Driving Music
315 Posts
Since your $200 raers dubbed onto CD-R's aren't too applicable to be listening to in the car, what's your favorite music to drive to?
That statement ain't necessarily true.
My favorite car driving song is "Achilles Last Stand" by Led Zeppelin.
Love me some raers whilst driving tho............
That's all I listen to in the car (aside from satellite). I also have about 100 CDRs on the shelf over my desk at work. Rocking the burnt raers 24/7...
almost only rap, but some mixes and other blazing mopey music on occasion
ashy to classy
On a side note, I can't understand why people who love music are content listening to it on their bullshit 1988 Civic sound systems. Instead of buying a few raers, invest that money in upgrading those clock-radio speakers & 10-watt radio, and listen to the music in the manner which it was intended. You'll be happy you did. (Note: ignore the above advice if you're pushing a luxury car already -- my apologies.)
As previously stated in an earlier thread, this has been almost on lock in the ride since getting my donation goodies package (nosuckup).
This, a burn of my Best of Kool & the Gang (1971 ed) LP - which is not a $300 raer but makes for some driving music - and a Roy Ayers 2 CD comp are my summer driving soundtrack so far. Oh, and I keep all of my hip hop CD's in the car. Critical Beatdown gets the most play.
this + soul glo (sup undertheradar, you done yet???) + cash play = very RADD modern soul boogie r&b 80's soul party for days
reissues then
this was my travelin soundtrack last week. it's great in curves..
Devin the Dude seems to cruise rather nicely.
As well as lots and lots of reggae.
But I usely make mix-cd's of stuff I dont really know, to check out while driving.
i drove to colorado from virginia a few months back and did that and since then, i always have it on shuffle mode. i created a smart playlist that only plays songs that have been played only a certain amount of times, so that way i never listen to the same song twice for a very long time. unless of course i want to...
("the rototoms is tellin the story!")