Anyone here work in the "fine art" world? (not rr)

DongerDonger 854 Posts
edited December 2008 in Strut Central
Made friends with Noritoshi Hirakawa, and now he is doing a shoot at my job this Friday after work. I am excited about this one.


  • yeah, i work as an art handler in nyc -- spend most of my day either bouncing between two vaults beneath rockefeller center, or doing installs. i get to see some amazing stuff, like custom made murakami's... client and wifey are on the board at moma. the hirakawa shoot should be cool -- have fun.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    - in the game since '95.

    10 years as a Trucker. Ive seen all kinds of shit.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    I thought raers were fine art.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I thought raers were fine art.

    not even close

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts

    Ive seen all kinds of shit.
    would love to hear some of these

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    - in the game since '95.

    10 years as a Trucker. Ive seen all kinds of shit.

    Do you work for a specific gallery, or do different galleries use your company?

    I get crazy art in my possession. I ended up with some "little thing" once because some people have so much f*cking money and art, they forget about it. HOOOOOO!!!

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    I thought raers were fine art.

    not even close

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    yeah, i work as an art handler in nyc -- spend most of my day either bouncing between two vaults beneath rockefeller center, or doing installs. i get to see some amazing stuff, like custom made murakami's... client and wifey are on the board at moma. the hirakawa shoot should be cool -- have fun.

    ^^^custom Murakamis? damn dude

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    My wife's uncle is an art dealer. Walked into his office at Thanksgfiving and a 4ft x 3ft OG version of this portrait was sitting on an easel.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    I'm not personally, but a very close friend of the family is. He's a fairly well known artist...and for good reason, IMO. Check him out, and feel free to contact him if you have any specific questions.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    My wife is - former artist, MFA, did the Whitney program but stopped making art and is instead, writing about it as a critic and journalist.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I put in 4 years at Crozier Fine Arts. Leraning how to install, wrap, store,transport millions of dollars worth of artwork.

    A couple of dudes left Crozier to form Trimaxion Fine Arts. I jumped ship to work w/ them for many years and became the HNIC amongst the Truckers.

    After 9-11 shit got mad slow. So while delivering some work to the Fisher Landau Center for Art I inquired about any job openings. The main dude had seen me over the years and knew I had game.

    I started parttime at the Center while still Truckin for Trimaxion, workin 7 days a week.

    The collection needed a shot in the arm in terms of inventory and proper storage procedures. I implemented my game and and got hired full time.

    Over the years Ive been to crazy amounts of galleries,studios, and museums.

    When i started the game was still in Soho and by the time I moved to the Center, The Soho scene had evaporated.

    I dealt w/ Murakami when he was on the come up w/ Marian Boesky Gallery.
    Helped install a crazy big sculpture of his in Grand Central Station back in the early 2000's.

    Threw a roll of tape at a Warhol painting by mistake and left a dent. My buddy and I tryed to rub that shit out, but the client still spotted that shit. We played dumb and didnt get in too much trouble. I wont drop any names on who the art-hustler was but she was fine as hell, and didnt pay her bills, so my boss didnt give a fusk.

    I was always at Douglass Cramer's house. Dude has an Incredible collection.
    He produced The Love Boat and Wonder Woman. Dude was crazy gracious and it was a privledge to take care of him.

    I delivered some work to the lady who was married to the creator of the Newport Jazz Festival. My dumb ass asked her what her fav Jazz album was. I was nervous and just asked it in the wrong way. The Weins.

    Too many stories to tell.

    Delivering a sculpture to the U2 Drummer on the Upper West Side. My Co-Worker was a young Polish musician cat and was crazy open. Nice dude Clayton.

    Running to the Hamptons and Greenwich Conn was a regular thang.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    My wife is - former artist, MFA, did the Whitney program but stopped making art and is instead, writing about it as a critic and journalist.

    My friend Darren lives in the Bay, I wonder if he knows your wife?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    My wife is - former artist, MFA, did the Whitney program but stopped making art and is instead, writing about it as a critic and journalist.

    My friend Darren lives in the Bay, I wonder if he knows your wife?

    Possibly. Her name is Sharon Mizota and when we were still living in the Bay (before 2006), she was the regular art critic for the SF Weekly.

    I did ask her if she knew anyone up there named Darren but it didn't ring a bell.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Been to Larry Gagosian's Hampton home - OFF THE HOOK.

    Dude has a one lane swimming pool in his nyc apt.

    Took a 3 hour drive w/ Richard Tuttle. Dude dropped jems for the whole ride.

    Seen and dealt w/ Mary Boone who ive heard horror stories about.(Talmbout counting paper clips - next level steez.)

    Did a whole gang of Sothenby's installs puttin my hands on millions of dollars.

    Shit was crazy fun.

    But dealing w/ a truck in NYC erryday can really wear u down.

    The Corner on B-Way where Dean And Deluca's be at is the BEST Woman Watching Corner in NYC. And im not bullshittin.......... THE BEST!!!!

    Thursday's On Greene Street is Open Call at Ford Modeling agency. Sperone Westwater used to be in the same building. From like 10am till 3pm u could see midwest moms walkin their wanna-be model daughters up in the building for an appt.
    5'10" Emily from Wisconsin str8

  • This thread = Batmon origin.

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    GO-GO is true status.
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