My city is nuts right now. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot.



  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Press conference is live:

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    Really hard to figure out what the fuck is actually happening in regards to Giffords' state.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Shooter is 22 years old. Name and ethnicity are not being released that.

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    Ariz state senator Linda Lopez tells Fox, "We just heard that she is responding to commands. She made it through surgery."

  • Wow. Sorry for the misinformation folks.

  • so many sketchy, speculative, uncorroborated claims and stories coming out fast and furious. why not just hang back until we can get some actual confirmation of what the hell is actually going on?

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Herm said:
    Press conference is live:

    Trauma surgeon is on right now.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Herm said:
    Herm said:
    Press conference is live:

    Trauma surgeon is on right now.

    10 patients, 5 in critical, one dead.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Herm said:
    Herm said:
    Herm said:
    Press conference is live:

    Trauma surgeon is on right now.

    10 patients, 5 in critical, one dead.

    "Congresswoman is NOT critical condition."

    She's able to following commands. Optimistic for recovery. "As optimistic as I can be in this situation." Under anesthesia right now.

    The dead person is a young child.' 9 year old little girl. Heartbreaking. Fuck.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    All that info is from one hospital. From what I understand a few other victims were taken to another.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Sheriff said 18 victims. I think.

    UMC has 11, one deceased.

    Really hard on my mom.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Some sites have identified the shooter. Not sure where they got the information. I don't want to say his name in case it's incorrect.

  • Herm said:
    Some sites have identified the shooter. Not sure where they got the information. I don't want to say his name in case it's incorrect.

    People went off of that name and found a Myspace (currently scrubbed clean, but reportedly had a final bulletin saying "Goodbye friends") and a youtube channel that is truly creepy and shows serious mental illness (belief that the government is enacting mind control and brainwashing by controlling grammar, etc)

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    They just officially named him. Jared Lee Loughner.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    YouTube account in his name:

  • matches up to the youtube channel:

  • chrisflyer said:
    Herm said:
    Some sites have identified the shooter. Not sure where they got the information. I don't want to say his name in case it's incorrect.

    People went off of that name and found a Myspace (currently scrubbed clean, but reportedly had a final bulletin saying "Goodbye friends") and a youtube channel that is truly creepy and shows serious mental illness (belief that the government is enacting mind control and brainwashing by controlling grammar, etc)

    his myspace profile was written in past tense. as in "i HAD favorite books: animal farm, a brave new world......"

  • I'm glad that she made it through surgery, but I pray that she along with the rest of her family and surviving staff members and their families can make it through this terrible situation. I saw the youtube clips of this Jared fellow. Much cause for concern.

  • incompletejigsaw said:
    I'm glad that she made it through surgery, but I pray that she along with the rest of her family and surviving staff members and their families can make it through this terrible situation. I saw the youtube clips of this Jared fellow. Much cause for concern.

    starting with the fact that he goes, even informally, by all three names.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I'm glad dude didn't get a chance to take his own life.

  • the flag video he "likes' on his youtube channel (more than likely that it's his under an alternate account) is so intensely creepy that I'm having trouble watching the whole thing.


    WASHINGTON ??? Democratic lawmakers have received death threats and been the victims of vandalism because of their votes in favor of the health care bill, lawmakers and law enforcement officials said Wednesday, as the Congressional debate over the issue headed toward a bitter and divisive conclusion.

    At least two Congressional district offices were vandalized and Representative Louise M. Slaughter, a senior Democrat from New York, received a phone message threatening sniper attacks against lawmakers and their families.

    Ms. Slaughter also reported that a brick was thrown through a window of her office in Niagara Falls, and Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat of Arizona, said Monday that her Tucson office was vandalized after the vote.

    The Associated Press reported that the authorities in Virginia were investigating a cut propane line to an outdoor grill at the home of a brother of Representative Tom Perriello of Virginia, after the address was mistakenly listed on a Tea Party Web site as the residence of the congressman. Representative Bart Stupak, Democrat of Michigan and a central figure in the measure???s abortion provisions, reported receiving threatening phone calls.

    Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, the highest-ranking black lawmaker in the House, said he received an anonymous fax showing the image of a noose.

    As they prepared to leave Washington for a two-week recess, House Democrats met with Capitol Police and representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to get advice on security issues, and they pressed Republicans to join them in renouncing threats and violence.

    ???What we want to be sure is that people know that these threats have no place in our country,??? Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. ???We have a legitimate disagreement. We have passed landmark legislation, and there are strong differences of opinion about it. Our Constitution allows us to have a lively debate in that regard, and that does not include threats to violence.???

    Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader, spoke out against violence but encouraged Americans to continue to find ways to counter the legislation. ???I know many Americans are angry over this health care bill, and that Washington Democrats just aren???t listening,??? Mr. Boehner said in a statement. ???But, as I???ve said, violence and threats are unacceptable. That???s not the American way. We need to take that anger and channel it into positive change.???

    Republicans also noted that their members have received threats in the past and that Senator Jim Bunning, Republican of Kentucky, was recently the target of abuse when he blocked added unemployment benefits.

