Argentina whats good
12,848 Posts
I am down here in Patagonia for a few. Buenos Aires on Saturday for a couple weeks.I thought there was an Argentina or BA thread on here a couple weeks back but I couldnt find it.Any reccomendations would be appreciated.
the best steaks you get on the outskirts of BA, but not too far outside the city centre, after about 25km, there?s some crazy gheddo! as an alternate, the italian immigrants serve great pasta dishes too...
for records, best check the sunday morning flea markets, lots of wax but mostly crap, though you can still find some nice ones too..
also there?s a few stores in this big shopping complex, but don?t know the name anymore.
also, try havanna alfajores, the best cakes on earth if you ask me and the gelati there is incredible too!!!
so far its been lots of steaks and alfahores.
...but really steak is pretty much the bomb everywhere. wash it done with some Malbec wine.
Palermo Soho and Hollywood are the cool spots to wonder round in, as is San Telmo (the "old" area) and Recoleta (upscale).
Buenos Aires is easily one of the best cities I've visited.
You only really need a couple of days to see the sights. San Telmo and Boca for example. The rest is just hanging out and pretending to be Italian. A good area to do that is called Palermo, which is sort of like a cross between the Mission and Tribeca.
If you have time, take the ferry to Colonia or Montevideo, both in Uruguay.
for sure gonna do this.
thanks guys.
cheap & sweet place to stay in san telmo
ha, oops, everyone in BA was telling us to go to Colonia and when we said we were going to Montevideo, they were like, uh ok then... But glad we went because MV was a really pleasant surprise, super chilled, mad records!
Went to Iguazu with a Brazilian and an Argentine and they both thought the falls only existed on their side of the border
See both sides.
I can vouch for a handful of these. Kentucky being my favorite.