Diggin' Advice In India

Hey, im off to India, Goa this Saturday (will be visiting other parts of the country), ive never been abroad looking for records so this is my first time, i have little knowledge of Indian music and wonderd if any of you can give me some tips on what to look for?Thanks alot.
no idea sorry, maybe somewhere in margao? probably bombay would be the best bet, let me know how the trip is, im headed there in the summer! goan musicians are the ish, my gramps was one.
I don't know bollywood music much. I know a little bit about Hindustani classical, and less about Karnatik classical, but any titles in these genres should be worth buying as the caliber of professional classical musicians is usually stellar..
no surprise - not raer at all. same goes for most of the usual suspects (like Burman).
anyway, the basic rules:
- do not expect to find record shops
- condition is a serious issue
- ask around and pay for advice
- if you have any local friends or family:
- do not waste to much time finding records
At least from my expericence the bigger cities are rather dry as many many "diggers" tried to find records in Mumbai, Delhi and the like. Prices can be quite ridiculous in these areas as well. I had a good time in smaller cities, especially in the east and among the big ones Kolkata kicks ass.
When i come back i'll inform you on my findings if there are any.
Tata Nano, the $2500 car
Daamn! $2500? How much for an older Mr. Bean car then? I have to get one stateside pronto
Ha, that's funny, a friend of mine was digging in India last year and one of the things he said was that Boney M was huge in India.
when i was in goa in '94, my cousins took me to these things called "Beach Shows" where local bands would place concerts outside...mostly covers. the funny thing was at the time, it was practically mandatory that a band did a cover of at least one Ace of Base tune (usually "I saw the sign"), one Inner Circle song (the one that goes "push it along some more allala llala la la la" was really popular) and they'd always play "sleeping in my car" by roxette...before i even heard of the roxette song original, and ever since i've loved that roxette song. i remember a couple of times when a band wouldnt play an inner circle song and they started launching beer bottles at the stage. Goans don't fuck around.
the funny thing was i was mainly into hip hop back then, and virtually no rock at all. my cousins were into freakn metallica and GnR and sheit and i didnt even listen to that. i mentioned that i like a few songs by nirvana, and they looked at me like
"isn't that like devil death music?"
haha good times, i can't wait to go back in a few months, its been a while!
ps: dude, while you are in goa, make sure you indulge in "Caju fenni". a really potent alcohol that goes great with Limca (the NDN version of gingerale). awesome drink, im gonna load up on that. our canadian liquor store organization once had the alcohol available through special order but then banned it cause they couldn't regulate the alcohol content!
I'm getting fed up of CD ONLY NO LP HAHA NONE 20 YEARS.
Pissing me off but ill try harder seen as im here for an extra week now.
Ive even put an add in the local news paper!
And that has had some promising things to come off it, ill keep you updated peace.
It's a great track and that clip is hilarious. Clever moves!
Tamil movie "Ellam Inba Mayam" from 1981
Surely "Chup Kar Chutiye", Chutiye!
Be careful with the "Lund Chus"...
not cool
She asked her Indian colleague, "can you find me some records for my man?"
Wifey stay down
The End
An infinite amount times more than your sorry ass. "Ra ra rasputinz"