Crazy drugdealer stories.

VagabondVagabond 417 Posts
edited July 2005 in Strut Central
I Know an old guy in my town. He calls himself Tommy Chong II. He is a super cool guy; but I am never able to go to his house for weed without having to sit their for an hour or two. He used to roadie for Sabbath and AC/DC back in the day. Everytime I go to his house he busts out his Deep Purple, Blue Oyster Cult and BTO etc. albums. Then he rolls out the fog machine and lasers. Dude is complete lsd affected nutjob (with Real nice trees). He is the type of guy that puts his kids in the bathtub, turns on the water,and then goes to the living room and kicks it while the water spills all over the floor. Dudes 53, and asked me how you make quesadilla the other day.????I know another guy that kicks it at the local grey hound. Folks just call him Sarge. He is an old ass man with one leg that cruises around in his wheelchair lifting up girls skirts. He ends most sentences by singing, "Just like I did in Vietnammm." He always has a shitty bottle of Vodka wrapped up in his pants leg, tucked under the stump. Anyways, I have drank some booze with him out of styrofoam cups before and he tells me stories about alien encounters in the Viet-Cong jungles. He always has weird street folks coming up to him (he is a drug dealer). One guy came up and said, "I love you Bro." Dude responded, "Charley, you don't love me ya little critter, the only thing in you that loves me is your veins."Anyways, Rep your local dealers, share some crazy quotes, anecdotes, and colorful situations you have experienced from the Dopeman.


  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    there used to be a dude who came into my business at one time and his nickname was _ _ _ _ (i won't use his real name) shit. motherfucker used to deal out of his kids diaper bag and bring the kid along. total fuckin trash.

    the mexican gangs used to sling heron as well, they had all these crazy whistles and hand signs, plus there was like 13 of them that would form a chain and when you got to the end, you got your dope. the reason i know this is i used to watch deals go down, fucking classic.

    the lastest i've seeen is a dude that just rides his bike around. cars drive past him and whistle. he nods, then they meet at the end of the street. the exchange is made, they both drive off. its funny livin in the hood.

    the best is a guy i used to know who dealt out of an old ambulance that looked like the ghostbusters vehicle. he'd drive around and it would be like a pharmacy in that thing.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    Some record collectors are more buggered up than the drug dealers I know. You all remember the story I told you about the guy who made his girlfriend who'd just hours before had an abortion wait in the rain while he dug for records? I'll take a crazy drug dealer over that any day.

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    This guy that worked at the liquor store by my house back in the day used to sell dope wrapped up in corn husk like tamale. I can only assume that cuz I saw a guy pay like 200 bucks for one once. Either that or they were just really good tamales.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    My homie, back in the days, was pushin' crack for a minute. One evening,I'm behind the building drinkin' a 40 when he comes up and askes me to hold this crazy fat ziploc bag of filled crack vials, and his loaded 380. He then procedes to leave a tell me to hang on to that shit for a minute. I dont roll that way, but I played cool and tucked that shit away. He disappears for about 20 minutes.
    During that time 3 cop cars drive by and I'm shittn' bricks. Dude comes back and acts non-chalant and asks for his stuff back. "Here you go,and dont pull that shit again." WHEW!!!!!

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    my brother's friend used to sell some shit, pocketed a couple thousand. and as a culmination of his dealings, bought 4 bottles of Cristal, rented a room at Best Western, invited some heads over, and drank Cristal and Alize out of tiny plastic cups. I bought them the liquor for them cuz they were 18. It was also the first time I had Cristal. what chall know about thug passion! (kidding, i am a nerd.)

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    You all remember the story I told you about the guy who made his girlfriend who'd just hours before had an abortion wait in the rain while he dug for records?

    what's even scarier is that dudes like that have gfs.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    fuck drug dealers man

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    You all remember the story I told you about the guy who made his girlfriend who'd just hours before had an abortion wait in the rain while he dug for records?

    what's even scarier is that dudes like that have gfs.

    that shit is just wrong

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    You all remember the story I told you about the guy who made his girlfriend who'd just hours before had an abortion wait in the rain while he dug for records?

    what's even scarier is that dudes like that have gfs.

    that shit is just wrong


  • You all remember the story I told you about the guy who made his girlfriend who'd just hours before had an abortion wait in the rain while he dug for records?

    what's even scarier is that dudes like that have gfs.

    that shit is just wrong


    Yeah - you should never leave someone waiting in the rain - regardless of what The Dramatics have to say about it.

