sharing some recent DJ pics

BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
edited November 2010 in Strut Central
2 photos to share of a recent gig in a future restaurant.



  • tough crowd

    last gig, gig was with spinna

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    what did you play? (those are nice photos)

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

  • aromiaromi 20 Posts
    big crowds everywhere!

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    aromi said:
    big crowds everywhere!

    Ha! In my defense, all of those were taken from the crowd's POV, hence all the junk in the booth/stage. Except for that last one, which was taken during set-up. Oh, and the cowboy one was a wedding.

    Maybe we need a separate crowd/audience pics thread.

  • Herm said:

    Herm droppin that Gerardo heat!

  • aromi said:
    big crowds everywhere!

    The crowd at Batmacumba, Notting Hill Arts Club, London, September 2010:

    & What you could expect to hear there:

    Casamento Na Favela by DJ_Mario

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    office gig i did last week...

    night before halloween...

    record room at first ave...


    last halloween with the one mike twizzlestix....

    view from the booth..

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    The-gaffler said:
    tough crowd

    last gig, gig was with spinna

    Nice crowd.

    Does U Hall always have their 12's set-up battle style?

  • On the far right. Playing along side Deadly Dragon sound for the Gregory Isaacs dedication evening

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    djkingotto said:

    slammed too. looks sports bar related.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    This one is creeping me out for some reason.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Private summer party I DJed at. Dude owns those limited edition, gold-plated 1200s. :balla:

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts

    ^^ Dia de los Muertos-related last week. Second pic is DJ Juan Data with some random Colombian MC dude. Sonido Franko & Joe Quixx were also spinning.

  • YNOTYNOT in a studio apt mixing tuna with the ramen 417 Posts
    You fellas make this shit look good. As for me, I'm about the least photogenic DJ in Life. I end of doing weird poses and pointing at things. There's way to many people bringing cameras to parties these days, untag untag un tag.

    I was Ghostface killa for halloween:

    Soulful Strut into Right on for the Darkness, at our record swap:

    View from the booth:

  • djmario said:
    aromi said:
    big crowds everywhere!

    The crowd at Batmacumba, Notting Hill Arts Club, London, September 2010:

    i used to get it IN at that spot! do they still make "trini mules?"

    Bon Vivant said:
    Nice crowd.

    Does U Hall always have their 12's set-up battle style?

    haha, that was prior to doors opening that night ;) and yeah, the tables are usually always like that. i was on cdjs, then spinna had the 1200's shifted mid-my-set. ha!

  • The-gaffler said:
    djmario said:
    aromi said:
    big crowds everywhere!

    The crowd at Batmacumba, Notting Hill Arts Club, London, September 2010:

    i used to get it IN at that spot! do they still make "trini mules?"

    I don't know, it was free beers and Caipirinha all night for me. Awesome place to spin at....

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    2 months ago in the Czech Republic...not a photo, but still fits in here I guess...

  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts
    sticky_dojah said:
    2 months ago in the Czech Republic...not a photo, but still fits in here I guess...


    you some sort of animal p***?

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts


    you some sort of animal p***?

    yes, an endangered species that needs to be protected from Becky requests. But there weren't that many luckily...

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    YNOT said:
    I'm about the least photogenic DJ in Life.

    Yup pretty much...
    when I'm a bit drinky, which is always when playing records out, I'm the king of the goofy face.
    Case in point:

    I'm the one with the birth control glasses.

    What's up Ynot?
    Where that copy of Coke you promised?

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Not the most recent gig but...

  • YNOTYNOT in a studio apt mixing tuna with the ramen 417 Posts
    cpeetz said:

    Where that copy of Coke you promised?

    HA, glad I'm not the only goofy looking DJ in here. I got that on deck for you, pm your addy I lost it when the forum changed. Send me your math too, I'm headed your way next week. Could bring it with me if you had time to link.

  • This year in LA I've been playing live more than DJing lately.

    But I've found time to DJ for Ravi n' them too.

  • a few from playing in Austin last weekend

  • Wedding I did in Baltimore last month. Amazing space!

    They were dancing later (I swear).

  • soulmarcosa said:

    marco, i didnt know you sang!!! looking good as hell in that dress, homie

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts
    what library was that? looks like an amazing space.

  • The_Hook_Up said:

    This photo rocks! I love the tie.

  • Jspr said:
    The_Hook_Up said:

    No offense but you look like you're about to barf on the turntables.

    Hey man, not every dj is a skinny ass fidget with his chin at needle level. Some of us tower over the decks.
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