general health strut: digestive enzymes



  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    That's a lot of people in one place to have the same ailment...?

    Wheat was accidentally created by renegade scientists from another planet aka the Devil.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    That's a lot of people in one place to have the same ailment...?

    Wheat was accidentally created by renegade scientists from another planet.

    Same planet that is responsible for nuts?

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    That's a lot of people in one place to have the same ailment...?

    Wheat was accidentally created by renegade scientists from another planet.

    Same planet that is responsible for nuts?

    ...and white people!

  • Besides what has been already stated, I would suggest looking into yoga and alternative forms of medicine. There are many breathing exercises to do that will aid in getting rid of foul gases from your body. If you will like to try this, consider looking up 'Nauli Kriya' and 'Uddiyana Bandha'. These exercises should be done regularily.

    Chinese medicine is also good to look into. The lungs and digestive system are directly related, so if you are having skin, breathing, or allergy problems in addition to your stomach issues, it may be wise to look into some herbal treatment. Look up 'Dampness' in relation to Chinese medicine for more information on this. Metabolic heat is also directly related to this. I do not know the difficulty of finding a Chinese medicine practioner outside of Ontario (Canada), but asking a lot of questions and checking back on the internet and books may help to verify their authenticity.

    Wheat, meats, and dairy are thought to further digestive problems. Fruit, juice, and other sugary foods may also be a bad choice. Good foods are vegetables such as kale, sea weed, bok choy, carrots, lettuce, celery, and barley. Ginger is also good for digestive problems, but too much ginger can cause an excess of heat.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Ginger is also good for digestive problems, but too much ginger can cause an excess of heat.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    on yogurt, and ginger. Also add papaya.

    You should really look into a macrobiotic diet. It may sound loopy, but if you can hook up with a dietician who really knows what they're doing ti will probably solve your problems as eating macrobtiotic is all about balancing your ph intake. Up with your basics, anad down with your acids.

  • After reading this post yesterday, I stopped and bought this on my way home from work yesterday.

    I read it last night and for the most part, it makes sense (untill he starts throwing "god" in the mix).

    I plan on starting next Monday.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    I plan on starting next Monday.

    I did Master Cleanse for 6 days last year. I felt great afterwards. My sense of smell was heightened, I had a lot of energy, and I didn't lose any muscle weight.

    The fasting was easier than I would have expected, and my GI tract was pretty scoured out after a few days. No insane compacted fecal ropes or paperclips from 1982.

    My recommendation is that you supplement the master cleanse with some fresh juices, herbal tea, and vegetable broth. Same effect but with a greater variety of flavor and nutrition. After almost a week of only lemonade and sugar my teeth and stomach felt pretty messed up from the acidity.

    I'll probably do another fast this year on that template - 50% master cleanse, 50% tea, broth, and juice. I started one in July but I had done a 10-hour flight the day before and I caught a cold.

  • I plan on starting next Monday.

    I did Master Cleanse for 6 days last year. I felt great afterwards. My sense of smell was heightened, I had a lot of energy, and I didn't lose any muscle weight.

    The fasting was easier than I would have expected, and my GI tract was pretty scoured out after a few days. No insane compacted fecal ropes or paperclips from 1982.

    My recommendation is that you supplement the master cleanse with some fresh juices, herbal tea, and vegetable broth. Same effect but with a greater variety of flavor and nutrition. After almost a week of only lemonade and sugar my teeth and stomach felt pretty messed up from the acidity.

    Did you do the Salt Water Wash thing every day?

    What juices or teas do you recommend? (Brands, types, amounts, etc...)

    What exactly is vegetable broth? What vegetables do you use?

    No fecal ropes - Damn, I really wanted to hold mine up and take a pic of it using the rabbit ears from my TV. Maybe use it for a flyer.

    I plan on going for 5 days (maybe 6 depending on how I feel) at first. Sad as it may sound, my biggest worry or temptaion would be being at my weekly and not being able to say no to a drink.

    How was your reacclamation to solid food? Is it as hard as the book claims or did you just go out and get a Philly Cheese Steak?

    Thanks for the insight?

  • bthavbthav 1,538 Posts
    i swear by fenugreek. this has saved me multiple times in india. my american raised stomach just cant handle it.

    mixe 2 tablespoons of dried fenugreek and yogurt in the morning on an empty stomach.

    its either some auyervedic shit or some old south indian home remedy... works for sure.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts

    Please try elimination before you add anything.

    This is good advice. That and talk to people that actually know what the hell they are talking about because, contrary to popular opinion, being an expert on records doesn't necessarily make you an expert on assholes.


    PS I just said that.

  • Not so much stomach ensyme related but ive been on some dieting and exercising more recently (walking about 2 miles a day already, added push ups, pull ups and sit ups in the morning) almost gone completely vegetarian except for turkey on t-givings its been a couple months. Lost some weight and dropped a pants size so i think its been pretty successful.

    I dropped sugar (save for whats in some light yogurt, which is really alot when you look at it). Still cant give up the coffee, but i cut out any sugar and use a splash of skim milk. have a beer or two about every other night, possibly more on weekends. Seriously cut back on smoking, maybe 2 a day, hoping to quit totally eventually.

