
PABLOPABLO 1,921 Posts
edited November 2007 in Strut Central
The newest term spreading though Soul Strut like wildfire!"Cosine" can kick rocks (two snaps & a neck roll).Get familiar:a??gree ???verb (used without object)1. to have the same views, emotions, etc.; harmonize in opinion or feeling (often fol. by with): I don't agree with you.2. to give consent; assent (often fol. by to): He agreed to accompany the ambassador. Do you agree to the conditions?3. to live in concord or without contention; get along together.4. to come to one opinion or mind; come to an arrangement or understanding; arrive at a settlement: They have agreed on the terms of surrender.5. to be consistent; harmonize (usually fol. by with): This story agrees with hers.6. to correspond; conform; resemble (usually fol. by with): The play does not agree with the book.7. to be suitable; comply with a preference or an ability to digest (usually fol. by with): The food did not agree with me.8. Grammar. to correspond in inflectional form, as in number, case, gender, or person; to show agreement. In The boy runs, boy is a singular noun and runs agrees with it in number.???verb (used with object)9. to concede; grant (usually fol. by a noun clause): I agree that he is the ablest of us.10. Chiefly British. to consent to or concur with: We agree the stipulations. I must agree your plans.


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