electrik red



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    Deej is ahead of the curve. This girl group will be a hit, just watch.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    I don't care about how foul their lyrics are, or chart positions(! - does anyone here?), but as a fan of R&B and occasionally even pop I am just unimpressed by any of this stuff. They had 1 or 2 cuts that I might start to appreciate if they play them 100s of times on the radio but that doesn't mean they're good.

    I found it kind of shocking that this was The-Dream's first project after hitting big cuz it seems like the kind of obvious, weak bullshit that any garden variety know-not A&R could've slapped together (and yes, they are definitely selling sex which you can see from the videos, do I have to keep noting that THREE OF THE SINGERS DON'T EVEN SING?!?!?!).

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Early burnout? Or just spreading themselves too thin?
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