
  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    DOR said:
    We're having this issue in my country. Conservative by design are strangling the public health system. Pushing to bring more private options and make themselves rich off of sick people. The latest is Nurses have been stuck with raises under inflation for over a decade. 3 years ago the conservatives pushed through a bill that capped all public servants to 1% raises each year. For nurses, they are now leaving the system at about double the normal rate. Now hospitals have to close for periods of time because staffing issues. The conservative want to just bring in more international nurses. Meanwhile the powers that be push with the agenda that this is proof the public system is crashing. 

    Discussed this at length during some English classes while I was in Quebec. Some of the (shortsighted) students viewed the situation as proof that the USA system was better. I had to share screen —> Google: leading cause of bankruptcy in USA —> then Google bankruptcy in Americans WITH health insurance to really drive home that it is a much, much worse option.

    Quebec making things worse with their ridiculous language requirements: this year they passed a law that anyone entering the country to work - not seeking citizenship - has 6 months to pass French language tests after arrival. My wife says she wouldn’t have gone there (and others like her will refuse to) if this had been law in 2019. All her work is in English, most science labs are staffed by internationals all conversing in English and far too busy doing 12-14 hour days to have time to become fluent in French within 6 months of relocating to a new country + job.

    They expect experienced nurses to retrain and get Quebec qualifications - as if their standard of education is somehow the pinnacle of medical education.

    All of Quebec’s personnel shortages are of their own xenophobic making. Fucking idiots.


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Jimster said:
    But Mrs D is Spanish, no?  So you can get a Spanish passport and live anywhere in the EU as you please?  Don't you already have more passports than Jason Bourne?

    Not going to use the US of A one if I can help it, feel almost as much self loathing these days with my Brit one, and the Spanish might, no, will expect me to be really quite fluent before I can swear fealty to the ghost of Franco… I think the Dutch will be more relaxed about everything.

    But with rising sea levels they need to find a way to turn the country into a floating Venice if I’m going to pension it there.

    Maybe Andorra: tax haven, Catalan is the official language and it’s got altitude.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Jimster said:
    ppadilha said:

    Those are Gabriel Jesus' tatts.

    Jesus has been very good so far (pre-season). Maybe my scepticism was misplaced.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,990 Posts
    Deffo an upgrade with GJ and Zinky.  Arteta already knows them from City so they will already be familiar with the methods.  Usual Arsenal Achilles Heel will be lack of depth when key dudes get knocks.  For me, this is what cost the peak-Fabregas-era team key games.

    This is where owners with deep pockets - and crucially, long enough arms to come up with the cash - gives the "Big" teams the advantage.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    …that reminds me:

    I’ve spent the summer living in London lodging at a dominatrix’s house. She has a sex dungeon, but to be honest it’s on the first floor, and as a result not quite as soundproof as an actual dungeon. She’s a lovely lady and more of a madam to younger sex workers who come in a few times a week on average for Sub/Dom sessions with their clients. One wall of the dungeon has a trellis type thing with a large variety of objects (gagballs, whips etc) some of which it’s not obvious which end they’d be inserted. There’s a nice leather-bound chair/kneeling thing and a chain hanging from the ceiling (for cuffs?). Also a bed and a big mirror. Generally if I am in when a session is due to start I make my excuses and go out for a pint/cuppa as not only do I not want to listen in, if I was a client paying for some fantasy time, I wouldn’t want the spell broken by someone sneezing in the room next door etc.

    Maybe I’m a prude and I should just lie back on my bed and smash one out to the sound of S&M.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,990 Posts
    How do you end up at these places?  Just happy coincidence?  I remember the shared-flat days where you had some dealer trying to post a Christmas tree through the letterbox, no?

    Did she give you the tour before you agreed to stay?  Mrs D all good? :D

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

     Jimster said:
    How do you end up at these places?  Just happy coincidence?

    It’s a gift.

