Quitting smoking

dayday 9,611 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
As you can tell from my posts lately ("take a baseball bat to their face", "F*ck this bullshit", etc.) my mood is less than "groovy" dood. I quit cold turkey 3 days ago and I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, but straight up, this shit SUCKS[/b]. I know a few of you out there have quit so any advice would be good. Exercise, drink water...maybe lock myself in a cage?Anything else I should be doing? I searched for that old thread but no luck.


  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    nicotine gum. buy the offbrand type (target has a cheapie now), which tastes like dogshit. that way you'll keep from strangling people when you're having a meltdown and you'll look to get that crap out of your mouth as soon as possible.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    just 3 days ago? hang in there

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I don't know if this is on an individual state level or not but Hawaii had some "counseling" hotline and its services included free nicotine gum. One of my friends used it and he stopped smoking but he said he had some FUCKED up dreams.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Exercise EVERYDAY. Then shower and eat an apple or something. Chew gum.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    ive been tryin to quit too. Ive noticed if you take a piece of paper, roll it up like a cigarette, and smack on that when you want one, its curbs the craving a little bit. The addiction is just as much habit as it actually is being addicted to nicotine

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    If you have a cigarette, don't beat-up on yourself and start smoking again, just quit again. I've been trying to quit for twenty-five years, but now I smoke like one or two cigarettes a week, so I figure its probably as close as I'm going to get. I guesse what I'm saying is that each cigarette less than you would have normally smoked is a positive thing and should be considered a success.

  • avoid the routines that you associate with smoking...avoid booze...distract your mind when you think of smoking...maybe grab a bunch of cigarette butts from an ashtray, put em in a ziplock bag and take a big whiff of these when you feel like smokin a cig. Chew gum, keep a toothpick in yer mouth...
    Either way, if you WANT to quit you can. Best of luck...

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    put somethin else in yo mouf

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Thanks everybody. These are all good ideas. I'm really tying to get my self control on too and just take this day by day. Anybody tried those electronic cigarettes? Sounds ridiculous, but water vapor has gotta be better than smoke and hundreds of chemicals in your body.

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Thanks everybody. These are all good ideas

    put somethin else in yo mouf

    except that one

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    haha. (ll)

    Working out is a really good rec. I am no gym rat, and I've since fallen off in that respect, but back when I was quitting that schitt held me down. Eating helps too. Get some snack food and just go in on it every time you crave. And, actually, I found that drinking HELPED. Every time I wanted a cig, I took a drink... it worked out... but now I'm a lush... so maybe don't do that.

    But by all means, HANG IN THERE and like Saba said, don't kill yourself if you break. Just don't go back to the same old ways. You are human, and cigs are as addictive as anything, so chances are you will fall every now and again. Just get back up and keep trying.

    It's been almost two years for me, I've had the occasional square but I no longer crave at all.

  • Options
    I smoked for 11 years and it took me 3 good attempts before I finally quit.

    Here's what I learned...

    - stay the phuck away from ANYWHERE where people smoke.

    - stay strong particularly when you're making coffee, first thing in the morning, after a good meal, when you're pouring a drank, after sex, etc.

    - step up your oral hygiene game--floss in the morning and at night, brush minimum twice daily, and chew gum in between--why? because you may not be so apt to ruin the "minty freshness" with a disgusting smoke.

    - work out. Nothing big, just start doing push ups, crunches, get a chin-up bar and some dumb-bells. Take brisk walks. Use this when you're getting a crazy nic fit and need to work off the 'rage'.

    - get rid of all ashtrays, lighters, etc.

    - develop a "phuck you" attitude toward your smoking addiction. "These little cancer-causing pieces of shit controlling MY life?!? Phuck that!"

    - Celebrate every week that goes by without smoking. That money you saved? Go buy some vinyl/gear. You earned it.

    - Good luck. It will be one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but I have no doubt that you can do it.

    - Oh, and cosine on what Saba said about not beating yourself up if you cave in. Just remember why you did and use it.

    Sorry if I come across strong on this shit. Smoking is the biggest regret I have in life and I wish to see all smokers who want to quit make it.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I found eating apples useful. But more as a substitute once you've moved through the actual nicotine withdrawal.

    I quit when I had the flu. I didn't intend to quit, I had a really sore throat making smoking unenjoyable and just exacerbating the illness, so I hadn't been smoking for a couple of days. WHen the flu kicked it proper, I didn't know what was the withdrawal or what was the flu, apart from the crazy dreams. But I was going to feel shitty whatever, so I just decided keep going and quit. By the time the flu had cleared, I think I was passed the worst of it.

    I've have smoked since, (especially when drunk) to the point where I've nearly started up again but I've realized it was getting to the point and stopped in time.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Yeah I quit while I was sick too. That's a good time to do it - I've always felt like total ass when I'm sick and had a smoke. Right now I'm fighting a little bug and I'm not even drinking or chiefing herb.

    One more thing, smoking heavily is a lot like being an alcoholic. I used to wake up in the morning and my days would be measured by when I could have a smoke. And now that I don't smoke, I find it easy some days to just say, hey, let me have a cig. And then it's fine, I don't crave, I go for months without smoking again.

  • foster_kanefoster_kane 125 Posts
    Exercise and watch out with the eating. Quitting smoking makes you fat.

  • SelinaKyle83SelinaKyle83 1,042 Posts
    msg einstein! he's been smoke free for about 6months now!! i know he struggled but hasn't picked up a fag (haha- no homo) since he finished reading the quit smoking book that sheep recommended!! i know that book has helped a lot of people!!
    you can do it!!

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    Just don't do it, you weak-minded assjack.


