Abelton Q (tech-audio-R)



  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,800 Posts
    Insert warp markers across drum transients, right click, slice to new midi track. Bingo. YouTube is your friend

    wrd.. and when in arrangement view you can just record samples, select parts you want a sample of, and drag it to the sampler. leaving out the need for wavelab, sound forge or similiar applications.

    Turns out I was always using the Arrangement view, but on a version of Ableton without this 'slice to midi' function.
    Had a look at some youtube tutorials, very interesting.
    If Ableon's WARP function has an effect on the sound, does 'slicing to midi', and then doing the warping there somehow negate any bad side-effects towards the sound?
    Still not sure what 'dragging it to the sampler' means.

    Basically, it looks like I'm going to have to get a good soundcard.
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