A few questions for Portland, OR and Seattle folks
218 Posts
I was thinking of venturing back to your part of the map in the next couple of months and just wanted to ask about a few things. For those who live in the Seattle area, are there any cool record stores selling 45s besides Bop Street?b,121 b,121 I'm looking mainly for funk 45s and hip hop 12s...Last time I was in town there was a record store near downtown called Zion, but I think they mainly specialized in reggae...also, do you recommend any hotels near Belltown or Capitol Hill? And has anyone been to any of the Ethiopian Restaurants in town? b,121b,121 On a driving-related note, is there a more scenic route from Seattle to Portland or a backroads short cut or do any of you suggest taking a train?b,121b,121 And for the Portland heads, which hotel do you usually suggest for friends/family coming to town? So far, I've looked at Jupiter Hotel and was curious about the hotel from "Drugstore Cowboy" just for novelty's sake, but I don't know about any of the other places that some of you may be familiar with...b,121b,121b,121 Well, take care...and thank you in advance if you choose to reply!