    PS HI, DAMIEN! Hang in there, my duder. You've overcome rougher shit than this, and I know you can do it.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    Tell your kids you're quitting and then let them know every time you slip up...shame for DAYs

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Hang in there, my duder. You've overcome rougher shit than this, and I know you can do it.

    Hmm....if you mean the night I had to crash at Kingmost's house and he tried to re-enact The Crying Game, I don't wanna talk about it

    msg einstein! he's been smoke free for about 6months now!! i know he struggled but hasn't picked up a fag (haha- no homo) since he finished reading the quit smoking book that sheep recommended!! i know that book has helped a lot of people!!
    you can do it!!

    Is this the book?

  • SelinaKyle83SelinaKyle83 1,042 Posts
    i'm pretty sure it is!! it's the one that you are supposed to smoke while you're reading it.....well, not smoke the book itself but fagarettes!! if you are really serious about quitting, this will fo sho help!!
    good luck and god speed!!

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Day, my quit smoking, win raers offer is always in effect. Just recently, I found that Axelrod you wanted. If you haven't already picked it up, it's yours after 90 days smoke free. I'll also throw in something else nice too. Let me know when you reach the promised land.

    My pops died of lung cancer. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy or Saba. You are doing a great thing for your kids. Keep it up. Bring home that Axelrod.

  • Options
    Day, my quit smoking, win raers offer is always in effect. Just recently, I found that Axelrod you wanted. If you haven't already picked it up, it's yours after 90 days smoke free. I'll also throw in something else nice too. Let me know when you reach the promised land.

    My pops died of lung cancer. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy or Saba. You are doing a great thing for your kids. Keep it up. Bring home that Axelrod.


    I need friends like Dr. Wu!

  • pacmanpacman 1,114 Posts
    ive been tryin to quit too. Ive noticed if you take a piece of paper, roll it up like a cigarette, and smack on that when you want one, its curbs the craving a little bit. The addiction is just as much habit as it actually is being addicted to nicotine

    This actually worked for me. I've quit cigarettes, but I still smoke cigars. Quitting cigarettes has helped me in the wallet and in my attitude.

    Keep on it, brother. Trust me, it's SO worth it.

  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    What made me quit was my doctor telling me that If want to see the age of 50, I should quit smoking..that was enought for me to quit..
    and also, the small heart attack I had was a pretty good sign to quit too.

    Best things that helped me were

    Keep yourself occupied. Instead of going outside and smoking, Read. If that does not help, work out or run!

    The last thing you want to do is suppliment food for it and if you smoke herb, don't smoke more.(I don't smoke weed, but in the past when I did, I smoked way more than I should have). and it became another oral fixation to deal with.

    Keep something like toothpicks handy.(I smoked Menthols, so minted toothpicks were my saver). and I also kept a pen on me all the time, just to have something to have in my hand.

    But honestly, the best I can say out of all of this,it's just willpower. If you have kids or a loved one(s) in your life, it's should be more than enough to make you say "F*ck it". Also, what I did was just chill out with folks that smoke(and I know it's hard to deal with sometimes) but man, what you are smelling is you.

    Plus..extra incentive, food taste better, your breath don't stank and so on..

    Hope this was helpful.

  • youngEINSTEINyoungEINSTEIN 2,443 Posts
    yeah thats the book. "easy way". has been an utter miracle for me. thanks to dj sheep for the tip(no homo). ciggs have been a perplexing and complicated struggle but this book explains things very very simply for you. this is also the 4th book i read on the subject. none of the other ones even kept me off for a day. basically you just really need to buckle the F*ck up and stop. for me it was the hardest at night at bedtime and for the first 3 days i just drove around for about 4 hours at bedtime just to keep my mind occupied. i'm good for nearly 7 months now. if day or anybody wants to talk about it you can reach me here: 562 225 4577.
    peace, stein. . .

  • meistromocomeistromoco 954 Posts
    I struggled with it but after about the third try prevailed. Although I will smoke one every couple of months or so. But no real cravings.

    what ultimately made the difference is that I finally felt that I really wanted and needed to quit. Seems really obvious and simple, but all the other times I tried to quit because I thought I should, not because I really wanted to. Once I got to that point, it actually wasn't that difficult for me.

    Good luck, bro! it's tough, but completely worth it.

  • magpiemagpie 160 Posts
    once i quit weed (over a year now) it was MUCH easier to quit smoking (except when i visit my family)

  • coselmedcoselmed 1,114 Posts
    I quit three months ago after 10 years of being a smoker. I'd never made any serious attempts to do so previously (figured I would get around to it when I was ready to produce some heirs), but I needed to have sinus surgery. Knowing I had a six-week window, I was able to phase it out more slowly instead of quitting cold turkey.

    Once I seriously put my mind to it, I made a point of leaving my cigarettes at home instead of bringing them to work--work-related stress was my worst trigger. At the same time, I started chewing nicotine gum on and off to get used to the taste (Nicorette comes in more "real gum" flavors/textures now, so it's a lot more palatable). After a few weeks, I started chewing the gum at home and only taking the cigarettes with me when I went out drinking (which is, incidentally, the way I started smoking in the first place). Eventually, I ran out of my "going out" cigarettes, and never replaced them. The cool thing is that by the day the federal tax brought up the price of cigarettes to $9-$10 a pack in NYC, I was smoke-free. I have some sort of psychological block that would make me feel like a bit of an asshole to pay that much for cigarettes.

    So hang in there, and I encourage you to tell as many people as possible that you're trying to quit. Nothing like a little shame/embarrassment for being perceived as undisciplined to keep you on track.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    good luck
    i know there is a new nicorette product that is like a plastic cigarette that releases the same stuff as nicotin gum and occupies your mouth and fingers

    best thing you could do for your family
    hang inthere
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