Why does everyone have English accents in these movies?
4,513 Posts
So I just saw Prince of Persia with my kid and all the actors have English accents, something that occurs in far too many movies about the ancient world. Where did this stereotype start? 300 is about Greek Spartans, all have English accents. Almost every movie/series I can remember about Rome - Gladiator, HBO's series Rome, etc. all have English accents. Shit a lot of plays by Shakespeare aren't even about the English and yet they all have English accents well. Is he the cause of all this?
I do love this phenomenon, though... And when the German guys speak English with a German accent, etc.
Surprisingly not a bad movie though.
i.e. french movie taking place in america, everyone speaks French but with an american accent to signify they're in america or some shit.
Not sure who is more worthy of despising, these briddish traitors who accept the gig and continue to (unfairly %-P ) besmirch our rep, or a Hollywood system and viewing public who cannot accept the concept of an evil American.
Actually, let's not discriminate here, let's hate on both sets of cuntly cunts.
along with how come so many American rock singers try to sound British and British rock bands try to sound American.
The worst ever example of this was Three Men and A Little Lady. Recent sightings include the voiceovers in Fantastic Mr Fox and the nerdy posh twat in Alice in Wonderland.
How about Ben Kingsley playing the Hood in the Thunderbirds film? Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lechter.
The list is long and the point is made I think. I know you dudes understand it. What about the general populace? Talmbout inbreds in wife-beaters and dudes who think Japan is in Tokyo.
Its annoying and disrespectful, frankly. Please tell your Senator.
here's a quick question:
I'm putting on a short one act play about Ingerland v Germany game...having some trouble figuring out which accents they should use. Of course, they're both The Bad Guys. Should ze Germannz speak like BRITTZ with GERMAN akzenten, or what?
cap'n amurka
Like this maybe ???
I know, it's totally offensive. I'm boycotting any movie with a British actor using an American accent.
Is the cahstle fah?