70's dad's sweatshirt i.d (bronx related)

This is a picture of my dad from the 70's. It's one of the only photo's I had of him when I was growing up. I've alway's wondered what the hell the sweatshirt was about. The pic would have been taken in France or North Afrika but he may have visited New York ..
Anyone know anything about "central music of the bronx inc" & the origins of this sweatshirt?????
(Feel free to post your own parental garment pictures)
*post edited to fix picture link
It might look okay on yours cause its already in your cache.
Try hooking it up again.
But this post reminds me: I've seen a documentary about the German soccer club BAYERN MUNICH from 1975 last night. The president wore a very nice cord suite in bright brown colors. Cool flares and a jacket with a superb collar. I was totally shocked when I noticed an ADIDAS logo on the jacket! Did Adidas make suits in the 70s? It didn't look like the Adidas logo was an ad thingy.
What a
ok try this:
yeah they made suits
Your image tag format looked
did you ever see an Adidas suit? No sweat suits, but noble suits. Cause I've never een one at 2nd Hand stores!
yeah? link plaese. Id like to see that.
I just remember in an old issue of Grand Royal they had a nice article on the history of Adidas or something that had a lot of nice catalog pics(that went up on my wall) and shit from the 70s,etc. I seem to remember leisure suits and shit. I am sure those pics are floating around on the net.
I don't see him very often he lives in another country & doesn't speak great English! Doubt he lost the fight tho he's a blackbelt in judo (whilst pipe smoking)
Maybe its some sort of dancing going on.
It seems to have a NY address along the bottom...