
  • salviasalvia 279 Posts
    Ever heard of Patatje Oorlog?

    thats the way to go;

    Mayo+Peanut Sauce+Chopped Onions.

    Yup, that the best sauce.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    If the mayo is real, that is an emulsion of egg yolks and oil with a little acid, it's pretty damn good and goes well with tonnes of things, including fries. If the mayo is made in a factory or is anything other than egg yolks and oil, it's most definitely

    word...which brings us to aioli sauce on fries:


    Aioli (Proven??al Occitan alh??li[1], Catalan allioli) is a sauce made of garlic and olive oil. Normally egg is also added for ease of mixing. There are many variations, and one common one is to add mustard. In France, aioli is traditionally served with seafood, fish soup, and croutons. It is usually served at room temperature. The name aioli (alh??li) comes from Proven??al alh 'garlic' (< Latin allium) + ??li 'oil' (< Latin oleum).

    Aioli is, like mayonnaise, an emulsion or a suspension of small globules of oil and oil soluble compounds in water and water soluble compounds. Egg yolk is a commonly used emulsifier but mustard and garlic both have emulsion-producing properties. So, classic aioli is made without egg, though many aioli recipes use it.

    Emulsify yo fries! And then some malted vinegar! OH shit! MMMM.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    ever have these?

    "Men's Health magazine reports that the Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing appetizer is the Worst Food in America. With 2,900 calories, 182 grams of fat and 240 grams of carbs, this favorite starter is more than enough to satisfy your calorie requirements for an entire day."


    oh and on the mayo tip, roll with canola oil mayo. Its 50 cal a serving and has good fat in it. So you can get down with the mayo without clogging your arteries.

  • Thousand island or Bleu Cheese dressing.

    steak fries with feta dressing, please.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    Potato salad aint shit w/ out some muthafuckin Jar Mayo.

    And also the right amount of hard-boiled egg and grainy mustard.

  • I love french fries with a passion, or anything involving potatoes really. But i'd have to say I have never had mayo on my fries. Honeymustard or ketchup is preferred. But i mite have to try out some of the condiments listed in here. Japanese Mayo? whoa

  • i'm allergic to mayo so i'm not sure about that one. i do happen to manage a pizza joint in the western burbs of chicago. a big thing here now is ranch on pizza. to me thats nasty but once again, i'm allergic to ranch so who knows. i dip my fries in beef juice or buffalo sauce. bbq and ketchup are good as well.

  • Ranch on pizza has been a common thing in my neck of the woods (bay area, ca) for as long as i can remember.

  • Mayo is only good on artichokes

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    damn bunch of mayo monkeys on SS..shit

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    Ranch on pizza has been a common thing in my neck of the woods (bay area, ca) for as long as i can remember.

    That started in the NW during the early 90's.

  • bunch of mayo monkeys[/b] on SS

    Is this a white slur??? If not, it should be.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Mayo is good with salt and a light sprinkling of black pepper.

    Also I fucks with gravy on chips and am disappointed that no one has brought up the delights of curry and chips yet.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Around here you can buy fries at the roadside which normally are regular or sometimes sweet potatos fried in peanut oil. They are served on a piece of paper, sometimes a shred from a cement sack (food on the outside of the sack) or often a piece of lined paper with the week old homework of one of the cooks children scribbled all over it. The only topping of choice is "piment" which is a home made habanero pepper sauce that can include garlic, lime juice, palm oil, chopped onion and sometimes even small shredds of smoked and then fried fish. It's alway different, always really good and always so hot that you get tears in your eyes (and I'm well used to super-spicy stuff).

  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts
    Ha Ha they have tartare sauce in lots of places man not just belgium.
    Two words Japanese Mayo[/b]

    Haha, didn't know that! Always seems a bit of problem to get it in Amsterdam.

    Ever heard of Patatje Oorlog?

    thats the way to go;

    Mayo+Peanut Sauce+Chopped Onions.

