Stones Throw



  • StringsStrings 82 Posts
    Endtroducing > Donuts

    By a country mile

  • Endtroducing? What a bizarre reference point. I dont understand the hold that album has over some people. Personally I was bored f*cking senseless by it back in '96, and its just gets worse everytime I hear it, which is far too much because here in the UK it unfortunately still enjoys relentless ubiquity as background muzak to all kinds of shit. I do wish it would just crawl away and die.

    Slightly back on topic I think it's obviously hip to hate on an outfit that does so much right.

    I dont buy many Stones Throw releases (maybe the last was Oh No's Oxperiment, which left me a little cold) but they are pretty much peerless on all fronts. If calling Madlib out on his quality control is a legitimate dis then ST really are something special.

  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
    On a different note, I appreciate Jeff Jank's work with the label. I wish more would follow his and ST's album art approach. Their album art will always win me over.

    While all these aren't Jank's work, these are a few favorite covers I could find. I'm definitely missing a lot, feel free to add on.

  • haze25haze25 759 Posts
    Endtroducing > Donuts


  • here in the UK endtroducing unfortunately still enjoys relentless ubiquity as background muzak to all kinds of shit
    YES! the BBC plays tracks off it to anything on tv...and i mean ANYTHING.

  • upskibooupskiboo 2,396 Posts
    this joint def had me trippin when it first came out, wow!!

  • drumsdrums 83 Posts
    this joint def had me trippin when it first came out, wow!!

    The album was pretty good too. After that...

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    any SS beatmakers participate in the ST message board beat battles, looks like they've been going at it for quite a while..

    unless you are trying to sound like madlib or dilla you dont get much love in the beat battles over there

    The problem isn't Stones Throw, [color:red]it's most of their fan base. [/color]

    many of the average stones throw fans remind me of a quote i read about sasha baron cohen's reasons for killing off his Ali G character (way too late), it was said his audience went from a group of people that got the joke, to a group of kids that didn't realize there was one in the first place. I keep my love for the label some what in the closet for those reasons

  • upskibooupskiboo 2,396 Posts
    any SS beatmakers participate in the ST message board beat battles, looks like they've been going at it for quite a while..

    unless you are trying to sound like madlib or dilla you dont get much love in the beat battles over there

    maybe so.. but the sheer creativity going on in those battles are pretty cool, last weeks battle nr 116 had like 80 or so enteries, this goes on every week on that message board, not many now day labels could gather that kinda participation.. right?

    donuts changing hip hop ? maybe for 15 yr olds.

    swizz beats seems to have made more of an impact.

    lets get one thing straight, dilla came up on pete rock, pete was a huuuuge influence, take a listen.

    drum programming > t.r.o.y.

    considering madlibs output, i cant believe they havent gone broke from not clearing samples as a policy.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    donuts changing hip hop ? maybe for 15 yr olds.

    swizz beats seems to have made more of an impact.

    lets get one thing straight, dilla came up on pete rock, pete was a huuuuge influence, take a listen.

    Dilla had whole tapes of him trying to re-do Pete Rock beats. I don't think anyone is arguing that point.

    So what does it say if Pete says he in turn is influenced by Dilla?

    Dudes are going to real stretches to discredit this dude.

    15 year olds... smh. Who else would it be for? For old ass dudes like you and me? lol.

    Swizz has had a big impact, that's true.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    "not feeling Stones Throw's elbows..."

    haha SoulStrut!!

    donuts changing hip hop ? maybe for 15 yr olds.

    swizz beats seems to have made more of an impact.

    lets get one thing straight, dilla came up on pete rock, pete was a huuuuge influence, take a listen.

    Dilla had whole tapes of him trying to re-do Pete Rock beats. I don't think anyone is arguing that point.

    So what does it say if Pete says he in turn is influenced by Dilla?

    Dudes are going to real stretches to discredit this dude.

    15 year olds... smh. Who else would it be for? For old ass dudes like you and me? lol.

    Swizz has had a big impact, that's true. [/quote

    in no way am i trying to discredit dilla. dude was and is truly one of the greatest. he has styles for miles.
    changed his shit up 3 or 4 times at that. his catalogue of unreleased joints is simply not matched by any other.
    he really never caved in to the pop mainstream, let me make a jam that sounds like whats winning right now.
    totally see pete being influenced by dilla...shit he prolly thought , damn i used to rock like this...what happened, let me step my game up. i wish more producers had his attitude today.
    before primo, buckwild, etc were doing mad remix work... all you had to do was see pete rocks name on a record without hearing and id pick it up.

    dude was our age, so i feel he spoke to me via his music and vibe... i just dont like the fact pete doesnt even get 1/2 the love from the dilla fanboy base. like if heads think donuts is the ill shit... we must be in love , only one can win etc...sounds like pete in his prime.
    if one thing for sure, sonically his shit is nuts.

    donuts changing hip hop>>> mecca & the soul brother/ all souled out ep.
    to say stones throw is a weak label is just silly.