    Things I eat almost exclusively, give or take a few things here and there:

    Nonfat yogurt
    kashi golean cereal
    broccoli (tons)
    asparagus with almonds and lemon juice
    collard greens (probably not as good for you canned but the low sodium glory foods is off the charts, im probably on two cans a week with a splash of hot sauce)
    mixed lettuce
    an egg (occasionally, like on top of some kim chee bokkeum bap)
    whole wheat pita
    morningstar farms vegetable patties
    goya black beans
    rice (occasionally)
    fat free mozzerella
    an apple almost every day
    portabello mushrooms
    Kim Chee (used to work at a korean restaraunt and learned all about the healthy properties of this stuff, not for everyone but i think it tastes great, and has some macrobiotic properties)
    sri racha sauce
    lots and lots of water and the occasional fresh vegetable juice from the health store.

    since you guys seem pretty knowledgable about this stuff any suggestions on what to add/take away for healthy weight loss/general health would be appreciated. Probably not going to go as far as a colonic just some reasonable stuff I can add into my day. Been thinking about adding some capsule vitamins to help out, not sure what to take though.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Did you do the Salt Water Wash thing every day?

    Yeah, the salt water flush is the most important part. The goal of the cleanse is to keep your digestive system moving without adding any new food, so that anything stuck in there gets cleaned out.

    The laxative tea at bedtime relaxes your system, the bentonite and psyllium add bulk to keep your intestines moving, and the salt water just blasts it all out.
    It's kind of disgusting to chug a quart of salt water, but you get used to it after a couple days.

    The old Hawaiians used to do similar cleanses as part of their medicine system. Two weeks of half sea water, half fresh water. Like these ladies:

    What juices or teas do you recommend? (Brands, types, amounts, etc...)

    Ideally you should get a juicer and do all fresh juices. I do mixes of whatever is in season and sounds good. Lots of apple juice, bell pepper, carrot, grapefruit, celery, ginger, starfruit. If you do bottled juices, I'd just make sure that it's something with no corn syrup.

    For teas, anything with no caffeine. I drank a lot of peppermint, roiboos, and ginger.

    What exactly is vegetable broth? What vegetables do you use?

    Basically vegetable tea... throw some carrots, onions, cilantro, celery, and salt and pepper into a pot and boil it for a bit. Then strain out the vegetables and drink the liquid.

    Juice, tea, and broth all give you variety while you're fasting. You get some flavor, maybe a little more nutrition, and since it's all liquid you're not interrupting the flush. It just makes the experience more pleasant.

    No fecal ropes - Damn, I really wanted to hold mine up and take a pic of it using the rabbit ears from my TV. Maybe use it for a flyer.

    I dunno dude, it really depends on what kind of food you've been eating!

    I plan on going for 5 days (maybe 6 depending on how I feel) at first. Sad as it may sound, my biggest worry or temptaion would be being at my weekly and not being able to say no to a drink.

    I was pretty active the whole time - driving to work, 9-5, exercise, and I did a few dj gigs too. I felt kind of naked being in the club without a drink in my hand. I just ordered cranberry and sodas all night. As long as I had something to sip it was satisfying.

    How was your reacclamation to solid food? Is it as hard as the book claims or did you just go out and get a Philly Cheese Steak?

    Not too bad. I think I had soup for the first meal and then ate vegetarian for the first day. I don't think you need a three-day reacclimation but I wouldn't go out and get a burger first thing.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts

    since you guys seem pretty knowledgable about this stuff any suggestions on what to add/take away for healthy weight loss/general health would be appreciated. Probably not going to go as far as a colonic just some reasonable stuff I can add into my day. Been thinking about adding some capsule vitamins to help out, not sure what to take though.
    i made this post a while ago. scroll down
    good eatin

    ive been following my own advice for the last month and ive already dropped lots of weight, added lots of muscle and feel great. I lift 3 times a week do abwork and all my large muscle groups like back, legs, chest, arms. i dont go crazy, i do circuit sets, like mow through ten exercises with a 30 sec break in between each exercise, then do it all again. the exercise consist of bench presses, leg extensions, military presses, about two or three solid ones per muscle group. The abwork out works out each section of the abs which is like 5 exercises.

    if you really want a great book on nutrition and how to eat right with the workout check this book out.

    abs diet
    its written by the editor of mens health and is very informative and will change the way you think about eating. changed my life as corny as that sounds.

  • Yeah, thats some serious advice in the other thread! thanks! unfortunately time is a huge issue for me (as in not enough of it) so im concentrating more on diet and simple at home excercise early morning possibly after work for some weight training. Most of my commute is walking, plus ive been walking 6 flights of stairs about 3 times a day plus lots of stretching.

    Im really want to get that wii fit board when it comes out. If it works that might be a cool way to get some moderate excercise each day. apparently it puts you on a schedule and even keeps track of your bmi for you. crazy.

    Thanks for the tips!

  • Wow, that's a wealth of helpful info. I really need to get with a more long term healthy diet. I'm used to eating whatever I want but since my activity levels have dropped, my health has begun to deteriorate somewhat. I get bad headaches, succumb more easily to stress, have bad mood swings and my digestive system is unpredictable.

    These suggestions are really good. Thanks a lot! I'm gonna try that master cleanse again. Couldn't get past day three last time I tried.
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