The GOP begins 1/2 a year of unredeemable filth.



  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I'm not sure if this qualifies as "filth" either, but I guess it's the newest GOP anti-Obama ad:

    Pretty tame stuff...if the Presidential Campaigns don't get any more viscious than this it will be the tamest in recent memory.

    I agree. But it probably will get more vicious.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    There are some who think that Whites are down trodden and Blacks have all the advantages. This is the demographic that McCain will be targeting.

    Who are these people?? Do they have a website where they make these claims??

    You honestly think that this represents a large segment of society??

    One large enough to make or break an election?

    Sometimes I think half of what you post is the result of an overactive and disconnected imagination.

    Concocting some sort of imaginary boogie men that you believe can dictate the outcome of November's election.

    There may be a few nuts who think this way but they don't represent anything more than some minute fringe element.

    This imaginary demographic is one of your craziest yet.

    And KVH...where is that link to McCain's Rev. Wright editorial??

    I think you are being a tad naive rock...there are PLENTY of white folks, say in the 40-50ish and above demographic that still see things like affirmative action as "reverse racism"...more than a fringe element...these are the folks Laserwolf is talking about, I assume.

  • UnconSciUnconSci 824 Posts
    I was listening to NPR the other day and they were talking about how race would effect the race... it was nuts.

    This one guy said Im from north carolina and I dont mean this in a bad way but we are a racist state. Then said that most voters in North Carolina and other places might not have the "dangerous" type of racism, but rather a more harmless racism that would simply not allow them to vote for a black man. This shit was being discussed as if it were a scientific fact.

    I donno how race will play out in the election but election time really makes me remember how evil the press is and how crooked our current system is.

    I still think Obama is definitely going to win.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    lol @ dangerous racism vs harmless racism
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