  • ReedReed 97 Posts
    Donuts isn't his best work by far. His best shit in my opinion are his remixes and original produced tracks for other artists. His work with Common, Busta, One Little Indian '12, Slum v shit and millions of other songs made a big impact. you really think Pete Rock could make some shit like this?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Donuts isn't his best work by far. His best shit in my opinion are his remixes and original produced tracks for other artists. His work with Common, Busta, One Little Indian '12, Slum v shit and millions of other songs made a big impact. you really think Pete Rock could make some shit like this?

    I dont get how this beat is so phenomenal?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts

    OtisDillaYancey (1 week ago) Show Hide
    Marked as spam
    this beat introduced me to dilla! sadly a few months later he had to go

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts

    Stones Throw = Coffee crowd
    Def Jam = ???? (fill in the blank)

    I was thinking def jux when I read this originally.

    Huge cosign on gravelheadwrap's cover art appreciation. Those beat ass madlib sleeves are super fire, and then the more designed stuff is super crisp/tasteful.

    Didn't check most of this thread, so forgive me if the topic has been covered, but isn't stones throw doing a lot of reissues in the last couple years?

    Endtroducing's drum programming sounds sooooo stiff when I go listen to it now.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    I dont get how this beat is so phenomenal?

    me either

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    i just dont like the fact pete doesnt even get 1/2 the love from the dilla fanboy base.

    Let's just name the elephant in the room: If Pete Rock died way before his time, there'd be "Pete Rock changed my life" t-shirts too.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I dont get how this beat is so phenomenal?

    me either

    It's not. Dude's output was pretty relentless and so of course there's gonna be some duds. I didn't buy this when it first came out, and I was a pretty big fan by that time.

    This has morphed into a Dilla conversation?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I dont get how this beat is so phenomenal?

    me either

    It's not. Dude's output was pretty relentless and so of course there's gonna be some duds. I didn't buy this when it first came out, and I was a pretty big fan by that time.

    This has morphed into a Dilla conversation?

    Apparently people feel that Stonesthrow is most defensible by invoking Dilla.

  • ReedReed 97 Posts
    i'm not saying it's a ridiculously good beat but do you think Pete could make it? Pete is the king of his own style but i don't think he could change it up like that. Just saying....

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Since this conversation is going that way, just for the record Pete's got mad different styles.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Pete's got DUMB amounts of styles. Dude basically was THE producer when M&TSB dropped and then just completely flipped it. Since then he's flipped it time and time again. He still makes dope shit IMO... was listening to a Dipset (!) track he did for Kay Slay the other day and it's fire.

    Anyways this basically morphed into a thread about Dilla because Daniel asked what has Stones Throw ever released that was "classique"... I ventured Donuts.

    Then a bunch of dudes jumped up like, "nah dog that schitt is basically like peripheral at best nobody even cares except DJ Kingmost*" and I was forced into this Dilla Defensive Crouch that is not even really my steez.

    I mean not to be all Dilla-centric, but I think that's an example of Stones Throw doing what it does best - here was a producer that was known, was getting a lot of work, but they just were thinking a little bit different than other labels that had already paid cash money for his work. And they made a great, a CLASSIC rap record in the process.

    * Missing In Action!

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    And dudes stay using posthumous Dilla production to this day, so I think that kind of says it all.

    I did a career day thing up in the South Bronx last week, and talked to the childrens about what I does... and you know, they don't even know who Pete Rock is, they didn't know Primo until I mentioned a couple of songs that they had heard on the radio, they BARELY knew who Just Blaze is... despite having his name shouted on one of the biggest singles out right now. They did know who Q-Tip was though. You can't deny Jay-Dee's role in Tip's career longevity at this point, I don't think.

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    I was forced into this Dilla Defensive Crouch

    i am aroused. pics plaese.

    also, i dont know if its mentioned but i think the charizma ep is classic. of course, i think that was on southpaw, but still.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

    Please peep my PM. I need to respond to dude about guesting on my night. If the mix is indeed his, then I may invite him. If he's trying to pass yours off as his, then I need to check him on it.


    And dudes stay using posthumous Dilla production to this day, so I think that kind of says it all.

    I did a career day thing up in the South Bronx last week, and talked to the childrens about what I does... and you know, they don't even know who Pete Rock is, they didn't know Primo until I mentioned a couple of songs that they had heard on the radio, they BARELY knew who Just Blaze is... despite having his name shouted on one of the biggest singles out right now. They did know who Q-Tip was though. You can't deny Jay-Dee's role in COMMONS career longevity at this point, I don't think.

    breath and stop is just disgusting.....tip produced vivrant thang.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Which of those two cuts do you get more burn out of when you're DJing? I never really got too into "Vivrant Thing" personally... it's cool for what it is. "Breath And Stop" is just nuts.

  • ReedReed 97 Posts
    donuts changing hip hop ? maybe for 15 yr olds.

    swizz beats seems to have made more of an impact.

    lets get one thing straight, dilla came up on pete rock, pete was a huuuuge influence, take a listen.

    Dilla had whole tapes of him trying to re-do Pete Rock beats. I don't think anyone is arguing that point.

    Word... i actually found a remake he did of the same Ashby sample Pete used on INI (last Dilla post i promise)

    i don't know... "Fakin' Jax" is untouchable in my opinion
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