i think the one thing i've missed out on by never having a long term office job are these bathroom stories... it seems every office in the world has at least one guy who leaves turds in the bowl, or shits in a urinal, or smears crap on the walls or something...
Does no one else think the only appropriate response to this would be to pee on the sign?
There was a sign in one of the bathrooms at my college warning people not to drink the water from the toilet for the next 24 hours because of pipe contamination. It was most likely a craftily moved sign from above a water fountain, but still a good laugh.
the signs we used to see in the high school were grammatical nightmares
This seemingly should be everyone's reaction.
Oh man...that was hilarious.
I sympathize with the janitor.
There was a sign in one of the bathrooms at my college warning people not to drink the water from the toilet for the next 24 hours because of pipe contamination. It was most likely a craftily moved sign from above a water fountain, but still a good laugh.