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    fuck drug dealers man


  • I see that themack is young and should know the truth. Here's my two.

    Most of the (weed) dealers i know are great.*

    They're smart, personable, economical, have networking skills, facilitate movement...

    (*crack and yayo is a much shadier game involving way darker personalities and more money, and thats where things get hairy, keep distance from those involved)

    Have been around many in the hustle throughout school and life, and you definitely can't generalize and say stuff like 'drug dealers are bad people'.


  • I was staying with a friend in Melbourne maybe five years and he lived in an area that had a lot of junkies (smith st collingwood). I was waiting to use the public telephone and i overheard the dude in front of me. "Do you have any frozen chickens?" "I'll have 2 frozen chickens". Now that is the dumbest drug code I have ever heard or maybe the junkie wanted to get off the stuff and had confused going cold turkey with buying frozen chickens. I couldn't help laughing out loud.
    I stayed with another friend years ago and he used to be the most honest and trusting dope dealer i have ever met. He would leave the back door open and his clients knew where the ounces were stashed and they would leave money on the kitchen table. I asked him about this method and he said he had never had any problems getting ripped off as he had only a select clientele of older heads whom he had known for years.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    This guy that worked at the liquor store by my house back in the day used to sell dope wrapped up in corn husk like tamale. I can only assume that cuz I saw a guy pay like 200 bucks for one once. Either that or they were just really good tamales.

    was it this guy?

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    You all remember the story I told you about the guy who made his girlfriend who'd just hours before had an abortion wait in the rain while he dug for records?

    what's even scarier is that dudes like that have gfs.

    Don't worry; if I remember correctly, he dumped her. She was a great lady, too.

  • Nike makes cowboy-boots?

    - J

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Nike makes cowboy-boots?

    - J

    no. chingo bling does. ostrich leather!!

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    This guy that worked at the liquor store by my house back in the day used to sell dope wrapped up in corn husk like tamale. I can only assume that cuz I saw a guy pay like 200 bucks for one once. Either that or they were just really good tamales.

    was it this guy?

    I would really like to think they were just REALLY good tamales.


  • chasechase 767 Posts
    I knew this one kid, my boy introduced me to him and come to find out he lived right around the corner from me, so I would kick it with him on a regular basis, we actually became pretty tight. Anyway he was one of thou cats who jump around when he talked and flailed arms all over the place, he would talk to me about illuminati and the freemasons, he was always reading Aleister Crowley and book the book of the dead. My boy could also draw his ass off, I'm telling you the shit this kid could draw with just a regular bic pen was insane. He went to art school and promptly left telling them they couldnt teach him anything he didnt know. He had got a computer and got corel draw and started drawing designs, he was trying to start his own clothing label called INSTinc, he would take his pants apart to see how they where sewn together and then he went and got a sewing machine and started making his own clothes, I don't know how far off the ground he got, but some of the stuff he put together was amazing.

    Last I talked to him he was telling me he went to the local FBI office and was there yelling and screaming telling them something about someone was going to bomb the town, this was after 9/11 too, but they just calmly took his statement. I guess they may get alot of that.

    He had gotten big in to the Koran and told me he had taught himself how to read in Arabic so he could read it in its natural language. I know he scared the shit out of some Jehovah witnesses when they stopped by to talk religion. He had read everything from the bible, Buddha's teachings to the bagavagita. Fun guy to talk religion with.

