My Son Won't Go To Bed!
tenacious local 7,783 Posts
And I have been watching Noggin for like 3 hours in a row. Should I put him in a sleeper hold? Lace his sippy cup with ambien? I Really want to watch a grown up show. Advice please.
Or you could introduce him to Hoagy Carmicheal's Music Shop on the portable, this will exhaust his mind for sure.
My advice would be get him jumping on his bed or something so that he can wear himself out for that last leg before giving in to sleep.
That SO doesn't work. After a story, and a reasonable amount of chit chat I tell my son I'll stay in the room, put on my iPod headphones and fall asleep myself. By the time I wake up he's snoozing away.
That SO doesn't work.
I know this going to morph into "How do u teach ur children thread."
Of course as a kid i was always wired and didnt want to go to bed when i was told alot of times, but my parents werent hearin that.
i dont know what noggins is
Yeah some crazy play works for us about half the time. Sometimes she gets tuckered out, others it
just winds her up that much more. Cosign on the Little Bill, Franklin gets on my nerves.
imagine being a kid and you won't go to bed, your father gets out the ball and plays catch until you are willing to do what they say??
Do you have kids?
Doesn't really sound like it to me.
Parenting styles are different it's true, but I'm hoping that a sensible reasoned approach
to issues like is better than the old "Cause I said so" BS.
Do you really want your kid to accept arguments like that? I don't.
i have a lot to say on this subject, but i'm at work and i have horrible brain to finger coordination.
Or make him run laps around the backyard until he gets tired (thats what a friend of mines dad used to make him do....)
Oh shit! El Cuco!!! My grandma used to say "Nene, stop moving around and go to sleep or El Cuco is going to see you y te va echizar (and put a spell on you)"
That worked until I stayed up all night after I turned 6. My grandma found me on the couch with a bat half asleep at 5:30am, "El Cuco no existe abuela!"
You're gonna scare your kid to sleep Daze?
He goes to bed relatively easy, I just read to him and he's out.
i have a vague recollection of my parents saying hitler would get me.
We are on our 4th week of less than 3 hours of sleep a night.
i do not recognize myself anymore.
Jack had chicken pox, one got infected which lead to a MASSIVE glandular infection.
little man didnt cry at night, he screamed. I swear if i was our neighbors i would have called social services... it really was that bad.
As all parents know, its all about routine.
I don't have an opinion one way or another on Little Bill -- but i thought it cool when my kid said "you have jazz records, just like Little Bill's dad!"
the best mommas know
Flaming Moes
Your new alias is DJ Anne Frank.