What's your ULTIMATE vinyl "WANT" ?? Grail of all Grails.



  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
    ennui said:
    Har-You Percussion Group. Closing in on 10 years of deep want, probably will be at least another 20 before I find one. It's gonna have to bea field find (unlikely in California) or a heavy trade, as I cannot even remotely afford the going rate.

    Don't give up, I found this in the field in California.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    I want an OG of........

    arthur verocai arthur verocai

  • TDLT02TDLT02 149 Posts
    Big_Chan said:
    I want an OG of........

    arthur verocai arthur verocai

    Nowadays very hard, as all the Brazilan dealers/collectors are aware of the album.
    Late 90s it was still one of the more difficult LPs to turn up, but could be had for a good price if located (only managed to find 3 copies all the time of digging in Brazil, but luckily all of them were all M-/VG++ condition).

    The reissue vinyl recording is not all that good according to a few friends who have it, any thoughts on that!

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Chan, can't remember if I told you my Verocai story... I was at this dude's house in Rio in '99, high-rise apartment building in Botafogo overlooking a favela. The inside of the apartment was more or less wall-to-wall records. Playing all kinds of stuff, he gave me a few nice Marcos Valle LPs as a present like it was no big thing. Dude puts on the Verocai record and after about 10 minutes of facemelt I sit up enough to ask, hey, what is this, you got an extra copy I can trade for? He shrugs and nonchalantly tells me that it's "kind of rare". Oh okay. Until Ubiquity reissued it years later I always wondered what the hell it was.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    phatmoneysack said:
    this is the one record I want that I know that I will probably never see in my lifetime

    I'm pretty sure we can work out something on this dude. PM me.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I don't think I really have any grails, just sort of take them as they come, maybe this I guess, it'd be cool to find the mythical 3rd or 4th copy in the field.

  • Piero Umiliani "La ragazza Fuoristrada" on Luito.
    Cover must be Vg++ to EX (no sticker).

    On last ebay auction a strutter was definitely richer than me....

  • black renaissance og, don cunnigham lp, the two alan tew libraries for Themes international, anything else he did (solo album called The Music Machine? ungoogleable.) Goya001. cosign on the pietro umiliani mentioned above

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    I don't really have any ultimate wants, but damn, some of the rarer, and good, Brit Jazz would find a warm and welcoming home with me....

    Neil Ardley
    Don Rendell
    Ian Carr
    Mike Westbrook
    Michael Garrick
    Graham Collier
    Dick Morrisey

    VG+/Waxi bloke Folkishienne opened my ears to a whole new wants list.

    On the subject of home-grown stuff, there's plenty of rare prog/folk/funk/rock stuff from Britain that I'd love too.

  • its still possible to find that brit jazz stuff, i reckon getting in with the flatcap and pipe 60 plus ronnie scott's crowd is your best shot.

  • Although I'd love to file a copy of EoU, Ball of Eyes, etc there's probably no way I can compete on the open market considering the going rate. Besides, there's more than enough stuff that I still want in the low 3 figures to keep me broke.

    I'm not even sure what my current grail is because I've been trying to complete the discography from a label based in my hometown that was active during the 60s and maybe the early 70s and I've still got big gaps in the discography. Not much ever shows up on the net because pretty much none of them are wanted/known and most sellers aren't going to bother to throw up random 45s that are teener soft rockabilly and country. The label does have one good known northern soul 45 on it and I've got a couple of 45s from a teenage soul band on the label. I know a few of the band members still live here, I guess I just need to pound the pavement.


  • Agree with that Atomic Forest and the Black Out lp when I get these Ill have to start collecting Blue Notes PM me!

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    An attainable must have, as I keep going back to the re-issue unsatisfied:

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    no horselmat wants? if so... pm me

  • I don't know.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    reynaldo has my other two wants
    the prospect of a showdown with el e-matador frightens me

  • goatboygoatboy 371 Posts
    Duderonomy said:

    Don Rendell
    Ian Carr

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Mario Castro Neves and Samba SA that has all songs sung in Portugese, but I'm not sure if it even really exists. I would also like a copy of Carlos Lyra Sarava which comes around but is expensive and Donato Muito a Vontade.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    UK psych rarity monster. Very well known, very expensive and never comes up for sale.
    I have the whole album on mp3 thankfully, but would love an OG vinyl...

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    Mario Castro Neves and Samba SA that has all songs sung in Portugese, but I'm not sure if it even really exists.

    Fantasy grails?

    3 translucent private press 45s of McDonald & Giles jamming with Carol Kaye, Maceo and a young Van Morrison. Hendrix on rhythm. Biz Markie on beatbox breakdowns and general ambiance/tomfoolery.

    10" black ark Perry dubs with Photek & J.Dilla remixes, and pre-rolled, signed, 3% listening crutches.

  • Webster Lewis - Live at Club 7

    Considering I'm Norwegian, living in Norway, and that it was only released in Norway I should have found this at some point at ANY price...

    But no. Same goes for Bleak House.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    sabadabada said:
    Mario Castro Neves and Samba SA that has all songs sung in Portugese, but I'm not sure if it even really exists.

    Fantasy grails?

    3 translucent private press 45s of McDonald & Giles jamming with Carol Kaye, Maceo and a young Van Morrison. Hendrix on rhythm. Biz Markie on beatbox breakdowns and general ambiance/tomfoolery.

    10" black ark Perry dubs with Photek & J.Dilla remixes, and pre-rolled, signed, 3% listening crutches.

    I know I saw an item advertised as in all portugese on ebay once, and I think I recall seeing it twice, but i know at least once. But just cause its advertised as being all in Portugese doesn't mean its true, so I remain skeptical.

  • Yeah I'm a little dude.

    24 Karat Black in good condition.
    Dreamed of finding this myself in the field...one day.

  • Lloyd McNeill- Asha, Washington Suite and Tanner Suite (anyone?)

  • Options
    Mac Davis - Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me just kidding!

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Odub sold a (skated) copy of my grail not too long ago. I bid a trillion dollars and still didn't come up. The search continues.

  • Must be this thing on my avatar.

    King George: I Need You

    Incredibly rare, considering its on Audio Arts. Never been on ebay or other auctions, that I know of. The sad part is of course that, when it eventually comes up for sale, I will never be able to afford it.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    Elysian Spring
    East of Underground
    Psychedelic Aliens

    are a few off the top of my head.

  • sabadabada said:
    Mario Castro Neves and Samba SA that has all songs sung in Portugese, but I'm not sure if it even really exists. I would also like a copy of Carlos Lyra Sarava which comes around but is expensive and Donato Muito a Vontade.
    You mean the blue covered version right with the band standing in a marina? I've had a copy (emphasis on had) recently, sound quality isn't great compared to the Japanese reissue. Bloody hard album to find though....

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    djmario said:
    sabadabada said:
    Mario Castro Neves and Samba SA that has all songs sung in Portugese, but I'm not sure if it even really exists. I would also like a copy of Carlos Lyra Sarava which comes around but is expensive and Donato Muito a Vontade.
    You mean the blue covered version right with the band standing in a marina? I've had a copy (emphasis on had) recently, sound quality isn't great compared to the Japanese reissue. Bloody hard album to find though....

    I have the original. But there is supposedly one with ALL songs sung in Portugese. The original is like half-n-half with English.
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