Mike2600 Appreciation Thread.

As I was posting this in the Dam Funk thread, I realized the man's talent is too big to be buried in someone else's thread.
Now I only actually met the man once, but he was a fun, friendly dude and just seemed to be an all-around good guy with decent karaoke skills. However, dude is a freakin' beast when it comes to artwork and DJing! From his graemlin contributions to his Freeway & Lyn Christopher buttons to his Soulstrut shirt design to his CLASSIC Heavy Sessions mixtape to his Things Kings Do and Monster Mash mixtapes with Otto to the flyer he designed for the anniversary of my weekly some 5-6 years ago (which I have framed) to the multiple mixes he's dropped online to the little quirky details/vocal samples that (I've heard) he adds to his live mixes that probably only a handful of people actually get but that's okay 'cause I think he probably only does it for those handful of people anyways to his countless shirt and concert poster/print designs like the Dam Funk one below I just bought off StonesThrow's site for $20 (yes, $20!) to his incredible remixes to his alphabet keychain series (some $50 later and I still can't spell my name out...damn blind boxes. Plus I still need that poster too!) to his burger Dunny which was straight up bitten (no pun intended) by the Walt Disney Company to his awesometastically delicious design blog to...shit, there's just waaaaaay to much to name. Dude's creativity and prolificness is off whatever chart they measure creativity and prolificness on!
Post your favorite and collect 'em all!

(That's me in there.)
Now I only actually met the man once, but he was a fun, friendly dude and just seemed to be an all-around good guy with decent karaoke skills. However, dude is a freakin' beast when it comes to artwork and DJing! From his graemlin contributions to his Freeway & Lyn Christopher buttons to his Soulstrut shirt design to his CLASSIC Heavy Sessions mixtape to his Things Kings Do and Monster Mash mixtapes with Otto to the flyer he designed for the anniversary of my weekly some 5-6 years ago (which I have framed) to the multiple mixes he's dropped online to the little quirky details/vocal samples that (I've heard) he adds to his live mixes that probably only a handful of people actually get but that's okay 'cause I think he probably only does it for those handful of people anyways to his countless shirt and concert poster/print designs like the Dam Funk one below I just bought off StonesThrow's site for $20 (yes, $20!) to his incredible remixes to his alphabet keychain series (some $50 later and I still can't spell my name out...damn blind boxes. Plus I still need that poster too!) to his burger Dunny which was straight up bitten (no pun intended) by the Walt Disney Company to his awesometastically delicious design blog to...shit, there's just waaaaaay to much to name. Dude's creativity and prolificness is off whatever chart they measure creativity and prolificness on!
Post your favorite and collect 'em all!

(That's me in there.)
Seriously, who dreams up crazy dope ideas like this?! Mike The 2600 King, that's who.
Oh and I did indeed design the pixelated logo shirt, but if anyone from N**e asks, shhhhhhhh...
This is ill. Where can I order one?
(I actually bit this idea for my little bday BBQ invite last year.)
... and Heavy Sessions is a top-3 all-time SS-related mix for me. that and Raj's Ca$h Play were on my dashboard for years.
ART!!! really, really dig this one. can i order a print?
I feel you. Just order a size up!
Also, those Dam Funk prints ARE available!
It's here:
$25 (including shipping)
(if you like neat stamps and art noveauesque company logos that is)
Straight up and down, Mike is that dude, nuff said!!! He's got the crazy crates, record knowledge, wit, and all around good-naturedness. He's a great asset to the 'Strut, and it's about damn time he got appreciated.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
i wish id had more money round the Haiti heatrocks time as he was offering some AMAZING shit.
and i just copped one of those nike shirts.
a truly talanted dude.
always churning out quality work. always.
if i could be like mike...