Ako, your album and its release date

How's the album coming?
Awhile back you had a "album snippets" song on your myspace and it had several great beats. You don't need to have an album full of 100% realized funk bangers like Chicago and Soul 69. People like "beats" too. I don't mean just loops, but those snippets you had were pretty developed and had good changes. Throw them all together and put your past material on as well and I bet we'll all be jammin to it. Do it now while you're young, fresh of the mind, and aren't bogged down with trying to be an adult. Do it. Do it. Doooooooo it. I know you need fire under your ass to get you inspired, so consider this the match. I'm telling you, do it now while you're young.

Truer words were never spoken, young'un.
My hard-drive is FILLED with my unwritten essays/comedy sketches from my college and post-college days. While I love my job, with each passing day I get farther and farther from the part of me that created things from thin air like those ideas.
life is fast.
beat it to the punch.
i think you caught me at a good time.
this is encouraging.
i'll post some stuff up tonight.
best news of the year
seriously I have loved the precisness and abuyndant creativity of everything that you have spawned up to now
that soul 69 II is pure
DO IT!!!!![/b]
not to hatt on the lurkers and strutters who are eagerly awaiting your uploads, but don't do it. Sit down and piece an album together and present the world with your work. Maybe I'm old and out of touch with the current state of things, but in my opinion you shouldn't leak each song as you go. You've got some out there already, you've got a buzz from those releases, just piece it together and step to someone about putting it out.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd be more excited to have you release an official EP or LP than have a collection of a few mp3s. I'd prefer to hear the whole thing as "new" or at least semi-new (having already heard a few songs) than hearing bits and pieces before actually getting the cd or lp.
Just my opinion.
Have Mike do the artwork. Talk to Olski or someone else. Get it done. I'm sure others would agree that they'd rather have a legitimate release as opposed to a string of mp3s.
i check the myspaz every now and again and there's always great stuff on there.
do it.
dooooooooo it.
Is it really that easy to mingle with the elite? It seems like to me, I'm always BEGGING to even find other worthwhile musicians to talk to. Everyone in the Bay/LA is a DJ, btw.
- spidey
i like this idea. i present unfinished stuff a lot and then never do anything with it. im sure this lets people down, but i cant finish something i no longer like. i'll stick with this approach.
thanks for the support everybody. id be nowhere today without soulstrut.
You need to do this. I know you are a perfectionist - but you're never going to have an absolutely perfect product to drop on the world - you have to draw a line somewhere and present your work.
Get together all your best stuff, make a few more banging tracks that nobody has heard yet and put it out this year.
Do it.
Surrious. Let me in on the special edition early release deluxe version with the pictures of you and your girlfriend judging Strutters in the liner notes.
long time lurker, co-sign
i ride for ako
sorry for the thread hijack, but i thought this was very much related. a good friend and i have been talking a lot about being comfortable in life, settling for "OK" and not really going after your real dreams - making an album, starting your own company, seeing the world, etc. I think there are a lot of people out there who settle for less because it's the easy / less challenging way to go.
At any rate, he sent me this video today and I thought dude nailed it on the head. Pretty inspiring stuff.