    The Young-Ones-on-actual-crack flat feels like another life, and he didn’t try, he did steal a 10 foot+ x-mas tree from a front garden and left it in our hallway making all movement between rooms and floors an assault course.
    Happy days.

    This is much more genteel and respectable debauchery. Mrs Duder is simply very curious.


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    But seriously a friend put me in touch with her. Dirt cheap and she cooks and does my laundry - maybe that’s an Italian thing.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    Duder is like the real life Todd Chavez from BoJack Horseman

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    Duder is like the real life Todd Chavez from BoJack Horseman

    I don’t know the show but I’ll take “real-life” of anything as a compliment 

    Should also say Mrs Duder is still in Holland. So I won’t know what she really thinks of all this until she visits tomorrow   

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    make sure to tell Mrs Duder your safe word before you let her in teh dungeon

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    That first goal from Jesus vs Foxes. Phwoar!

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    I made some dungeon noises when I first saw that goal

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Well shit. This is an interesting start of the season. 

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    Long live the strut!

    DuderonomyJimsterppadilhaklezmer electro-thug beats

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,990 Posts
    The lesser-spotted @dukeofdelridge !  Previously believed extinct after the Great Facebook Migration.

    How's tricks? 

    Yes I am still riding.

    Yes I am about to commission a bespoke #RIPGeeks / Matt Stackswell™ / The Gaffler Tribute MTB Jersey


  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts

    I never had FB, just kicked IG like a year and a half ago and didn’t feel record-y enough to strut. Looks like that was a mistake, as it’s fallen to britmans…

    and there are two kids wtf lol 

    I tuned in to a few soulstrutlive YouTube streams early on in the ‘demmy, tiger king era…that was nice

    been seeing more anodiSed aluminium retros, that’s hit the tech set maybe…I always think of Jimster when those purple bar ends whiz by…gonna clean up my Last Remaining Pedal Bike this afternoon, got a city ride with coworkers and I don’t want to kill them with Eeb power. 
    I’m triple mega into eebs even harder than before. Still roasting the big DH trails around here every chance I get. Love it. 
    I went to West Virginia last year to watch the World Cup, it was so sick. 
    Ummm Amazon Music has most every 95 WOF record I know, most with alternate / bonus tracks. I want to flip through my 100 remaining records this week, but I don’t want to have to come up with a purge plan. Oof. 
    We want to move to New Zealand or some shit, obvi. These mericamans is wilding. 
    I hope all strutteurs everywhere are flourishing. 
    Yer jerz is hott. 


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    I’m triple mega into eebs even harder than before.

    Amazon Music has most every 95 WOF record I know, most with alternate / bonus tracks.

    What’s an eeb?

    on hearing ‘90s WOF these days: super raer funk 45s are just Starbucks Muzak now.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,990 Posts

    I’m triple mega into eebs even harder than before.

    Amazon Music has most every 95 WOF record I know, most with alternate / bonus tracks.

    What’s an eeb?

    on hearing ‘90s WOF these days: super raer funk 45s are just Starbucks Muzak now.

    eebs = e-bikes = electric bikes.

    Dukodelic has some sa-weeet deal where he just gets to test the most expensive mountain bikes ever made, for a living.  Also, from what I recall on IG, lives next to a real mountain.  Bears are probably the biggest concern in man's life.  Or Cougars.  Both the animal-types, I would imagine.

    The fucker.

    Bizarre evening yesterday, wifey was at a funeral all day, I went to pick her up from the wake at a pub near The Real Wayne Manor, so was just expecting to be 10 mins there and back.  Alas, got invited back to the son of the deceased's house to have "One (1)" drink to his mam and watch the Un*ted/Liverpool match.  Turns out he has built a bar in his back yard complete with etched Liver bird windows and a telly the size of a galleon's sail.  It was one of those where we were being begged to stay the whole night but saner heads had to prevail.

