Hi Strut.

G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
edited February 2010 in Strut Central
Hey guys, sorry if it is inappropriate to post a thread like this. I have been absent from the Strut for probably a couple years, but I thought I'd check back in and say hello. I want to get back into buying records and learning about music. I've been on major hiatus (but I still have all my music). I hope everybody is well, and I am going to try to stop by more often. That Soulstrut radio thing looks cool but I couldn't get it to work for me on my work computer. I'm glad to see all the gramelins are still present. I'm also glad to see the Haiti Heatrocks thing happening, very cool. The power of the Strut is a wonderful thing! -GB


  • There's an NBA thread going. Get in there!

    And we still talk about rap

    Welcome back.

  • What up Jonny! Great, I'm there. And I still listen to rap, game on. Thanks!

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    I want to get back into buying records and learning about music.

    You missed a few things.

    Dolo revealed himself to be uber-producer Dr Dre.

    Everything is merely hip-hop derivative.

    Speaking of which, Faux Rillz started riding for UK Hip-Hop, specially Black Twang and Rodney P.

    The Streets is hip-hop vs The Streets isn't hip-hop raised the bar for Brit-on-Brit friendly fire.

    Everyone thinks that Liam, or Noel, Gallagher of Oasis infamy is a cock, and definitely not hip-hop, while Jay-Z can do Oasis songs at Glastonbury and still be hip-hop.

    Almost everyone is in agreement that there needs to be more threads with pix of Christina Hendricks.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    good to have you back

  • Wow, that's an excellent update/recap. Thanks! Should I know who Black Twang or Rodney P. are? Because I don't...

    This, I ride for...

    pcmr - Thanks! I love the Devin pic, nice. Devin should start calling himself Devin: That Dude.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts

    This, I ride for...


  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    "God did not make all men equal ??? Christina Hendricks's guns did." - Samuel Colt

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Welcome back muhfucka! Holleur at a playeur.

  • What up Jon! Thanks. I am definitely trying to get back into this schitt. I haven't been to the record store in something like 6 months. I think that's a record for me (pardon the pun). Still got that Afro Harpin' on deck, of course. Haha.

  • Welcome back....

  • Thanks! Melo, that's my dude, but I cannot ride for his sneaker line... However, his M3's are still better than any of Kobe's shoes... Lebron's VII's crush all the new signature Nike/Jordan bball shoes IMO. The Syracuse colorway is appreciated though.
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