyle has no need for it. I dont have a cell phone because "I'm not sellin' out man", its because I dont want to be that accessable to people. It just sucks these days becayse EVERYONE else has a cell phone and they automatically assume that you do too. Getting directions sucks these days, people have gotten lazier because of cell phones. Rather than draw a map or think about where you are going its just: "oh uh, I'll just give you a call when I get close" and vice-versa.
Whatever happened to making plans in advance people?
there is nothing wrong with these. i mean there is nothing wrong with all those on your list. i own a cell phone but i practically never use it.
most people i see using one are just socializing on it. not particulary important. either that or closing business deals.
i agree. i don't think behind the times = bad. i also don't think being with the times is bad. i think being close-minded and stuck in one's ways is a different can of worms and applies to anyone.