    They were already hammered at the wake, they got through the same again at his yard and turns out he was massively into obscure (as much as I could go) drum and bass and the Tour de France but Liverpool are his big thing.  Despite him being born and bred in Nottingham.  To the extent that all his kids have the initials L.F.C.  When they started jumping into a freezing cold hot-tub in full funeral attire, I persuaded wifey and #2 son who had just come along for the ride but was now sneaking Vodka shots that we should really leave.

    We're invited back for Christmas...

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    Yes kings go off

    Remember when we’d just walk out into the world and do whatever? Jimster you were right to remove your family from this situation but also holy shit how good!!!

    eebs is life. 

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Arsenal still (just) top!

    Who are you most sad to have lost Jimster; Sterling, Jesus, or Zinchenko?

    How’s Haaland working for Pep?

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    Haaland seems to be brauting teams. I get the feeling he'll be quiet against the small teams that sit back in their own box, but will thoroughly fuck any team that comes at City like he did against Palace this weekend.

    I've also been enjoying how Zinchenko has become Arsenal's on-field cheerleader. Dude always seems so stoked about everything they do.

    and this goal: dungeon noises

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,990 Posts
    Arsenal still (just) top!

    Who are you most sad to have lost Jimster; Sterling, Jesus, or Zinchenko?

    How’s Haaland working for Pep?

    Jesus.  One of them lads who can make something out of nothing.  Not at the peak Neymar or peak Messi level of course, but coming in from the wing with some flair moves, like a more reliable Raphina.  Never whinged when he didn't play, wasn't wasteful when his chances came.  Obvs with Haaland arriving, Jesus' clout was less.  I make that papal blessing action and wish man well.  I would have missed him even more if Bernardo wasn't staying because we'd be looking at dem yoot Cole Palmer and Foden to do those jobs all the time.  Mahrez is hot and cold.

    Zinky is a great addition too.  I think he can play well anywhere behind the front, apart from centre back because he's not massive.  He did a lot of jobs he wasn't qualified to do on paper and only got found out on the very biggest stages against specialists in their position.  Again, the lure of starting every week with Arteta knowing him, was fair enough.

    Sterling cost us games, stat.  Nothing personal - Good player, lethal at creating a chance, but not so lethal at finishing these chances lately.  Deffo failed to put the lid on the wasp jar too many times for me to forgive him.  Seems to be a confidence player, liked a whinge at LFC and City, so being back in Laahdan might work out better.  I bet he celebrates if he scores against City.  That kind of player.


  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,990 Posts
    Pep has already said he's going to rotate Haaland and Alvarez when the schedules get busy so I am taking a punt by leaving him in against Forest mid-week.  Say what you want about Forest, but they don't want to park the bus, and look better every game.  They played well against Spurs and it was only Kane that made the difference.  And good old fashioned Italian-coached shithousery.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    I happened to catch the 2nd half of Forest v Everton last week and Forest should have won that game. Not that they were very good, but at least they have the clear excuse of trying to get 18 news players to gel into a team. Everton, on the other hand, were absolute shite and I'm not sure what Lampard's excuse would be for that (other than blaming his own players).

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Scott Parker!?!? It was meant to be Wank Lampard Junior.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,990 Posts
    Scott Parker!?!? It was meant to be Wank Lampard Junior.

    Think he was already cheesed off with his Bournemouth superiors at the level of investment they didn't make in the side since promotion, when you look at what Forest, for example, have spent.

    I still remember City getting spanked 8-1 by Middlesbrough.  Afonso Alves take a bow.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    This Haaland kid seems good at scoring goals. Maybe not Afonso Alves good, but still good.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,990 Posts
    Should have triple-captained him!  The goals come to him, he has that animal magnetism.

    Alvarez also looks a great addition.

    Felt a bit sorry for Forest, they didn't do anything wrong because they never got the ball to do anything.

    @Duderonomy - told you to trust in the process, Jesus has come!
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