School me on Bill Withers

After undertheradar's post on Still Bill the movie, I want to get back into listening to Bill Wither's music. Now I don't want to cop the greatest hits and just listen to the main tracks, I already have Lovely Day, Use Me etcHowever do you have any tracks which are underrated and excellent in your opinion?Thanks in advance.
The first two on Sussex are by far the best.
There are some 80s songs other peoples records.
Winelight by Grover Washington with 2 of Us.
Help me out with others people.
Have not seen the movie, but I think Columbia simply stopped releasing his records. He would record and deliver per contract, and Columbia would put them on the shelf. Not sure if that stuff has been released on cd more recently. Due to Columbia's assturdness he started putting songs on other peoples records.
you might also want to check the waxpoetics cover story on him they dd a while back...great interview that made me appreciate the guy even more
Best version of Grandma's Hands
Thanks again
"hope she'll be happier" is my shit....
Absolutely one of my favorite Withers tracks and definitely not one you're going to see on most of the greatest hits albums. Jose Feliciano on guitar! This is from Withers' final album on Sussex, +Justments, and the album has never been released on CD astonishingly.
In the 70s, Withers and his then wife Denis Nicholas (of '227' fame) had a pretty rocky relationship, and his alleged battery of her was a persistent rumor until their divorce, and is still a cloud that hangs over his reputation with some people.
Cheers for the link, I'm checking it now.
I didn't know they were married. Never looked that deeply into Withers' personal life so... interesting.
First song I thought of when I opened this thread.
I first heard this from my Dentist who was a huge soul and R'n B fan. We were talking about how much we both loved LPs like 'Still Bill', and he was like "it's a shame about all that stuff with his ex wife,etc etc", that the rumors were that he used to beat her up, and how he lost a lot of fans because of all that. The only reference I could find on it online was in a Vibe article on the Chris Brown/Rhianna mess, which basically said that the rumors persisted, but were never substantiated by either Withers or Nicholas.
That said, he does seem like he would be a really down to earth guy, and that's why a rumor like that is so glaring, because it runs so counter to how you percieve him to be. It would be interesting to see if that is addressed in the documentary.
This entire set is required listening, IMO. Unique and unparralled in so many areas, great singing, perfect songwriting, brilliant players doing their thing, just GREATNESS.
queen pen can stay, for reasons unbeknownst to me
Oh Fatima!
everything else is unnnecccescsarry
that's a banger. How many times has the average american heard that song and still: that's a good song.
Maybe it was the so fresh and so clean dancers; not sure; but that's great.
lovely day.
Al Jarreau's Bill Withers album is garbage BTW.
Yeah I only skimmed the surface on Bill