    Yeah man, that's it. How do you know about this?

    We're fellow country men Markus!

    ok dan.
    eiburgh snacks. patatje stoofvlees met sambal.

  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts

    i'm sick of eating rice and noodles man, i need more fries in my life.

    i miss the Aussie cornerstore fries with chicken salt!

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    curry sauce with the fries =

  • Mayo is only good in mashed potatoes.

    That just sounds wrong. A potatoe salad maybe, but mash??

    Try it. I honestly didn't know my mom was putting it in there until I got older. If I would have known..I would have quit eating them(as stupid as that sounds). Now, it's a MUST.

  • gambitgambit 906 Posts
    so no one vouches for the chili cheese fry variety?

  • I do

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    Around here you can buy fries at the roadside which normally are regular or sometimes sweet potatos fried in peanut oil. They are served on a piece of paper, sometimes a shred from a cement sack (food on the outside of the sack) or often a piece of lined paper with the week old homework of one of the cooks children scribbled all over it. The only topping of choice is "piment" which is a home made habanero pepper sauce that can include garlic, lime juice, palm oil, chopped onion and sometimes even small shredds of smoked and then fried fish. It's alway different, always really good and always so hot that you get tears in your eyes (and I'm well used to super-spicy stuff).

    sweet potato fries

  • Ranch on pizza has been a common thing in my neck of the woods (bay area, ca) for as long as i can remember.

    That started in the NW during the early 90's.

    i remember high school friends doing sloppin' ranch on thier pizza hut buffet pizza in the scarcely populated texas panhandle in the late 80's, so you might wanna redraw your timeline.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Mayo is only good in mashed potatoes.

    That just sounds wrong. A potatoe salad maybe, but mash??

    Try it. I honestly didn't know my mom was putting it in there until I got older. If I would have known..I would have quit eating them(as stupid as that sounds). Now, it's a MUST.

    I think I might have to.

    A good mashed potatoe is hard to beat. I've been perfecting my technique, you get real good results from baking the potatoes, and using a sieve to break them down, instead of a masher. It goes real creamy.
    Damn I'm hungry now.

  • Salt & Sauce:
    Vinnegar/Ketchup/Brown Sauce.

    Auld Reekie ken the deal.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    I'm not so mad at mayo on principle, it's just that I find that it's a condiment that should remain cool at all times. On a hamburger or fries it gets warm and to me that's just bleccccchhhhhhh. On a cold turkey sammich with some lettuce and tomato? I've been known to fucks with that.

    Anyone in the Chicago area been to Submarine Tender in Forest Park on Des Plaines and Randolph? They have these butter and garlic fries that are greasy as hell and will wreck your breath for literally days, but they are so good. So good.

  • Not to distract from the mayo theme, but i saw some cats bring up hot sauce. Who rides for this variety? Maybe not on fries but in general:

    Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce

  • edubedub 715 Posts
    Not to distract from the mayo theme, but i saw some cats bring up hot sauce. Who rides for this variety? Maybe not on fries but in general:

    Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce

    yeah, yeah - Cock sauce is good on some noodles and stuff, but on my fries I want RANCH DRESSING, MAHFUKKA!!

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts

    A good mashed potatoe is hard to beat. I've been perfecting my technique, you get real good results from baking the potatoes, and using a sieve to break them down, instead of a masher. It goes real creamy.
    Damn I'm hungry now.

    When I was vegan I did them with coconut milk, and they came out really nice. Finely shredded carrots are a must in mashed potatoes.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    Ranch on pizza has been a common thing in my neck of the woods (bay area, ca) for as long as i can remember.

    That started in the NW during the early 90's.

    ive seen mayo on pizza alot in quebec and it has mad ewant to puke often

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    My friend's grandmother actually invented ranch dressing. Sold the recipe to Best Foods or one of those big companies for a royalty. Needless to say, no one in that family needs to work.

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