I AM COMING TO YOUR TOWN!! (roadtrip related)

HELL YEAH BATCHES. I am taking a road trip with fellow Strutter, Dreas_Heardrums. I'm moving all my crap (records included) out of the Bay Area and back to Grand Rapids, Michigan. We will be taking the scenic route.We will definitely be hitting LA, San Diego, Phoenix, Santa Fe, various cities in Texas, New Orleans, and several other major points of destination. We will be crashing on YOUR couches, drinking YOUR local brews, and DJing YOUR soul parties (along with you, of course)!!! We leave next Tuesday. Get at me folkses, we need y'all.* I'll be hitting NYC in the next couple months as well. I will be re-posting this message every 12 minutes until the car is packed and the coffee is brewed.
-aaron *if anyone would like to tag along for a portion of the trip, we might be able to work something out.

I was kidding by the way. Definitely let me know when you are in town.
I'm writing this all down!
I'll be back in the Bay Area at least once a month for my cancer treatments. We'll definitely kick it again.
I'll PM you my celly.....G
will be hitting u up soon greg, driving to LA tomorrow!
btw i'll be playing 45s at Madrone (in SF) tonight...so feel free to come out and experience the PayPal beanie first hand. i think i play the early set at 10pm.
good times so far...glad to see some old/new faces. holler!
That is definitely coming along. You should roll up here, homie. Bring some money so I can sell you records.
Seriously though, bring money.
I might come out tonight, is my money green enough for you A***n?
ps, any other sf folkers comin out?
Yes. What records do you want?