Anybody stoked for the American Gladiators show? looking forward to seeing people get their box rocked. Premiers this Sunday night on NBC. 9/8PM Central. Check local listings for times."Half a million gallons of water!"

- spidey
"Go back to bed America, here's American Gladiators. Here's 56 channels of it. Watch these pituitary retards bang their fuckin skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom."
Turbo, Nitro,Thunder,Laser,Blaze.......
awesome...i thought of the exact same bill hicks line....
next up---'whatcha readin for??'
realtime update:
Militia, Fury, Siren, Justice, Venom, Stealth, Woooooooooooolf, and the awesome..HELLGA!
yeah excited to watch she warriors & steroid meat heads do their thing n T.V.
Or, maybe lower-thirds for your Gladiators?
this is comically bad.
i should not be excited about this show but i think i will turn on the tv now...
Yeah I'm not really feeling the closeup cameras, but the ref is the same ref from Dodgeball, which is awesome!
Glad the filipina won the first round, but that seemed mad scripted. The commentator sucks, too.