Lyman Woodard - R.I.P.

Damn. Detroit musician Lyman Woodard, a master of the Hammond B3 organ, died Tuesday in his hometown of Owosso. "Lyman was a great B3 organist in the style of Jimmy Smith," said guitarist Dennis Coffey. "I first played with Lyman at the Frolic Showbar on the Lodge Service Drive by Clairmount in Detroit. Melvin Davis was the drummer." Later, the trio performed at Morrie Baker's jazz club on Livernois Avenue in Detroit. Woodard, 66, had emphysema and was ailing after a fall he suffered several months ago. Back in 1995, Woodard told The Detroit News what happened when he first heard Jimmy Smith on the radio. "It was 1961, and I was going to Flint Junior College, driving from Flint to my home in Owosso," Woodard said. "I was listening to this radio show in the car. That's when I heard my first Jimmy Smith song on the radio. The station was so small that I knew if I drove any further I'd lose the signal. So I pulled over, off the road, to listen to the rest of it." Although Woodard grew up in Owosso and returned there a decade ago, he spent much of his young adult life as a working musician, hauling his massive Hammond B3 around Detroit. After his stint with Coffey and Davis, Woodard performed as the Lyman Woodard Organization with Ron English and Leonard King, doing many gigs at Cobb's Corner in Detroit, and played for about six years with the Sun Messengers. He also taught and mentored several generations of organ players. His roots were in jazz, and although his style evolved over the years, Woodard's band was seriously funky. Fans still recall his potent version of James Brown's "Sex Machine" when Regina Carter was in the group. Woodard is survived by a son, Lyman III, and two sisters. Funeral arrangements are pending. A tribute jam session arranged by King and R.J. Spangler will take place at a future date at Cliff Bell's jazz club in Detroit. It was at Cliff Bell's in late November that Woodard last played, at a CD release party for the Lyman Woodard Organization's "Live At J.J.'s Lounge, 1974," on Uuquipleu Records (recorded at Detroit's Fort Shelby Hotel). "I was really glad Lyman was able to be there and play," said King, his longtime friend and drummer.

This really hit me. First Ian Carr and now Lyman Woodard.
Right before his joint drops on Wax Poetics records, too.
ian carr as well? when???
Saturday Night Special is one of my all-time favourite LP's.
Seems 2009 is going to be a bad year for our heros / but I guess it's something we should expect/accept.
oddly enough, i pulled out saturday night special and listened to it about 5 times since wednesday.hadnt listened to it in several years. i was struck more than ever by how gorgeous it is...all sunshine and melancholy
Rest in peace.
Amazing Detroit player.
Far too young.
again, R.I.P.
its a good thing that his music will be remembered for a loooooong time.
waxpoetics is set to re-release this next month. it's a double LP so it's unclear whether there's unreleased material on there as well. does anybody know?
Yeah I saw that. I assume it will have bonus material.
Oh shit, for real? What's the scoop? I shall copp.
I love that album too. Been trying for an OG copy for a loooong time now. Wonderful music to drive around aimlessly to.
Basically I wanna know is the album "clean" now?
In depth story/interviews coming up?
Anyone who owns that old re-ish should frisbee it and pony up... it was a shitpoor boot that did NO justice to the music or the man.
My eyes went big when I first heard "Creative Musicians" for the first time about 8 years ago. I played it 4 times in a row and felt like an obsessed weirdo, but the sound took me to another time and's just such an ill little track and that organ is just perfect.
At the same time, that raw garage-esque recording makes me love it even more.
RIP, this dude is a legend to me.
bonus question: I found a cover of "girl from ipanema" by him on mp3 from the old audiogalaxy days. I have yet to find any info on this, it's a beautiful rendition. The recording as to be expected is messed up, mostly panned to one channel.
Lyman's in full effect on this Detroit Classic as well:
he had a very compelling style
that's the cover of "Girl From Ipanema" I was talking about