Optigan Strut

Anyone on here own/love the optigan?
i've always thought it was the ultimate digger's instrument... what with it basically being a belt-drive turntable connected up to a keyboard and all (It plays back optical discs not LPs)
I wouldn't sell mine for anything
EDIT: I would sell it for a million pounds
i've always thought it was the ultimate digger's instrument... what with it basically being a belt-drive turntable connected up to a keyboard and all (It plays back optical discs not LPs)
I wouldn't sell mine for anything
EDIT: I would sell it for a million pounds
& this dude (sit [or skip] through the cringe intro, it's worth it)
now when can i come round and play on it?
look at the discs! They're LP sized and everything!
this is the holy grail of optigan disc's, took me 5 years to get it.
whoa... how is that? nevermind a drumbreak... what other type of tunes are on there?
The holy grail is the 'Vox Humana' disc IMO, where you get the choir pad sound
Pressed in very small quantities
You'll get the impression at about 2:40.
they all seem to be out of stock though
NEW 2009 Optigan Disc - MOD ROCK! from Pea Hicks on Vimeo.
the rare optigan FUNK disc is on eBay right now: