How old is too old for a kid to breastfeed?WTFNSFW

GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
edited July 2009 in Strut Central generally try to separate myself from being confined by cultural standards vs. common sense. And while I know it's not physically damaging, I can't help but think these girls are going to be messed up, if not because of themselves but because of cruel schoolmates.I also like that the dad gets involved. In drinking, not feeding.Great vid... if for nothing more than humor value. heh.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    "If they're old enough to ask for it...they're too old."

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I was going to say, 'what's your problem, mothers and children can decide for themselves'. But 8 is pretty shocking to me. I am trying to get over my problem.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I can't help but think these girls are going to be messed up, if not because of themselves but because of cruel schoolmates.

    Meh. Conformity is overrated.

    That said, no hell my wife felt like breastfeeding past 2 or so. She wanted her body back.

  • TrueStuTrueStu 91 Posts
    I'll speak up about this, since I'm probably in the minority on this issue.

    My wife still breastfeeds our 3 year daughter, but:

    1. my wife is a La Leche League leader
    2. she only nurses her to put her to sleep and is in a slow process of weening.
    3. my wife has been ready to stop nursing her for several months now.

    The real problem is that even at an appropriate age (like under 1 year of age) people will give you the ice grill when you're trying to feed your baby. People associate breasts with sex - and there is nothing sexual about feeding a child.

    knows what I'm talkin bout.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts

    My wife still breastfeeds our 3 year daughter, but:

    Wow. So your wife can have full on conversations with your daughter while she feeds, eh?

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I'll speak up about this, since I'm probably in the minority on this issue.

    My wife still breastfeeds our 3 year daughter, but:

    1. my wife is a La Leche League leader
    2. she only nurses her to put her to sleep and is in a slow process of weening.
    3. my wife has been ready to stop nursing her for several months now.

    The real problem is that even at an appropriate age (like under 1 year of age) people will give you the ice grill when you're trying to feed your baby. People associate breasts with sex - and there is nothing sexual about feeding a child.

    knows what I'm talkin bout.

    I had to look up La Leche League. I was envisioning some sort of superhero group made up of a bunch of Superwoman-looking ladies with breasts access in their super outfits.

    This is one of those things that I wouldn't do/want to do in my family but is certainly in the realm of parental judgment call IMO.

    But, as with many societal fringe things, I suspect it would do more harm than good outside the home (unfortunately) - at least at 7 years old. For a 3 year old I doubt it would matter to them but I'm sure would get you looks as parents.

    And yeah the sexual connection is odd, kinda like those guys that want to spy on women in restrooms. Like yeah, hot, some chick peeing and taking a dump.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I saw a kid run up to his Mom, pull her shirt up and ask for it. Hell to the f*ck no.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I saw a kid run up to his Mom, pull her shirt up and ask for it. Hell to the f*ck no.

    That's communist talk.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    how about stopping when they can eat food? there's a million titty free ways to comfort a 2+ year old child. not to mention that I AM head of this household and I want my tits back.

  • TrueStuTrueStu 91 Posts

    My wife still breastfeeds our 3 year daughter, but:

    Wow. So your wife can have full on conversations with your daughter while she feeds, eh?


    My daughter is usually going to sleep and has a tit in her mouth, which are two things which normally mean there's not a lot of chatting going on - but it does happen sometimes.

  • UnconSciUnconSci 824 Posts
    In one of my classes we discussed this... Theres cultures that breastfeed until the kids are like 8 years old.

    Supposedly the later you ween your kid the more social comfort they have.

    I personally have no opinion on it... but I think breastfeeding kids past 2 is kinda weird but I don't think its bad for them at all... if anything... weening your kids at 1 is probably a bit bad for them.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    I'll speak up about this, since I'm probably in the minority on this issue.

    My wife still breastfeeds our 3 year daughter, but:

    1. my wife is a La Leche League leader
    2. she only nurses her to put her to sleep and is in a slow process of weening.
    3. my wife has been ready to stop nursing her for several months now.

    The real problem is that even at an appropriate age (like under 1 year of age) people will give you the ice grill when you're trying to feed your baby. People associate breasts with sex - and there is nothing sexual about feeding a child.

    knows what I'm talkin bout.

    That's not abnormal. Eight years old is, but then again, I don't think it's as big a deal as some people would make it out to be. Like you said, people associate breasts with sex, so thinking about a child that age breastfeeding seems akin to child molestation to some, though it's not.

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    I'll speak up about this, since I'm probably in the minority on this issue.

    My wife still breastfeeds our 3 year daughter, but:

    1. my wife is a La Leche League leader
    2. she only nurses her to put her to sleep and is in a slow process of weening.
    3. my wife has been ready to stop nursing her for several months now.

    The real problem is that even at an appropriate age (like under 1 year of age) people will give you the ice grill when you're trying to feed your baby. People associate breasts with sex - and there is nothing sexual about feeding a child.

    knows what I'm talkin bout.

    I think that's cool. If your wife and your child are happy, that's what's important. La Leche League does great stuff.

    I am trying to do a year and then I will wean.

  • Options
    I'm with fatback on this. If they can chew food and/or speak in complete sentences, breastfeeding should end.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I'm with fatback on this. If they can chew food and/or speak in complete sentences, breastfeeding should end.

    Hmmm...the distance in age between those two traits is pretty large. Many kids can chew food around a year old but the "complete sentence" thing may not follow for another year after that.

    From the parents I've met, weaning seems to take place somewhere between those ages, though going up to 3 probably wouldn't be so unusual either.

    To me - and this is just me - I think the issue with older kids still breastfeeding isn't the sexual connotation, but rather, the idea that the child hasn't "matured" past infancy. That's wholly relative of course and no doubt influenced by the particular mores of American society rather than anything universal.

    For real, it's pretty funny having a bunch of men debating this (myself included). We have, what? ONE mom who has weighed in here? (Actually, how many moms are Strutters...two?)

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    For real, it's pretty funny having a bunch of men debating this (myself included). We have, what? ONE mom who has weighed in here? (Actually, how many moms are Strutters...two?)

    It hasn't stopped the 95% cracker percentage from weighing in on anything minority related, so why let statistics stop this conversation now?

    Really I think mom perspectives are great but I'm sure the many dads on here are involved enough to be able to comment with authority.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I'm sure the many dads on here are involved enough to be able to comment with authority.

    That sound you hear are dozens of wives snickering.

  • SelinaKyle83SelinaKyle83 1,042 Posts
    I don't think passed 4 is appropriate. "A friend of a friend" continued to breast fed her 5 year old kid while she was feeding her newborn and she would let the child fall asleep suckling at her. The child had to have most of her baby teeth pulled because they had rotted from the high amounts of natural sugar.

    That's not the only reason i don't said above: old enough to ask, they're too old.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts

    To me - and this is just me - I think the issue with older kids still breastfeeding isn't the sexual connotation, but rather, the idea that the child hasn't "matured" past infancy. That's wholly relative of course and no doubt influenced by the particular mores of American society rather than anything universal.

    That's a good point. I've seen a situation where a mother continued to breastfeed her four-year-old at the same time as her two-year-old and it was clear that she was too attached to the idea of the older child being "her baby" to ween him. I think it was a little emotionally harmful for the child, as he tended to regress easily when feeling stressed out.

    SelinaKyle also makes a valid point with the health issues. Children physically aren't meant to breastfeed after a certain point, though that point varies and can be hard to pin down for specific families.

  • For nutrition / development, exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months (no complimentary foods or liquids -- even water) is recommended (WHO). Then, 6 months - 24 months gradually add solid foods until completely weaned. Obviously, you can breast feed beyond 24 months, but it is not necessary for adequate child nutrition assuming you are feeding the child well. However, beyond 6 months, a breast milk only diet is NOT adequate.

  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts
    2 1/2 years MAX in this household... after that my wife wants her body back, and not to be selfish, but I want it back too.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    2 1/2 years MAX in this household... after that my wife wants her body back, and not to be selfish, but I want it back too.

    Didn't you watch the video clip? At the end she says her husband breastfed with her too.

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    out of my two breast feed babies, they were off the breast at around 1 y.o.

  • the_spacethe_space 74 Posts
    michael jordan was breastfed till 3. pele was breastfed till 5. i'm no super athlete, but i still like suckin on titties!

  • AKallDayAKallDay 830 Posts
    i was breast fed til 2 apparently.
    my parents were kinda hippies.
    i will say that i have a very strong immune system and no allergies and i have a rare immunity to poison ivy. my mom seems to think breastmilk enzymes are attributable.


  • DJ_PhillieDJ_Phillie 199 Posts
    I saw a kid run up to his Mom, pull her shirt up and ask for it. Hell to the f*ck no.

    that was me. and no it wasn't my mom. and no, it wasn't breastfeeding that i was asking for.

  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts
    2 1/2 years MAX in this household... after that my wife wants her body back, and not to be selfish, but I want it back too.

    Didn't you watch the video clip? At the end she says her husband breastfed with her too.

    Nope, computa was too slow. But shit, it just ain't the same w/ the little boss hangin off the other titty.

  • DeegreezDeegreez 804 Posts
    My wife stopped at 1 yr old and she didn't have to wean he just naturally moved on from it one day. And that was it. Breastfeeding itself is not sexual either at all but I will admit it's sexy as hell. Yes I said that.

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    i'm no super athlete, but i still like suckin on titties!

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