On DJ Screw



  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    Thread is textbook Harvey. In the process of calling out someone who does share your taste for not doing so "properly" you open the door for a bunch of idiots to shit on the very music you profess to love. The Project Blowed alumni are still thanking you for all the tireless internet promotion you brought them in the early part of the decade.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    Also the little jab about me being "young and more into Soulja Boy and Lil B" was especially cute. As if you haven't been reading (and ranting about) my writing on "no frills, classic gangster rap" since before both of those kids were in high school.

  • I laughed out loud.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Harvey posts about Texas rap on the strut so you don't have too!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    noz said:
    Thread is textbook Harvey. In the process of calling out someone who does share your taste for not doing so "properly" you open the door for a bunch of idiots to shit on the very music you profess to love. The Project Blowed alumni are still thanking you for all the tireless internet promotion you brought them in the early part of the decade.

    Actually, they do thank me. They continue to ask me to write about their music as they pass me spliffs and such. I even got asked to join one of their bands not that long ago. Like we aren't fully aware that on the internet that there is a cetain contingent of feeble-minded haters. Maybe it's your position to play the fence, catering to the asshole wing of hip-hop fandom at the same time you serve the normal people. But that's not how we do it. Z-Ro said "don't buy none of my tapes and don't come to none of my shows". Can that get any more clear for you? It just so happens because they both do things very different from the norm that both Project Blowed and the Screwed Up Clique have people out to shit on them. I find it amusing to help those people out themselves. Again, who hates on DJ Screw in 2010? The shit is beyond ridiculous. And your little piece on Screw gladhanded those very people right off the bat. So yeah, I "called you" on it. Oh no...how dare I? You talk like that down here to 75% of other Screw fans and merely being "called out" would be the least of your worries.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    noz said:
    Also the little jab about me being "young and more into Soulja Boy and Lil B" was especially cute. As if you haven't been reading (and ranting about) my writing on "no frills, classic gangster rap" since before both of those kids were in high school.

    You got super think skin, dude.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    noz said:
    Thread is textbook Harvey. In the process of calling out someone who does share your taste for not doing so "properly" you open the door for a bunch of idiots to shit on the very music you profess to love. The Project Blowed alumni are still thanking you for all the tireless internet promotion you brought them in the early part of the decade.

    Actually, they do thank me. They continue to ask me to write about their music as they pass me spliffs and such. I even got asked to join one of their bands not that long ago. Like we aren't fully aware that on the internet that there is a cetain contingent of feeble-minded haters. Maybe it's your position to play the fence, catering to the asshole wing of hip-hop fandom at the same time you serve the normal people. But that's not how we do it. Z-Ro said "don't buy none of my tapes and don't come to none of my shows". Can that get any more clear for you? It just so happens because they both do things very different from the norm that both Project Blowed and the Screwed Up Clique have people out to shit on them. I find it amusing to help those people out themselves. Again, who hates on DJ Screw in 2010? The shit is beyond ridiculous. And your little piece on Screw gladhanded those very people right off the bat. So yeah, I "called you" on it. Oh no...how dare I? You talk like that down here to 75% of other Screw fans and merely being "called out" would be the least of your worries.

    Damn, this is what I am talking about.

    This is the Shied we need... the Shied who once told me that I didn't deserve to listen to Trae and that if I wanted to support him, I should PayPal him 13.99 instead of buying his album.

  • jdeezjdeez 638 Posts
    jesus. can we convert this to an appreciation post? I mean, harv, you're not doing anyone any favors with these rants and attacking posts. I suspect that you weren't waiting in line at the dude's house waiting to get tapes either.

    The thing that kinda rubs me the wrong way about these kind of rants that you indulge in is that you weren't anywhere near these "movements" at the time they were actually happening either. You claim all of these different places as where you're from when the time is relevant. You're from west coast, you're from n.o., you're from Houston, Eugene, etc. These places are all interchangeable when you're debating (insulting, condescending) about a certain point or artist. We've had our issues in the past and I'd like to think that we've resolved them for the most part. At the same time, as a friend/acquaintance, I would just like to remind you that you're not doing dj screw, blowed, SUC or anyone else any favors when you approach topics like this. We are way too old to be playing the "I'm more down than you" game and about 10 years too late to be championing any of these groups as the second coming. Can we just be grateful that it is getting a little bit of ink and done so with some respect and acknowledgment that the writer wasn't actually there to experience the "movement" first-hand, as it was happening, and therefore mentions that there may be a slight disconnect between hearing the digital formats years after they were released almost exclusively local for many years?


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Y'all need to get off my back.

    I merely questioned why Noz would start his DJ Screw appreciation article off with "I don't get Screw". I attempted to do so without this inevitable shitstorm of people telling me about myself and what I need to be doing differently flairing up. But here y'all go.

    It's not even a who's down issue as in what is your background. It's an if you are down, you wouldn't say something such as "I don't get Screw".

    It ain't even that big a deal. I just thought it could spark a better discussion than this one. Oh well.

    And Jason, I'm not sure where you are coming up with this idea that I wasn't around for the Project Blowed and Screwed Up movements. I was listening to Screw tapes back in the mid-90's (they used to sell em at Music Mania) just like I imagine you were. For real, you are reading way too much into this, just so you can tell me some bullshit, which I do not appreciate at all.

    Whatever though, I'm not really in a place of giving a shit what a few of you think. In fact, try contributing to what could be a Screw appreciation thread instead of making it a thread about me.

