What would YOU charge?

Some stripper is going down to Miami and touring around as a feature dancer. She's Ms. Nude something or other. I've been offered the task of putting together her music sets. There are themes, and the songs will loosely fit the theme in each set. Now I'm no SuperMashUp Remix DJ, and that's not really an appropriate style for a strip club anyway, so I'm simply editing a string of songs together and adding some vocal things and sound effects. Each set is about a 20 minute chunk with 4 or more songs. She wants 5 or 6 of them.
I'm wondering what is a fair price to charge for this?
I'm wondering what is a fair price to charge for this?
Can you ask for a percentage or does it have to be a dollar amount?
and be sure to add some 2 Live Crew for good measure...
would it be out of line demanding to know what she's getting?
(i'm dealing with her through a friend of mine. she's bringing her down and handling details)
well yeah i wouldnt demand to know, i'd asked her what shes expecting to make or what shes made on trips like this before..in the end dude you'll have to make your best judgement call...if you straight up ask for loot, you could secure a dollar amount going into your pocket, but if she pulling in mad money you could also be missing out on a bigger piece of the pie..in that case a percentage would be best..
i havent worked with strippers before, but i would think they would pull in some mad loot...specially if shes done it before and going to Miami to do it...
If it's not the kind of situation you can ask, and if you have the time and/or inclination, do a bit of research and ask other dancers/DJs who may have been part of the a similiar booking.
Not knowing her, the size of the club or the scope of the promotion - my first thoughts were $2000 - $2500 / 6% - 8%.
Not arguing this at all, but I can already see the arguments as to why putting together a mix is not as 'important' or work intensive as hair and make-up. (assuming she doesn't do her own)
shes a good friend/associate. i asked her what she thought the girl would be making. if we DO end up working together in the future, I dont want to be stuck with such a low ball rate.
Bid high and don't go below your minimum.
I don't expect anyone to be honest about money. Especially gentlemen's agreement type schitt.
you won't be low-balling yourself into a corner for next time.
because it's higher than the $25per you're considering, you will show yourself to be willing to negotiate and easy to work with - all good things when she's thinking about booking you again.
that's not even a factor really. they're just blocks of theme based songs with some vocal samples and stuff. not so much "mixing" as much as editing.
before you posted that she went to her with the $25per and is gonna see how she reacts. totally fair, i think.
no matter. you got to ask for what you are comfortable with...and she is a friend.
hope you get more work out of this still.
best to play it safe and lock of up the skrill in advance before she wises up and cops THIS for ten bucks and calls it a tour.
over the summer 1 girl wanted me to dj her sons party...........and when i quoted my rate, she was flabbergasted that she would have to pay.
But I guess she's balking at $125, so I guess do it for whatever you are comfortable doing. I will say, moving forward, it might be difficult to up your rate if you are asked to do the same work for her. Better to start high.
also, if it's for a friend or whatever I can understand but I would barely be willing to fire up my gear for $25. That seems absurdly low.
i didnt really wanna do it from the start, cuz like i said i deal with enough strippers on a daily basis that itll be a whole ordeal.
the mixes ive done so far are easily $25 worth of work. like i said im not getting fancy and blenging shit and remixing. just simple edits in Acid. if theyre not what they want they can go elsewhere. its not big loss.
(After rereading that I think I'ma do this myself!)
oh they're EXPECTING that. and come to find out my simple mixes werent enough. they want blends and alla that mess. i'm not Girltalk. That shit takes time.
im rapidly getting discouraged, and thinking of backing out.