Cheer me up people........

Im down.Recent developments with my current job are making me miserable here. This may sound ridiculous, but now I have even less to do here.What is the point of being here if i just sit and wait for things to break and occasionally cooridinate something.I currently have no artistic motivation to start anything here while I am doing nothing. I just may not move out of state. I wanted to, but I dont think it will happen. I got one last chance to make it work.I have a stupid dr. bill that I have to pay.And I have insurance. What is the point of having insurance if i have to pay.The venue that was going to host my monthly Hip hop/art show cancelled saying that they "decided they didnt want that element in there space"It is raining here, which isnt helping.I know people have it worse, and I shouldnt compain, but do you ever reach a point in your life and say "what am I doing? Am I wasting time?"Cheer me up, give me an mp3 or something. peace
Until then I give you
Marc Moulin's Humpty Dumpty
yes yes you do have a point..................
but that mp3 ahh nice and mellow. felt good.
yeah but he's probably still asleep.
check is in the mail...
Yeah I know, which is why i said, "I Know i shouldnt complain"
After the kiddo stops screaming and is fast asleep at night, I like to look at pics of her over the past 11 months to see how's she's grown... maybe throw on a heart felt tune.
This is my joint right now... a Staples Singers tune from 1981:
Staples Singers - Trippin on Your Love (6 megs)
Whoa that is awesome! Is that you jinxy?
Oh and There was no jab at you in the dr. bill reference..............
and yes thats me when i was a young tyke. probably a year or so.
theres not a lot of pictures of us as a family... just the three of us. this picture makes me happy...
anyway... hope your day brightens up and you stop being such a downer. snap out of it bitch and find me records!!!
and you know it did!
and frigtens me at the same time
I don't know exactly why, but this song always does it for me.
What color are his eyes?"
"I don't know he's always wearin' shades."
Speaking of how the kids have grown.....Everyone says "They grow up fast!". My response was always "ok whatever you say". But they do. They cruise. My son is 5 months old, he is not the same kid we brought home, it is amazing.
Never gave Staple Singers much of a chance barring one or two songs, that track is nice!.
nice. Catchy bouncy. Innocent.
Whoa that is awesome! Is that Papa Pepe[/b]?
I got yelled at last time.
i dont give a shit about anything...................
so yes safe.
You might not be depressed then. You might be a nihilist!