Star Wars figurines... who’s still got them?

who's *STILL* got their star wars figurines back from when they were a kid???mine were in storage at my moms, i had a yak face, han in carbonite, etc. and my brother sold them.... i was fuming.... i bought a collection cheap in the 90s but it just isn't the same... i remember mailing away for the nien numb figure...and i remember circling off the checklist and getting amped to go to k-mart on saturdays to cop a new figure (one a week)...pepsi japan have a pretty dope campaign at the moment with bottle tops with stormtroopers and that on it, bringing back the memories...peace.
I got 'em all - kept them brom back in the day & was careful with them, too. Those were the best action figures made...
the kenner packaging on the old toys was classic...
yup, this post motivated me to go find that box, i have more then i thought...i kept them so my kid can see the kind of shit we played with back in the day when hes watching dvds on the back of his eyelids
...and just becuase heman is
After Empire Strikes Back I stared putting them in freezer in a glass of water and it wasn't long before they started falling apart.
i could be totally wrong but i think kenner was george lucas's company.
Kenner went to General Mills in the 60s, then to Tonka, then Hasbro in the early 90s...Kenner Products died in 2000.
didnt mean to sound uppity. sorry if it seemed that way. all 3.
ohhh nah, totally didnt take it that way.
ORKO IS WACK!! Fuck that BS cartoon, it totally did not follow the original story form the comic books that came with the figures.
And yeah, I still got all my figures in storage - Star Wars, GI Joe, MOTU, Transformers - gonna have to break that out for some Ebay income...
fuck all them
but mossman is the shit. tough to scoop at thrift stores
that packaging brings back memories. i used to look at that shit for hours. i still know all those names: nien numb, admiral akbar, gamorean pig guards, hammerhead, snaggletooth, IG88, bosk, wampa, uggnauts, salicious crumb. who were the other dudes to send away for? annakin skywalker, nien numb, squidface? i was kinda dissapointed when i got annakin, he was old looking and corny in his jedi cloak. boo. bounty hunters were always the best...boba fett, hands down. also the princess leia figure with the mask (from ROTJ).
i picked a huge pile up fro ma buddy who was throwin g all his out!!!! replaced most of the ones i'd had but had broken.. and luckily he'd sent away for most of the mail in dudes too. so now my settup is pretty nice...
there's a really dope coffee table book my buddy has with a nice two page shot of all the figures lined up..
there's also some crazy prototype dudes too.
i always liked gi joes better because they had moveable limbs.
who has the darth vadar mask/case? I wish i still had that. in fact i wish i still had not opened all those figures and i would be selling them on ebay for $$$.
Yeah and you could hold the body and the legs and make it looked like they were pumping something... big fun...
That was my childhood right there.
Lately, I'm really diggin the Star Wars Kubrick figures. Pretty excited because the new series comes out today. Check 'em out...
Series 4:
Series 3:
Series 2:
Series 1:
Earlybird set:
blue snaggletooth raer
gijoe is gay. fuck the swivel grip bullshit. i faded out on action figures right before they hit hard anyway. i see those darth vader cases all the time at the flea markets. 5 bucks each usually.