  • jdeezjdeez 638 Posts
    nah... i'm sorry if it came across like that. I'm definitely NOT questioning your "realness" or how much or how long you've been down with these scenes. I didn't take noz's comment as anything but this. If you were there at the time these things were being released - PRE internet, etc., then these were HUGE releases for locals and it was exciting finding out what he was going to do next, what guests, themes, etc. If you weren't there at the time, I agree, it may be hard to "get it" like someone who lived in Houston and anticipated these releases and the guest verses, as they were mostly local artists - many of which were totally unknown outside of Texas. That's how I read it and I don't think it needs to come to name-calling and one-upmanship like these things normally do. Appreciate, batches. Or don't. I knew you when all the blowed shit was coming out, so trust, I KNOW you were down. That really isn't what this is about. It is mostly about ACCESS. Some people just didn't have it. Apologies if my post came across as attacking you. I just think it's silly to try and convert people that will never get it or mincing words with someone who is giving props to something while obviously acknowledging that he/she wasn't physically there when it originally was happening.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    That's better, thanks for the clarification. But I accounted for all of this already. I raised what I thought was an issue as politely as I could. I didn't come out the gate calling anybody names. I thanked Noz for ultimately putting a positive spin on Screw and all that. Some of y'all just don't want me to be saying shit. Fine, thought that's what I had been doing long enough already to finally say something. But cool, I will go farther back into my shell, because it ain't even worth it.

  • jdeezjdeez 638 Posts
    oh stop. don't be like that.

  • JATXJATX 258 Posts
    Screw was such a big influence on me. 3 in the Morning blew my mind when I heard it as a youngster. I'm not sure about comparing Screw's production methods to the Beatles, though. We're talking, essentially, a bed room d.j. versus a band who recorded in a studio. The Beatles may have used certain production methods to slow down their music, but Screw was the first to slow down the music and use that aspect of it as the selling point. Sorry if this was brought up prior to this post, but there is alot of nonsense going on here. If anyone is looking to hear the "classic" Screw music heres a few:

    Any of the early Big Tyme comps w/ Point Blank, U.G.K. etc.

    3 in the Mornin'-Still blows my mind when I hear it.

    June 27th- Freestyle over a Kriss Kross beat. A portion of this freestyle would later be used in Paul Wall's "Sittin Sideways". Everybody who listens to Screw down here knows this one.

    Cell Therapy Freestyle- Freestyle over Goodie Mob's "Cell Therapy". Lil Keke before he made "Don't Mess With Texas".

    Hellraiser freestyle- damn near all the Screwed Up Click is on this one.

    I know I'm leaving out a few, but these are the classics people still love. You can still hear these songs coming out of car stereos down here.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    In fact, try contributing to what could be a Screw appreciation thread instead of making it a thread about me.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    Harv, what are you really like?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    A facemelter, which should not be overlooked:

    I even got asked to join one of their [Project Blowed] bands not that long ago.

    Is the resurrection of the rap messiah, here to lyrically cast out the pariahs upon us?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    noz said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    In fact, try contributing to what could be a Screw appreciation thread instead of making it a thread about me.

    You just gotta keep going, ha? Cognitive dissonance...you mean like you telling me that Project Blowed artists should be mad at me, when it's been you that they've had to check?


    I don't get bloggeurs.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    It looks like they found a suitable replacement for Rashied:

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I had to stop looking at that when I noticed they misspelled "gnarly" in the Golden Child graffiti font captions.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts

  • LuminLumin 807 Posts
    as much as i pretty much dislike all things harvey says, i have to say i agree with a couple things he says. mainly that screw is that shit.
    i had a similar conversation with someone real recently about screw. im a big dj screw fan and have dug that screw shit since mid to late 90s. as far as what screw did as being genius, i dont think i can say it was. i loved the shit he was doing but as for it being genius?
    my boy made the same argument that he just played shit slow. choppin aint really that technical either. it just isnt. to mirror what kon said, how is that groundbreaking? it was dope that he did it and like i said i love it, but that shit was pretty damn regional. i heard quite a bit in oklahoma and i know that sound made it out here in florida, mainly the orlando/tampa, maybe j-ville area under a different name in the mid 90s. and it wasnt a huge movement as harvey would like to think.
    i was playing 45s at 33 at some parties i spun . was anyone else doing that? no. am i genius for doing it? as much as id like to think, i really doubt it. i just liked how it sounded. to me it made it more intense
    shit that was a lot of typin
    and also fuck all you guys who try to turn this hip hop shit into academia

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Yep, those interviews are nice.


    Oh gawd, not another DJ Screw isn't a genius counter. Again, add it all up...the slowed music, the chopping techniques, the freestyles he hosted, the mixtape industry he created, the fringe artists he cultivated to album status, but most importantly the almost insane love that so many have for him, and dude is clearly a genius. I mean, shit...I consider Too $hort and E-40 geniuses and they have only done like half of what DJ Screw has done when it comes to innovation and community.

    Can't believe you are comparing you yourself playing 45's at 33 speed at a party to what Screw did. Big difference, aside from all of Screw's chopping and such, being that your party didn't unite the biggest state in the union. Nobody was hanging around your house waiting for your next mixtape, or breaking into retail shops at night to steal your mixtapes, or getting pictures of you tatooed on their arms, etc.

  • didn't unite the biggest state in the union


  • The biggest state that matters
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