    My friend back home said he had run into him not to long ago, I guess he is now a def jux freak and wants to be a rapper.

    fun kid to smoke with, and he had fat sacks.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    Is that Kid Rock? His career sure has sunk. Or depending how you look at it, selling tamales on the black market may be a step up

  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    Is that Kid Rock? His career sure has sunk. Or depending how you look at it, selling tamales on the black market may be a step up

    Dude, that's chingo bling

  • I knew this one kid, my boy introduced me to him and come to find out he lived right around the corner from me, so I would kick it with him on a regular basis, we actually became pretty tight. Anyway he was one of thou cats who jump around when he talked and flailed arms all over the place, he would talk to me about illuminati and the freemasons, he was always reading Aleister Crowley and book the book of the dead. My boy could also draw his ass off, I'm telling you the shit this kid could draw with just a regular bic pen was insane. He went to art school and promptly left telling them they couldnt teach him anything he didnt know. He had got a computer and got corel draw and started drawing designs, he was trying to start his own clothing label called INSTinc, he would take his pants apart to see how they where sewn together and then he went and got a sewing machine and started making his own clothes, I don't know how far off the ground he got, but some of the stuff he put together was amazing.

    Last I talked to him he was telling me he went to the local FBI office and was there yelling and screaming telling them something about someone was going to bomb the town, this was after 9/11 too, but they just calmly took his statement. I guess they may get alot of that.

    He had gotten big in to the Koran and told me he had taught himself how to read in Arabic so he could read it in its natural language. I know he scared the shit out of some Jehovah witnesses when they stopped by to talk religion. He had read everything from the bible, Buddha's teachings to the bagavagita. Fun guy to talk religion with.

    My friend back home said he had run into him not to long ago, I guess he is now a def jux freak and wants to be a rapper.

    fun kid to smoke with, and he had fat sacks.

    Where are you from? I think I know that kid, and he's nuts.

    Maybe not nuts, but he talks to damn much... gives me a headache. ANd those drawings... are they the psychedelic patterns done with gel pen?

    Haha... prolly not the same kid, but you described him to a T. Illuminati, Book of Thoth, Crowley, Masons, starting his own clothing brand, drawing patterns on his pants... smoking alot of dope. I think this happens to kids who do too much acid while exploring the occult or something.


  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I knew this one kid, my boy introduced me to him and come to find out he lived right around the corner from me, so I would kick it with him on a regular basis, we actually became pretty tight. Anyway he was one of thou cats who jump around when he talked and flailed arms all over the place, he would talk to me about illuminati and the freemasons, he was always reading Aleister Crowley and book the book of the dead. My boy could also draw his ass off, I'm telling you the shit this kid could draw with just a regular bic pen was insane. He went to art school and promptly left telling them they couldnt teach him anything he didnt know. He had got a computer and got corel draw and started drawing designs, he was trying to start his own clothing label called INSTinc, he would take his pants apart to see how they where sewn together and then he went and got a sewing machine and started making his own clothes, I don't know how far off the ground he got, but some of the stuff he put together was amazing.

    Last I talked to him he was telling me he went to the local FBI office and was there yelling and screaming telling them something about someone was going to bomb the town, this was after 9/11 too, but they just calmly took his statement. I guess they may get alot of that.

    He had gotten big in to the Koran and told me he had taught himself how to read in Arabic so he could read it in its natural language. I know he scared the shit out of some Jehovah witnesses when they stopped by to talk religion. He had read everything from the bible, Buddha's teachings to the bagavagita. Fun guy to talk religion with.

    My friend back home said he had run into him not to long ago, I guess he is now a def jux freak and wants to be a rapper.

    fun kid to smoke with, and he had fat sacks.

    Where are you from? I think I know that kid, and he's nuts.

    Maybe not nuts, but he talks to damn much... gives me a headache. ANd those drawings... are they the psychedelic patterns done with gel pen?

    Haha... prolly not the same kid, but you described him to a T. Illuminati, Book of Thoth, Crowley, Masons, starting his own clothing brand, drawing patterns on his pants... smoking alot of dope. I think this happens to kids who do too much acid while exploring the occult or something.


    I knew a dude who fit that to a T. He died of a brain hemmorage about a month ago.

    Everyone be careful what yo do yourself for real
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