Seriously. This shit will not be fucked with during 2008. Call your local record store and demand that they stock it. Be modern and buy the mp3s on the BBE website. Listen to the soundclips, this is no joke. 70s styled disco recorded the way they did it in the 70s. I cannot recommend this enough.'s a mixed sampler of some of the tracks: Kent presents The Million Dollar Orchestra.[/b]Al Kent was born in Scotland. His father was an avid record collector and had a cabinet full of them. And Whisky. Everything from Abba and Elvis to the Glitter Band and Buddy Holly was in there. What a load of shit they were.
In 1976 Al ran away from home to live in New York. Here, at the age of 8 he started attending the Loft and hanging out with Nicky Siano and a whole bunch of cool New York DJs with Italian names. In 1978 he was arrested for possession of PCP while guesting at Better Days with Tee Scott and deported back to Glasgow, where his dad was now getting into a bit more David Essex. He was shit too.
So Al opened his own club in Glasgow, based on his experiences in New York. With his pocket money he flew Richard Long over to kit it out and had Walter Gibbons DJ at the opening party.
since then he's bought lots of records, done the deejaying in lots of places, and recorded an orchestra too.
For the full story of The Million Dollar Orchestra see the biography, in short the album was recorded in the traditional way, mostly one take, in an analogue studio. The Sound is rich , lush, string laden, beautiful disco music, full of joy with phenomenal musicianship. It is Al Kent???s biography told in Music.Al is currently working with Lynn from Ebonycuts on a time machine. This project should be completed soon, at which point the two will travel back in time and buy lots of records."Al Kent has managed to recreate the modern soul meets backstreet disco sound he loves with amazing authenticity." - Joey Negro ...more info

You mean disco-disconnected?
Yes, we're in 2008. uh.
Anyone know if there' an instrumental Shalimar's "make that move" btw?
Al kent is serious. The man of a million shite either.Real down to earth guy as well....check out my blog, that i have not updated since 1867... for pics on the party he does in the uk.
For those that feel as if its 2008 and this has no relevance.....ummmm last i checked all the heads that were playing common sense bitch in you 12"s 2 yrs ago are now jocking disco.
Disco is huge...shits its been huge, daft punk , dimitri from paris maybe ? All this house/ electro bloggery that goes on...this shit is it in its purest from. Breaks galore on this shit as well...analog , real band, recorded in a barn. Shit is the truth. You may even see a tom moulton remix off of this.
Be on the look out for more disco heat as well as some african niceness from amir and i ...on off track vol 2
in april.
You serious? Please to explain.
Can we PLEASE get a "This post is underrated" graemlin?
I promise, next time I won't give my opinion.
Disco is old.
Daft Punk ain't disco!! They're something new, electro something... whatever the name is, shit is new, and it's not disco. This is
This BBE project is not my cup of tea, I don't listen to MFSB or the Ritchie Family so I won't listen to that shit. I hate that groove, I hate that open hi-hat, I hate those violins, I hate that SOUND.
(this is only my point of view)
And BBE...
Danny Krivit lives on at 718 Sessions
New parties and DJs springing up all the time
There is a large audience and following, the trade in disco 12"s has never been better
Whenever I DJ I can throw down some loft classics and rest assured that people will jam to it.
donna summer open high hat disco cokehead commercial shit or dirt magirt nyc rawness that started hip hop disco?
the two are definately NOT the same, just like saying "Rap Music". It could mean anything from mantornix to hammer to 2pac to Brand Nubian.
I love some incarnations of Disco and modern and absolutely abhor others.
Most italo sounds like circus music to me.
BIG international genre.
I respect the dude, I understand the effort but I prefer -for example- the work of Jeremy Ellis which is different from my point of view.
And I'm not talking about Rap.
There's no real "commercial vs. underground" disco debate... it's more like good vs. bad
major label disco, even big hits, can go over at the right party... you can't diss MFSB and then turn around and say "well I like Cloud One" well I mean you could say that but it's kind of missing the forest for the trees.
We are not talking about Rick Dees Disco Duck
We are talking about The Hollies "Draggin My Heels"
Fine line
this is kind of a stupid post no offense
so much amazing disco is COKEHEAD COMMERCIAL SHIT and so much shitty disco is 'dirt magirt nyc rawness.' Listen to a levan mix and you hear 'corny' Cher tracks bumping up against "the classics." lots of boring-ass disco comps, the disco reedits thing is sounding kind of fresh but theres also a lot (lot lot lot) of boring trip-hoppy disco bullshit going on too, real tasteful and miles away from COKEHEAD COMMERCIAL but also miles away from being actually interesting
trendiness of disco is real weird, i got into it + house music thru the huge parties in grant park they were having a couple years ago which felt real fresh and honest but now its becoming 'trendy,' kind of disheartening
i know, i know "i am not a hipster lol"
i say i like disco and ppl ask me what my favorite italians do it better release is o_O
(the answer is that remix of 'last night a dj saved my life' )
but no that shit never disappeared you tards
im just going to start buying up two step records
Could someone remove the violins? I can't let anyone know I listen to disco.
disco IS old...what do you think disco is ? its dance music...played in discoteques. sampling disco/ boogie records would make one.....kinda disco right ?
opinions are welcome. but dont get it sounds like your one of these kids that has to be spoonfed disco loops with big drums just so it sounds "new " to you. what do you think makes up a daft punk ? youve been tricked.
just cuz theres a booming 808 over it dont really make it new to me...i know the formula...and thats what it takes to get the kids to eat it. deconstruct it and what do you end up with ?
all this electro sounding shit is so far from "new".. all the sounds are retro. for the most part its only difference is theres no band..and al kent has got ACTUAL HUMANS playing all the parts..whens the last time you heard an idie project sounding raw with real orchestration ?
since you hate this sound...i take it you dont dance.
its like you can actually see the gap opening up before you ... 'tasteful' disco fans vs. 'dudes the kids love it u old man!' house/electro heads!!!
"dont you get it, he uses REAL INSTRUMENTS!!!"
"get with the times, dude, progress has been made!!! the sounds of 90s french filter house ripoffs of chicago house crossed with release the beast sample from 'robot rock' is the FUTURE!!!"
We are all in the same gang