    Still, the dark and personal tone of the final stages of the health fight could complicate Republican efforts to maintain their attacks on the legislation if they are seen as inciting an undue level of outrage and, conversely, could bolster Democrats if opponents of the measure are seen as breaching the boundaries of civility.

    The reports of threats, coming after a tense weekend when protesters hurled racial and homophobic slurs at Democrats and spit on one congressman, left many Democrats shaken.

    Paul Bresson, a spokesman for the F.B.I., said the bureau was aware of several threats against members of Congress and was investigating them jointly with the Capitol Police, which handles security for Congress, and local law enforcement agencies. He declined to say how many cases there were or to describe them in detail. ???We are looking at them and taking them very seriously,??? Mr. Bresson said.

    Democrats also raised questions about some of the imagery and phrases being employed by Republicans against the Democratic architects and backers of the measure, noting that a Republican National Committee Web site urging supporters to fire Ms. Pelosi has her surrounded by flames. A Facebook page of Sarah Palin singling out Democratic members for defeat because of their votes defines their districts by the crosshairs of a weapon???s sight.

    Republicans dismissed objections to the imagery. ???The message of our Web site is clear, it is time to put Nancy Pelosi out of a job,??? said Katie Wright, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee...................."

    Charlie Savage, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Robert Pear and Janie Lorber contributed reporting.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Herm said:
    I'm glad dude didn't get a chance to take his own life.

    Hey Herm,

    Because of that, he may actually have to serve hard time in the joint as some big dude's girlfriend. Seriously though, his defense attorney probably will try to have him deemed either (a) incompetent to stand trial, or (b) not responsible for his actions due to mental defect or disease. Consequently, he could be sentenced to serve his time in mental institution. I hope this wingnut is prosecuted to the full extent of the law and required to serve hard time.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • Big_Stacks said:
    Herm said:
    I'm glad dude didn't get a chance to take his own life.

    Hey Herm,

    Because of that, he may actually have to serve hard time in the joint as some big dude's girlfriend. Seriously though, his defense attorney probably will try to have him deemed either (a) incompetent to stand trial, or (b) not responsible for his actions due to mental defect or disease. Consequently, he could be sentenced to serve his time in mental institution. I hope this wingnut is prosecuted to the full extent of the law and required to serve hard time.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    can you make a plea of insanity when you've made public admissions of "defining terrorist"?

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Big_Stacks said:
    Herm said:
    I'm glad dude didn't get a chance to take his own life.

    Hey Herm,

    Because of that, he may actually have to serve hard time in the joint as some big dude's girlfriend. Seriously though, his defense attorney probably will try to have him deemed either (a) incompetent to stand trial, or (b) not responsible for his actions due to mental defect or disease. Consequently, he could be sentenced to serve his time in mental institution. I hope this wingnut is prosecuted to the full extent of the law and required to serve hard time.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    "B" may be right.

    From a friend's Facebook thread. This city is small enough for me to believe he's talking about the same guy.

    A***** C****
    I wonder how mountain view high school feels right now. He graduated in 2007 did anyone know him?
    28 minutes ago via Mobile Web ?? LikeUnlike ?? Comment ?? View Feedback (22)Hide Feedback (22)

    D**** P****** Wats his name
    27 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ?? LikeUnlike
    A***** C**** Jared lee laughner
    27 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ?? LikeUnlike
    D**** P****** Oh god tell me ur joking
    25 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ?? LikeUnlike
    M****** C**** check out his youtube channel this guy sent out red flags.
    24 minutes ago ?? LikeUnlike
    K****** R*** prob in my year book creepy. i was a sophomore
    24 minutes ago ?? LikeUnlike
    K***** Z******** She's not
    23 minutes ago ?? LikeUnlike
    D**** P****** That's my cousins best friend
    23 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ?? LikeUnlike
    K***** Z******** Is he retarded?
    22 minutes ago ?? LikeUnlike
    D**** P****** Who
    21 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ?? LikeUnlike
    D**** P****** Was he the shooter
    20 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ?? LikeUnlike
    K***** Z******** Yes he was.
    19 minutes ago ?? LikeUnlike
    D**** P****** Oh Fuck ya he had mental issues always talked to himself

    D**** P****** He was in an out of the mental institutions

    3 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ?? LikeUnlike
    K***** Z******** And how the f did he get a gun??
    about a minute ago ?? LikeUnlike
    A***** C**** Because Arizona is retarded
    about a minute ago via Facebook Mobile ?? Like

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    This one got cut off when I copied over:

    D**** P****** Oh Fuck ya he had mental issues always talked to himself
    28 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ?? Like

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    Big_Stacks said:
    Seriously though, his defense attorney probably will try to have him deemed either (a) incompetent to stand trial, or (b) not responsible for his actions due to mental defect or disease. Consequently, he could be sentenced to serve his time in mental institution.

    An attorney would have a better chance at success with a defense consisting of painting the guy green and saying he was an actual Martian and has diplomatic immunity. Insanity defenses almost never work in under-the-radar cases, and you can forget about it in this one.

    The guy killed a federal judge. And he won't have any boyfriend, either. He'll be buried in a solitary cell where his only human contact will be an occasional beating.
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