Coming from the Big East-Snow Edition

Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
edited December 2010 in Strut Central
Hey Strutters,

Where are my "Big East" peoples at? Man, it snowed a grip up here yesterday. I just got through shoveling a pathway for wifey to go to work before dawn (medical work-schedule steeze, it's nasty!). That gym membership has really paid off on the stamina tip, as I shoveled snow for nearly an hour and a half (cue up "Iron Man"). I'm thinking an academic appointment at a Southern U.S. school might be in order. Try to stay warm, folks.


Big Stacks from Kakalak


  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    yeah up here in Boston we're right in the thick of it as I type. At least 18 inches expected over 24 hours of continuous snowfall. NOT looking forward to the hours of shoveling ahead.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    SoulOnIce said:
    yeah up here in Boston we're right in the thick of it as I type. At least 18 inches expected over 24 hours of continuous snowfall. NOT looking forward to the hours of shoveling ahead.

    Oooh, that sounds nasty, man. Oh well, make sure you bend your knees, holmes. Happy shoveling and be careful!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • i dont understand how people live like this.

  • rootlesscosmo said:
    i dont understand how people live like this.

    Yeah, all those people in Siberia and Alaska should just pack up their things and migrate south.

    Snow is cool, but this winter has admittedly been pretty crazy thus far.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    Big_Stacks said:
    Hey Strutters,

    I'm thinking an academic appointment at a Southern U.S. school might be in order. Try to stay warm, folks.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    no where is safe, sounds like nashville, asheville and raleigh all had a white christmas
    we had 2 inches here, not the norm for hill city va
    now it is cold & windy as hell

    stay warm north east folks

  • 20-plus inches here (the shore seems to have gotten the worst). Made a pass with the snow blower last night. Back out later this morning.

  • Cape Cod didn't get much snow, and it turned to rain so there is nothing to speak of now.

    My power went out last night around 6:30 and just came back on at 9:00 this morning - this happens a lot where I am. This also means no heat or water for me.

    Played Scrabble and read books by candle light.


    Round two is on the way here, the winds just kicked up to 60 mph and 3"-5" is coming later.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    Bmore was supposed to get 10-12, with a few on the ground by yesterday morning. When I woke up yesterday to a snowless yard, I checked in to see the forecast had been downgraded to 8 inches, then 6, then by last night they were calling for 1-2. We ended up with a light dusting.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    We made it out of town before we got hit. Snow here in Pittsburgh like usual for this time of year.

    I here it's supposed to warm up pretty good towards the end of the week...

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Got about a foot in Queens, but I guess New Jersey and Long Island got two feet and over in some places. Still got a snow day from work, though. The wind was so crazy, it was snowing last night in the 59th and Lex station, which is well underground. It was coming sideways down the train tunnel. And not just a few flakes???it was legitimately snowing down there.

  • we got the same weather system that worked its way up the east coast it was snowing like a mutha lastnight, so much so that i was sure i wasnt going to be going anywheres today...woke up to less then 1inch of slushy wetness and its +2??C

  • The view on my deck here in Brooklyn. About 2 feet + out there thanks to the wind.

  • we got two feet. just knocked out the driveway and dug the car out. still so powdery that it was kind of fun and not so bad on the back. good morning workout.

  • Sent the employee home about 4:30 yesterday, considering keeping the shop closed today - what's the word on the ground?

    I am supposed to fly back into JFK about 1 a.m. Tonight/tomorrow... If they open the airport at all.

    Fusk this

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Drunk @ 11:15am

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Rain and baffling bursts of sunshine here in my part of CA. I'd never survive a season in the snow.

  • JP i would greatly recommend canceling your flight and rebooking now for a day or two later so you don't get shut out by the backed up passenger queue.

  • edulusedulus 421 Posts
    left the parent's homestead in baltimore on sat night due to worries of another snowpacalypse. drove through snow falling in dc and nova, and first of all driving through snow with your high beams on is psychedelic, second, i probably could've left on sunday.

    im at work now, pretty boring.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Today here in Seattle:

    High 49F and raining. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

  • selperfuge said:
    JP i would greatly recommend canceling your flight and rebooking now for a day or two later so you don't get shut out by the backed up passenger queue.

    We are checked in and the flight is still scheduled to leave on time.

    I would prefer to fly slightly later so as not to have to dig out and drive home at 2am

  • dang, looks like we might have some weather coming our way after all, we usually get New England weather about a day later, and there is a pretty big "spiral looking vortex of death" heading for lower NS, yet nuthin on the news about any snow...or any warnings...

    just had an oil change, new windshield wipers and 4 new winter tires on the jetta...

    i just bought a new house in July and i figured out that i dont actually own a shovel (after living in a condo for 12 yrs)...i was thinking of a snowblower, but my bro bought one 2 yrs ago and used it 3 times last, he wasnt impressed

  • Jonny_Paycheck said:
    selperfuge said:
    JP i would greatly recommend canceling your flight and rebooking now for a day or two later so you don't get shut out by the backed up passenger queue.

    We are checked in and the flight is still scheduled to leave on time.

    I would prefer to fly slightly later so as not to have to dig out and drive home at 2am

    Never mind... Flight canceled.

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    Man this whole storm pasted B-More by. We got a mega light dusting. And to be honest, I was looking forward to some snow. My daughter's off school, we have 2 fridges full of food, I was on some "bring it on Mama Nature" type shit. Oh well, those who are affected by the storm: stay warm, safe and be careful with the shoveling. That shit ain't no joke!

  • covecove 1,566 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    i dont understand how people live like this.

    Seriously..... I'd much rather live on a fault line....

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts

  • Drove home from the game in Buffalo last night- stopped in PA, and finished the drive this morning.

    2 hours to cross Manhattan. At one point, a jack-kniffed bus was blocking Bowery going south to the Brooklyn Bridge, so I hopped the median, drove 10 blocks the wrong way, and jumped back over onto the right side of the street.

    Hiding on my couch- never so happy not to own a car or condo...

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    2 feet with some gnarly snow drifts off the barnegat bay, here in NJ. I like it better when PA gets more snow.

  • The earliest flight I can get on is three days from now. Fuck

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    The earliest flight I can get on is three days from now. Fuck

    Hey Jonny,

    Oh no, that means I have to wait a little longer for my pile of goodies. ;-) Although I missed seeing you and Delay on Friday, the lady tending the shop (her name is escaping me) was an absolute delight. I'll catch you on the next trip, my brotha. Get home safely, mane!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • cove said:
    rootlesscosmo said:
    i dont understand how people live like this.

    Seriously..... I'd much rather live on a fault line....

    are you being sarcastic?

    I'm not even tryna claim that where I live is "better" or any nonsense like that. we all have our own reasons for living where we live.

    to put it into perspective, earthquakes have altered my life exactly once (1989) and only for a few days.*

    *the loss of the Central Freeway probably did alter my life in pretty significant ways over the years, but that was more the City of SF's fault than the earthquake itself.
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